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400 Girls Schools in Swat Shutdown

thats what happen when we kill our own people that is so sad ? we are all just a pupets of Americans and Americans are pupets of Israel
I think that what GoP must do is stop crying hoarse on imminent Indian attack where there is none ....QUOTE]

Mate the threat was real, and in light of that what you really wanted Pakistani forces to do? Sit and wait in their bunkers to find out if Indians media hype, troop mobilisation, air incursions etc etc were just a hoax or real? While we were getting threats from left, right and centre, it was necessary to move the forces…..

I admit that there is lot of mess in our north to be taken care of but the times after the Mumbai attacked needed an equal attention too….Hope that with war clouds fading away, the effort will be back where its required….
I think that what GoP must do is stop crying hoarse on imminent Indian attack where there is none ....QUOTE]

Mate the threat was real, and in light of that what you really wanted Pakistani forces to do? Sit and wait in their bunkers to find out if Indians media hype, troop mobilisation, air incursions etc etc were just a hoax or real? While we were getting threats from left, right and centre, it was necessary to move the forces…..

I admit that there is lot of mess in our north to be taken care of but the times after the Mumbai attacked needed an equal attention too….Hope that with war clouds fading away, the effort will be back where its required….
It wont be easy for the Pak army or any other army to Fight an asymmetrical warfare. Its hell out there, Must admit that the Soldiers fighting there are the bravest souls ever. Its a hard battle, but a battle to be won at all costs for the sake of humanity.
I think that what GoP must do is stop crying hoarse on imminent Indian attack where there is none, withdraw the troops it has amassed opposite the Indian Akhnoor Sector and use them with the firepower it has at its disposal in these areas.

The Indians violated Pakistan's airspace so there was a threat from the Indian side. I think the international community should convince India to stay out of Pakistan's business so Pakistan can fight the War on Terror on border areas near Afghanistan.
I think that what GoP must do is stop crying hoarse on imminent Indian attack where there is none ....QUOTE]

Mate the threat was real, and in light of that what you really wanted Pakistani forces to do? Sit and wait in their bunkers to find out if Indians media hype, troop mobilisation, air incursions etc etc were just a hoax or real? While we were getting threats from left, right and centre, it was necessary to move the forces…..

I admit that there is lot of mess in our north to be taken care of but the times after the Mumbai attacked needed an equal attention too….Hope that with war clouds fading away, the effort will be back where its required….

well with the cold start ..... it definitely gave PA a cold it seems ..... I mean I thought you had the senses to realise that cold start is all nonstarter? Indian strike corps are sitting in their peace time locations, have not moved save for those on winter exercises ..... I had just visited meerut on my vacations and I saw both the divs sitting and lazying there ..... and they are strike corps ...... to move them will take minimum 3 weeks if GoI gives all the resources for same .......

and to comit to strikes, Indians didnt. That would have forced GoI to act this time, something they cant do .... and its not because of lack of military might ,........ more of what PA can do none can .... and I think PA is in the best position to remove Taliban once and for all ..... and finish it permanently ..... if it has the will for it that is ......... and i surely hope the indians have the sense to know that ........ which is ....... hopeful at best seeing the politicians :woot:

this was quite disturbing though ..... what are your views on this?

DailyMuslims - Pakistani Soldiers Surrender to Taliban, 48 Released Soldiers Confirm

It wont be easy for the Pak army or any other army to Fight an asymmetrical warfare. Its hell out there, Must admit that the Soldiers fighting there are the bravest souls ever. Its a hard battle, but a battle to be won at all costs for the sake of humanity.

hats off to PA soldiers who are defending their homes and country ...... its a tough terrain and thankless job

my best wishes and warm salutations to the PA soldiers and officers and their families over this:pakistan::tup:
The Indians violated Pakistan's airspace so there was a threat from the Indian side. I think the international community should convince India to stay out of Pakistan's business so Pakistan can fight the War on Terror on border areas near Afghanistan.

only thing i find the violation thing too flimsy .... how come news was on air in 3 mins of it happening? strange .....
In my view this is the result of Pakistan wasting all her energy on issues not related to Pakistan and giving no attention to her own internal development and social issues. Need to come out of Indo-phobia and work on Pakistan, else things will get more and more difficult.


I agree with you to a point,Pakistan needs to ease tenstion with India and focus once and for all on dealing with militantcy and mullerism. However military operations alone will not win this war, and it a war for all Pakistani's. This situation should never have come about, all the previous governments military and civil, have not moved to make these tribal/ autonamous areas under fedral government control which we are now paying for.Or helped them in development, The Taliban are taking Pakistan back a 100 years, why the PAF dnt carry out airstrikes against them i do not know. It is a sad time in Pakistan difficult history and needs a firm response from the government and the military.

Everyone in Pakistan no matter faith, race, class, etc has the right to education under the law and GOD. So Pakistani's need to stand together against these savages who wish to Pakistan back to the stone age.
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