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400+ 155mm Howitzers for INDIAN ARMY

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from where hav u got such riiculous news ,,, give proper link before talking
from where hav u got such riiculous news ,,, give proper link before talking

Its not a riddiculous news. IA has been in search 155 howitzers to replace its Bofors FH 77 howitzers, this has been going on for i dont know how many years. IA had selected Denel but then it got booted out due to corruption scandal. They are again going to conduct gun trials (not sure when).

If i remember correctly,

IA is planning on inducting 400 155mm towed (or truck mounted as per latest reports) howitzers - Firms competing are Bofors & Soltam. Denel and Singapore technologies got kicked out.

IA is planning on inducting 200 ultra light 115mm howitzers. Firms competing are Bofors & Soltam. Denel and Singapore technologies got kicked out.

Indian is not going to any far , these are pending upgradations and god knows when it will be done.
is this true 400+ howitzers for indian army that to 155mm

is india going for war or something !!!

Agreed. India is getting prepared to go for a war to accomplish its Akhand Bharat (which includes the entire Asia) mission.
Agreed. India is getting prepared to go for a war to accomplish its Akhand Bharat (which includes the entire Asia) mission.

The first salvo would definitely land on the very ground you are resting your posterior on! You should have said a "Hindoo Akhand Bharat". Tool!
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