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4 Pakistani Soldiers killed, 25 injured in Suicide attack in North Waziristan.


most useless country..... can't even defeat a tine country like Israel forget Israel they can't even defeat TTP clowns.....

getting owned as always :lol:

How about a little graciousness and apt modicum of civility when dealing with a thread about the death of men who were doing their duty and shall never now return to their families. Dushmani me bhi sharaafat aur tehezeeb.
Suicide attack kills four soldiers in North Waziristan.
Updated 2013-12-18 19:17:44

MIRANSHAH: At least four soldiers were killed and 25 wounded when a suicide bomber rammed his explosive-laden car into a military checkpoint in Pakistan's troubled northwest on Wednesday, security officials said.

The attack came in the Mir Ali area of Miranshah, the main town in the North Waziristan tribal region, a hub for Taliban and Al-Qaeda linked militants on the Afghan border.

“Four security officials embraced shahadat (martyrdom) and 25 were wounded when a suicide bomber hit his explosive-laden car into the mosque of Khajori checkpoint, some three kilometres east of Miranshah,” a security official told AFP.

“The soldiers were offering prayers at the time of the blast,” the official said.

No group immediately claimed responsibility for the attack.

The umbrella Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan faction and al-Qaeda linked militants have led a bloody campaign against the Pakistani state in recent years, carrying out hundreds of attacks on security forces and government targets, concentrated largely in the northwest.

Suicide attack kills four soldiers in North Waziristan - DAWN.COM

4 killed, 25 injured in suicide attack on checkpost in NW Pakistan - Xinhua | English.news.cn

May the men rest in Peace and achieve Jannah...

LMAO......dear you already did the greatest mistake by conducting 26/11.... :)

your country is a big mouth....we fear nukes? naaaaaaa just a few cluster bombs in pakistan and u wannabe arabs will shift to afghanistan :lol:

first of all invest in some English lessons, secondly 26/11 was admittedly a false falg modelled after Northwood, that is an Indian officails statement, secondly do you even know what a cluster bomb is, thirdly you are in place to make claims of such bravado as to forcing us to leave our country.....
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Is it just a coincidence that the attack occurred days after Pakistani officials informed the U.S. that there would be no offensive against the Talibs in N. Wazirstan? Why shouldn't the terrorists attack, then, as they have no fear of retaliation?

A military that treats its soldiers as sitting ducks - what kind of respect should one have for its generals? Or is the civilian government that should be blamed nowadays?
Very sad to hear that ....i hope you burn alll the TTP scum.....my prayers go with the dead
Allah bless our fallen. Total liquidation of these savages is the only solution.
Is it just a coincidence that the attack occurred days after Pakistani officials informed the U.S. that there would be no offensive against the Talibs in N. Wazirstan? Why shouldn't the terrorists attack, then, as they have no fear of retaliation?

A military that treats its soldiers as sitting ducks - what kind of respect should one have for its generals? Or is the civilian government that should be blamed nowadays?

The attacks are from taliban who were ousted from SWA, and for certain reasons which are known the military is not taking action against them for now. But these specific Taliban are trying their best to make the military take action thus they have increased their attacks to make the military do a hasty reaction. But be assured NWA will see some action, but there is some time in it.
...these specific Taliban are trying their best to make the military take action thus they have increased their attacks to make the military do a hasty reaction.
In other words, after over a decade of conflict the Pakmil still has no contingency plan to act upon when its soldiers are attacked like this. (Contrast with the situation on the Indian border.) This doesn't even rise to the level of pathetic; this is denial and willful blindness.
If anyone trolled now, will be thrown out for good.

Please do this, it is really starting to get offensive on PDF and we should remember to our core we are Pakistani, if anyone want's to take digs at Indians goto gupshup and if anyone want's to take digs at Pakistan please goto IDF or BRF... This site is not for you!
Wake the fk up dude.....have u ever checked what bs he was writing about India

I won't derail the thread anymore....RIP soldiers

Read my post, and then read it again.... And please don't use foul language, it is really unpleasant and uncalled for. You would not do so in real life for fear of what may come next, so please exercise the same courtesy and caution on the internet.

Thank you and good day.
Read my post, and then read it again.... And please don't use foul language, it is really unpleasant and uncalled for. You would not do so in real life for fear of what may come next, so please exercise the same courtesy and caution on the internet.

Thank you and good day.
Iam sorry, i edited my post. I just don't like anyone bad mouthing my country.
Seems like Fazallulah's work.

He is consolidating power. TTP will claim the attack. They are not claiming any attack on civilians as it was mentioned in some other thread.
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