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4 Kashmiri Freedom Fighters killed in Kupwara

Edit title...they are not terrorist..they are freedom fighters....lol
freedom fighter against occupational forces of india terrorist may be for india because what ever they see is terrorism malign the freedom of people if these are terrorist than your bhaghat singh was far far greater biggest terrorist than usama bin ladin even
freedom fighter against occupational forces of india terrorist may be for india because what ever they see is terrorism malign the freedom of people if these are terrorist than your bhaghat singh was far far greater biggest terrorist than usama bin ladin even

Bhagat Singh fought for a independent India, not for some stupid religious text or 72 virgins. The first thing your freedim fighters did was massacared the Kashmiri Pandits and forced them to leave the valley. Then they turned their focus towards the Gujjars, Shia's and other non Sunnis. Bhagat Singh didn't do that. People like Chadrashekhar Azad- a Hindu, Ashfaqulla Khan- A Muslim or Bhagat Singh- A Sikh didn't go on a killing spree because their religious texts said to kill the non-believers. Tell me how many Kashmiri Pandits are there in Hurriat Conference, how many Shia's are there in Hurriat Conference? Tell me one pro-separist party in Kashmir which has a Kashmiri name, not a Arabic/Islamic name. Name me one organization in Kashmir, apart from JKLF which has Kashmir in it's name. Dude, this ain't no freedom struggle, we are weeding out bloody religious fanatics.
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freedom fighter against occupational forces of india terrorist may be for india because what ever they see is terrorism malign the freedom of people if these are terrorist than your bhaghat singh was far far greater biggest terrorist than usama bin ladin even

Bhagat singh was fighting for country he was not fighting for a particular religion. Neither he expelled any muslim from india .
Bhagat Singh fought for a independent India, not for some stupid religious text or 72 virgins. The first thing your freedim fighters did was massacared the Kashmiri Pandits and forced them to live the valley. Then they turned their focus towards the Gujjars, Shia's and other non Sunnis. Bhagat Singh didn't do that. People like Chadrashekhar Azad- a Hindu, Ashfaqulla Khan- A Muslim or Bhagat Singh- A Sikh didn't go on a killing spree because their religious texts said to kill the non-believers. Tell me how many Kashmiri Pandits are there in Hurriat Conference, how many Shia's are there in Hurriat Conference? Tell me one pro-separist party in Kashmir which has a Kashmiri name, not a Arabic/Islamic name. Name me one organization in Kashmir, apart from JKLF which has Kashmir in it's name. Dude, this ain't no freedom struggle, we are weeding out bloody religious fanatics.

Most of what you said is correct.

freedom fighter against occupational forces of india terrorist may be for india because what ever they see is terrorism malign the freedom of people if these are terrorist than your bhaghat singh was far far greater biggest terrorist than usama bin ladin even

Shaheed Bhagat Singh was a socialist revolutionary who is celebrated among the progressive circles in Pakistan too.

Calling him a terrorist would be like calling Che Guevara and Carlos terrorists.
Edit title...they are not terrorist..they are freedom fighters....lol

This kind of spin is what gets Pak in trouble. There are millions of children in madrassa fed with spin indoctrination and then you worry about employability.

India has thrived through such attacks and will continue to do so. What you don't see is the rot that is settling into your society while you are busy plotting attacks in J&K. Keep it going. WE know the damage on your side will lead to a tipping point with repercussions far greater than you expect.
This kind of spin is what gets Pak in trouble. There are millions of children in madrassa fed with spin indoctrination and then you worry about employability.

India has thrived through such attacks and will continue to do so. What you don't see is the rot that is settling into your society while you are busy plotting attacks in J&K. Keep it going. WE know the damage on your side will lead to a tipping point with repercussions far greater than you expect.
Bhayaji m a proud indian...my post was sarcastic towards the greens..
Go **** yourself retard. Muslims in Kashmir have been woke and will oppose you dirty bastards from any way they can.

Nope, not all Muslims are part of this madness. Only the Sunnis. And it's understandable, all major Jehadi terror organizations in this world are Sunni groups, be it ISIS, Al Quaida , or LET. Shia's ain't as fanatics as their Sunni counterparts. Palestinian Shia militias are a good example.

So coming to your point, by dirty bastartds you mean the Pandits, Shia's , Gujjars, Ahmadis of Kashmir, right?
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