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4 Kashmiri Freedom Fighters killed in Kupwara

Bhagat Singh fought for a independent India, not for some stupid religious text or 72 virgins. The first thing your freedim fighters did was massacared the Kashmiri Pandits and forced them to leave the valley. Then they turned their focus towards the Gujjars, Shia's and other non Sunnis. Bhagat Singh didn't do that. People like Chadrashekhar Azad- a Hindu, Ashfaqulla Khan- A Muslim or Bhagat Singh- A Sikh didn't go on a killing spree because their religious texts said to kill the non-believers. Tell me how many Kashmiri Pandits are there in Hurriat Conference, how many Shia's are there in Hurriat Conference? Tell me one pro-separist party in Kashmir which has a Kashmiri name, not a Arabic/Islamic name. Name me one organization in Kashmir, apart from JKLF which has Kashmir in it's name. Dude, this ain't no freedom struggle, we are weeding out bloody religious fanatics.
they are fighting for independence too.
Issue of kashmir is both religious and political, and india have accepted it as a dispute.
When you say 'they', it's just the Sunnis. Don't club entire State into it. The freedom narative died the day Kashmiri Pandits had to flee from the valley.
if its dead then why do u need 700k soldiers in kashmir?
And So are Baloch, then why do you call them terrorist ?
beacause ordinory baloch Pakistan.
unlike IOK where 200k people attended burhan funeral ,no one attends funerals of baloch terrorists.

Because there's a neighbor who can't be trusted. Last time we trusted them, Kargil happened.
last time we trusted you, siachin happened.
Kagil war was an extension of siachin conflict.

Cause it's Kashmir that borders Pakistan, not Kerala.
no because you need more force to occupy a land through force.
But for a region which supports india u dont need so much man power.
But no matter what u say, u know kashmiris support Pakistan only.
beacause ordinory baloch Pakistan.
unlike IOK where 200k people attended burhan funeral ,no one attends funerals of baloch terrorists.

You can lie all you want to convince your self, but the truth is you just another hypocrite and it is too bad rest of the world does not buy your narrative.

To them all these supposed "freedom fighters" LeT, JeM, HM etc ..are terrorists.
You can lie all you want to convince your self, but the truth is you just another hypocrite and it is too bad rest of the world does not buy your narrative.

To them all these supposed "freedom fighters" LeT, JeM, HM etc ..are terrorists.
u can deny but not change the facts.
no because you need more force to occupy a land through force.
But for a region which supports india u dont need so much man power.
But no matter what u say, u know kashmiris support Pakistan only.
You're repeating the same bull over and over. Do you want me to repeat my earlier post again?
As for the Kashmiris, they can decide who to support. Consequences apply.
u can deny but not change the facts.

Well the facts are, unlike Bhagat Singh or BLA.
LeT, JeM etc. are Internationally recognized terrorist organisation. Any one, who is part of these outfits is automatically a terrorist.. And you supporting these organisation, makes you a terrorist sympathizer.
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