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4 Kashmiri Freedom Fighters killed in Kupwara

Well the facts are, unlike Bhagat Singh or BLA.
LeT, JeM etc. are Internationally recognized terrorist organisation. Any one, who is part of these outfits is automatically a terrorist.. And you supporting these organisation, makes you a terrorist sympathizer.
superpower of that time which was the biggest empire of the time considered bhagwat singh a terrorist.
Infact the countries which recognized bhagwat singh as terrorist were more than the countries which consider kashmiri freedom fighters as terrorists.
OIC consider them mujahideen and freedom fighters. Western media quote them as militants fighting for independence.
you are alone on this issue.
superpower of that time which was the biggest empire of the time considered bhagwat singh a terrorist.
Infact the countries which recognized bhagwat singh as terrorist were more than the countries which consider kashmiri freedom fighters as terrorists.
OIC consider them mujahideen and freedom fighters. Western media quote them as militants fighting for independence.
you are alone on this issue.
Yet all those OIC countries are happy to sell us oil, which helps our military. Meanwhile no country openly supports your stance on Kashmir, while the world openly supports our fight against terrorism.
superpower of that time which was the biggest empire of the time considered bhagwat singh a terrorist.
Infact the countries which recognized bhagwat singh as terrorist were more than the countries which consider kashmiri freedom fighters as terrorists.
OIC consider them mujahideen and freedom fighters. Western media quote them as militants fighting for independence.
you are alone on this issue.

You mean Bhagat Singh. FYI he didn't murder innocent people on the streets, threaten to kill and maim unarmed poor people to gain support of people and neither did he adopt an alien ideology as his own just because he wanted to delineate himself from his motherland.

OIC is a joke; they are just a kebab-tea party meant to make each other feel relevant in the world. Name me one single geo-political achievement they have outside their own members. Nothing.

Half of them are not even interested in anything except lip service and won't bother with what is happening anywhere else. The other half don't even have a proper military to hold their own countries in one piece, let alone attack others.

You are the only OIC member who has an issue with us. Others could not care less.

GCC countries sell us oil and have military cooperation treaties with us; Turkey talks sweet to you but has robust economic and commercial ties with us, on the verge of further expansion. Malaysia and Indonesia have some of the closest strategic ties in ASEAN + India format including military training and maintenance training and support pacts between our air forces. The ex-USSR Stans send their cadets every year to train with our military and regularly vote in our favour on so many global issues. Egypt has an independent foreign policy from the mythical 'ummah' you guys talk about. Afghanistan is one of our closest friends in the region. Mozambique, Thailand and Russia are just ceremonial members and are non-Muslim and close partners of India.

The rest of them are, in Indian view, are irrelevant.
superpower of that time which was the biggest empire of the time considered bhagwat singh a terrorist.
Infact the countries which recognized bhagwat singh as terrorist were more than the countries which consider kashmiri freedom fighters as terrorists.
OIC consider them mujahideen and freedom fighters. Western media quote them as militants fighting for independence.
you are alone on this issue.

Bull$hit, forget about rest, just show me one British document, where the word terrorist has been used for Bhagat Singh.
All the countries of OIC are a part of United Nations, and when United Nation labels some one as terrorist. So do they, including your own.
You mean Bhagat Singh. FYI he didn't murder innocent people on the streets, threaten to kill and maim unarmed poor people to gain support of people and neither did he adopt an alien ideology as his own just because he wanted to delineate himself from his motherland.

OIC is a joke; they are just a kebab-tea party meant to make each other feel relevant in the world. Name me one single geo-political achievement they have outside their own members. Nothing.

Half of them are not even interested in anything except lip service and won't bother with what is happening anywhere else. The other half don't even have a proper military to hold their own countries in one piece, let alone attack others.

You are the only OIC member who has an issue with us. Others could not care less.

GCC countries sell us oil and have military cooperation treaties with us; Turkey talks sweet to you but has robust economic and commercial ties with us, on the verge of further expansion. Malaysia and Indonesia have some of the closest strategic ties in ASEAN + India format including military training and maintenance training and support pacts between our air forces. The ex-USSR Stans send their cadets every year to train with our military and regularly vote in our favour on so many global issues. Egypt has an independent foreign policy from the mythical 'ummah' you guys talk about. Afghanistan is one of our closest friends in the region. Mozambique, Thailand and Russia are just ceremonial members and are non-Muslim and close partners of India.

The rest of them are, in Indian view, are irrelevant.
mujahideen of kashmir dont kill civilians either.
even on many occasions they prefered death but didnt harmed civilians.
on the other hand UN report on indian forces human rights violation is there.
Mass graves are still present in IOK.
and people of kashmir are supporting their bhagat singh and New occupyers indian army is still killing them.
Bull$hit, forget about rest, just show me one British document, where the word terrorist has been used for Bhagat Singh.
All the countries of OIC are a part of United Nations, and when United Nation labels some one as terrorist. So do they, including your own.
the word terrorist is a modern term for traitor and militant.
mujahideen of kashmir dont kill civilians either.
even on many occasions they prefered death but didnt harmed civilians.
on the other hand UN report on indian forces human rights violation is there.
Mass graves are still present in IOK.
and people of kashmir are supporting their bhagat singh and New occupyers indian army is still killing them.

Again Bull$hit, I can give you literally dozens of terrorist attacks ,where your so called Mujahideen have murdered civilians, families of Soldiers, even tourists.
mujahideen of kashmir dont kill civilians either.
even on many occasions they prefered death but didnt harmed civilians.
on the other hand UN report on indian forces human rights violation is there.
Mass graves are still present in IOK.
and people of kashmir are supporting their bhagat singh and New occupyers indian army is still killing them.

They actually do.

That's the whole bloody reason why the police is so forceful in the state. And before you say they are all the same, the J&K police doesn't come under the Army.

UN also has reports on violation by every country other than USA and UK, including China, SL, you, us, Russians, Israelis etc. Their reports are based on rosy-eyed glasses which try to fit the same idealistic situations on different scenarios as a model and then ascertain information. As good as garbage.

But yes, if you want to accept the UN report against us but reject it when UN says the same about your country, that is your problem. Not ours.
superpower of that time which was the biggest empire of the time considered bhagwat singh a terrorist.
Infact the countries which recognized bhagwat singh as terrorist were more than the countries which consider kashmiri freedom fighters as terrorists.
OIC consider them mujahideen and freedom fighters. Western media quote them as militants fighting for independence.
you are alone on this issue.
Let th OIC attack india and give kashmir to Pakistan.
they are fighting for independence too.
Issue of kashmir is both religious and political, and india have accepted it as a dispute.

There so called freedom has cost you Bangladesh, rest assured you try another 70 years you will face worse conditions in which your country is today.
There so called freedom has cost you Bangladesh, rest assured you try another 70 years you will face worse conditions in which your country is today.
we remember it. Pakistanis don't forget their revenge. its our culture. an eye for an eye.

Our country is more united than it ever was.
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