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Featured 4 gunmen attacked Pakistan Stock Exchange building in Karachi

2, 3 guys at least he took down at the entrance.

One terrorist who was followed by the CCTV was killed by the other RRF member on the other end.

Then it seems RATS conducted a combing operation.
Let's all ignore that part

Imran Khan has spoken against army operations incl. operations in Baluchistan, on various international events as well on the subject of missing persons.
He's a trojan horse and has done his part. From the POV of his handlers, he may be free to go and retire.

Irrecoverable damage to Pakistan economy and institutions is done, while India was saved on 27th February. Kashmir is now being populated by Indians. In next couple years, India will have more people in Kashmir willing to vote in favor of India. Water dispute is already settled in Indian favor during Zardari rule.
Clearly India has been playing his game all along, and winning over every disputed issue, while on the way manage to malign Pakistan internationally.

When Imran Khan popularity was at peak but he wasn't PM yet, he was asked by an anti Pakistan Indian jurno to arrest Hafiz Saeed after getting elected. He didn't even faulted there.

They should be given more than medal.

I some how couldn't understand the action, despite going through the CCTV video.

May be some one who understood it all should prepare a write up.
When the F are the pussies in power going to realize, the only way to end this is to take the proxy war to the Indian mainland. They kill one of ours through thier proxies we kill ten of theirs in return.
I would favor formal military action, some similar on lines of Lion heart Musharraf.
OBSERVATION: The uniform worn by the 4 BLA gunmen in the group photo released by BLA appear to be strikingly similar to a version of uniform in use by Iranian military. Side by side comparison: (Ali Baba: https://alibaba.com/product-detail/Made-in-China-wholesale-iran-military_60676922988.html… )

Good catch, they are wearing Iranian military uniforms.

See below.


Chabahar = new terrorism hub for India
I was going to add this earlier -- Attackers were moved to city & given a safe passage by local sindhi elements & gangs affiliated with SIndhi Nationalists & MQM

Can't they be arrested alive with bullets directed at their legs or something. If they are hit with bullets that are coated or laced with appropriate drug elements that make a person immediately unconscious, they can be captured alive and then information can be extracted from them and can used to arrest those elements who facilitated them in the first place.

NOTE: I am not talking about tranquilizer guns and associated darts that are used to capture animals. They are slow and can't be fired in a machine gun like fire manner. I meant specially designed bullets that have same manner of firing as ordinary bullets and have similar ballistic performance suitable for automatic high performance guns.

A team of skilled chemists, Pharmacologists and medical physiologist combined with ballistic specialists can be set up to investigate such drug elements and their active incorporation within bullets. Once they are available (if they are not already, but I think there are such commercial drugs available already and just appropriate bullets need to be designed) then law enforcement agencies can be issued with bullet rounds that are laced with those chemicals/drugs that make you immediately incapacitated. There must be someway. Other nations can be approached for technical help in this regards (e.g. Chinese since they too have a stake in it). Even new non-lethal bullets can be designed this way, that can be used to capture terrorists alive.

Plus fear of being captured alive is more fear inducing and may deter some people or force them to be more careful and more prone to tactical errors during gun fights. A more afraid terrorist will be more prone to making such tactical mistakes.

I am sure something can be done in this regards.

A captured alive terrorist is more valuable, right? Or it doesn't matter, a dead terrorist does not mean any significant loss of potentially useful information that could have been extracted from him since what they knew has little Intel value?
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What was the need to involve civilians in this war for territory? We civilians are neither trained nor armed for such things.
Going for work or school or college and suddenly there is gunfire, grenade attack and suicide blast. To me it is such a worthless way to die.

As for I am concerned Pakistani side started this war of non state actors.
Started sending men of uniform as civilians to target Indian forces in Kashmir after 1948.
Some never made it and are forgotten, Some never showed for job, Some got lucky and got two three kills and got promotion, and some were good story tellers and got promotions for their made up stories.

Are you another Indian hider? :disagree:
Can't they be arrested alive with bullets directed at their legs or something. If they are hit with bullets that are coated or laced with appropriate drug elements that make a person immediately unconscious, they can be captured alive and then information can be extracted from them and can used to arrest those elements who facilitated them in the first place.
Annotation 2020-06-30 022017.png
I think they might have returned ISPR to a defunct status where it was before Raheel Sharif.

Generals Asim Bajwa and Asif Ghafoor were doing absolute stellar PR work for the military. And garnering love in the hearts of Pakistanis.

Asif Ghafoor seemed like he was voice of Pakistan whenever he was talking.

Maybe the new DG ISPR is still in on the job training??
NO NOT those, they are slow, and they can't be fired in automatic fashion. I will update my post to include the fact that I am not talking about drug laced darts or A tranquillizer guns. I meant bullets with similar ballistic performance like normal bullets used in say AK-47 etc.
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I have stopped looking at indians as humans long ago. Regardless of age, gender, religion, etc all indians are terrorist in my eyes. All need to be eliminated.
I was banned for simply stating Indian army is rapist army... is it you are related to the moderators or they are biased towards me!
What happened today is no surprise. Everyone knew that India will do something to release some pressure from the humiliation it is receiving due to situation in LAC. Our so called "establishment" should have been ready to activate own sleeper cells in India to respond almost immediately. It doesn't have to be civilian infra, any offices of Indian military, offices of RAW, among major indian cities should have been targeted almost instantly after KSE attack.

That why I have been saying, we keep on failing to maintain deterrence in sub conventional level of warfare. Complete mental block and freeze of Pakistani establishment.

We are not even doing anything in IOK and you want them to attack Indian army and RAW in Mumbai or Delhi

There are hundreds in IOK ready to kill and die. We are not using this for our advantage.

And you expect these guys to do something in mainland India. We are just pacifists who keep on harping peace mantra 24/7 like idiots
Can't they be arrested alive with bullets directed at their legs or something. If they are hit with bullets that are coated or laced with appropriate drug elements that make a person immediately unconscious, they can be captured alive and then information can be extracted from them and can used to arrest those elements who facilitated them in the first place.

NOTE: I am not talking about A tranquilizer guns and associated darts that are used to capture animals. They are slow and can't be fired in a machine gun like fire manner. I meant specially designed bullets that have same manner of firing as ordinary bullets and similar ballistic performance suitable for automatic high performance guns.

A team of skilled chemists, Pharmacologists and medical physiologist combined with ballistic specialists can be set up to investigate such drug elements and their active incorporation within bullets. Once they are available (if they are not already, but I think there are such commercial drugs available already and just appropriate bullets need to be designed) then law enforcement agencies can be issued with bullet rounds that are laced with those chemicals/drugs that make you immediately incapacitated. There must be someway. Other nations can be approached for technical help in this regards (e.g. Chinese since they too have a stake in it). Even new non-lethal bullets can be designed this way, that can be used to capture terrorists alive.

Plus fear of being captured alive is more fear inducing and may deter some people or force them to be more careful and more prone to tactical errors during gun fights. A more afraid terrorist will be more prone to making such tactical mistakes.

I am sure something can be done in this regards.

A captured alive terrorist is more valuable, right? Or it doesn't matter, a dead terrorist does not mean any significant loss of potentially useful information that could have been extracted from him since what they knew has little Intel value?

They have caught countless BLA and TTP elements over the years. Nothing happens. We don't hear anything. It just vanishes and everyone forgets. We move onto the next incident. This has become a routine now for almost two decades. Attacks occur. Depending on the outcome we either weep or celebrate.

The problem lies with the decision-makers. If we can identify and suggest ideas to tackle the problem why can't the decision-makers? Something is not right. In any other country the likes of BLA and PTM would be locked up and punished severely. In Pakistan, BLA and PTM walk around freely and challange the state. They are allowed to protest and agitate. The state is just a spectator.

The outcome of this attack is also very predictable. Nothing much will happen. What needs to happen is that the security forces and intelligence agencies need to get into the places where these terrorists operate. They train and arm themselves in open spaces. We have pictures on this forum where these terrorists were training. Why can't the security forces and intel agencies infiltrate and reach these places? It is not very hard. BLA is not TTP. It doesn't have half the strength of TTP.

The Pak armed forces will have to dismantle BLA. It will have to go into their strongholds and smoke them like rats. There is no other way. Otherwise we should gear up for another very lengthy TTP like war situation. The state is allowing the monster to grow.
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