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Featured 4 gunmen attacked Pakistan Stock Exchange building in Karachi

Considering the fact that there were 1000+ people present in there and not a single civilian was killed, this was handled very well, by both the security guards who foiled the entire plan by killing the two attackers at the gate and the police response that quickly got the rest. RIP to the Shuhada, you just saved hundreds of lives.

the problem is the fact that this happened in the first place.
In 70 years of Pakistan's existance Pakistan has failed to produce even 1 Al-Jazeera like channel.

Wheras, India has developed it's randi rona capabilities based on clear lies to the fullest.

That is why my friend the world is quiet.
You're clearly wrong. We have a lot of media channels doing randi rona day in day out about the wrong stuff.
There's one thing I'll add to this. Now that most attacks are being done by BLA/Sindhudesh etc, as opposed to TTP, it makes things easier for Pakistan. There has already been a fair bit of narrative built about India supporting BLA. It was much harder with TTP, but Indians have given their game away by constantly talking about Balochistan for the past 10+ years. It's still not ideal and Pakistan still has time to build up the narrative even further, but most western countries are aware of Indian support for Baloch terrorist organization.

true, but it all depends on our leadership how much noise can they make and how effective it will be. But with their previous track record I don't have much hope. I just don't see our defense minister lashing out and giving a motivational speech on an international forum. I don't see our FM and IM, calling all the press and recording a strong statement against India. These are just all the pre-requisites before one starts something on the border, which I don't see happening. This isn't the job of ISPR, ISPR will have to come later on, in the next stage. But the government seems to be sleeping, it needs to be proactive for once.
Moderation? The whole psyops against Pakistan is run from Twitter LLC.

IK should talk directly to Twitter leadership about how their platform is being used to support terrorism against Pakistan, and the role the Indian moderators might play. It's our best option to have something happen.
Ye Majeed kon hai.

@ISI walo if by some chance you are watching. I love the work you've been doing in Afg/Iran and and in some Scandinavian countries.

This is the time to grow your wings that had been clipped post Gen Hameed Gul. If you don't then be prepared to deal with the mess we had been dealing with for past 15 years and the mess we fought so hard, sacrificed too much blood of our youth to clean up.

If you do go on the offensive even just a little. And strike Indians on a sporadic/limited scale twice a year or maybe even quaterly. The enemy will think 2/3 times before doing anything like this. If you worry about FATF then know this the kafir will never be satisfied with you. No matter how many of their demands you fulfill.

This is a concept Gen Zia knew very well. God rest his soul in Heaven. Ameen.
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The moment i saw the tactics -- i knew Sindhi's lack the capability to launch such attach, either it will be BRAS or BLA ....they wont attack chinese but would hit something that has an impact on FDI ----
I know these bastards very well ...been studying them for a while
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true, but it all depends on our leadership how much noise can they make and how effective it will be. But with their previous track record I don't have much hope. I just don't see our defense minister lashing out and giving a motivational speech on an international forum. I don't see our FM and IM, calling all the press and recording a strong statement against India. These are just all the pre-requisites before one starts something on the border, which I don't see happening. This isn't the job of ISPR, ISPR will have to come later on, in the next stage. But the government seems to be sleeping, it needs to be proactive for once.

I agree, they have been very passive for the last 10 years. As I mentioned earlier, NS had business interests in India so that would explain him staying quiet and looking after his own interests. But what about IK and Shah Qureshi? Why are these morons quiet?
IK should talk directly to Twitter leadership about how their platform is being used to support terrorism against Pakistan, and the role the Indian moderators might play. It's our best option to have something happen.
Jack Dorsey doesn't care, especially a country like Pakistan which doesn't contribute much to their revenue. The only way they listen to you is when Big Corporate boycotts you, like what happened to Facebook recently when major corporations decided to pull their ads from FB.

true, but it all depends on our leadership how much noise can they make and how effective it will be. But with their previous track record I don't have much hope. I just don't see our defense minister lashing out and giving a motivational speech on an international forum. I don't see our FM and IM, calling all the press and recording a strong statement against India. These are just all the pre-requisites before one starts something on the border, which I don't see happening. This isn't the job of ISPR, ISPR will have to come later on, in the next stage. But the government seems to be sleeping, it needs to be proactive for once.

State comes first or you get eaten by crows.

@PanzerKiel @RescueRanger They have improved the training course? look at the plates with cutout -- this is the first time these have been spotted ---missing in all earlier footages & videos
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