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4 Chinese Destroyer Ships available for Purchase , Decommissioned 2 Months ago

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Lease these ships Till Type054 arrive in Pakistan
Send a delegation and pick up the 4 units and add them immediately in Pakistan Navy

Ships retired May , 2019**

The destroyer flotilla of the Chinese Navy under the PLA Northern Theater Command held a retirement ceremony for four first-generation missile destroyers.

The decommissioning of the 4 ships at a military port in Lyushun, Liaoning Province, followed the induction of two Type 052D guided missile destroyers in the naval shipyard of Dalian on May 12.

Official media identified the decommissioned ships as the guided-missile destroyers Kaifeng (Hull 109), Dalian (Hull 110), Zunyi (Hull 134) and Guilin (Hull 164) All of the four destroyers had been in service for more than 30 years.



@Rashid Mahmood

For the price of trash these could be very potent addition. What do you think Sir...

Even we are in dire need to enhance our capability in naval defence but buying these old ships wont help in long term strategy because they dont meet advanced technological balance with enemy.
I am hoping first Type 54 P would be in its final stage and second would be ready by the end of this year.
If emergency arises then lease some Type 54 A from China for 5 to 10 years with a option to purchase it later on.
Well this is certainly not something for long term however the assets help us get ships which can do all 4 critical roles at sea

a) Ship to Ship engagement (Cannon, Anti Ship Missile , Torpedoes, Rocket Saturated attack)
b) Ship to Air engagement (Surface to air missile , and anti air guns)
c) Ship to Under water
d) Mines laying out

It is 100% an interim / short term approach where we don't have to wait for construction to finish , and then tones of testing and preparation etc.

These assets can be added immediately and strength wise these are going to still be considered as a valuable asset
No less then our F22P ships , weapon wise these do have more options

As our newer ships arrive then the Navy can sit down and figure out a strategy to retire ships as new ships arrive

The ships will come with their own SAM systems so it will add another layer for our coastal defense strategy

Instead of 2025 , we can shape up our navy in in 2019

* These ships also have anti air defenses located front / back and sides of ship

> Dalian 110 activation date 26 Dec 1984
> Zunyi 134 activation date 28 Dec 1984
> Zhuhai 166 activation date 21 Nov 1991
> Guilin 164 activation date 10 July 1987
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Well I spotted these wonderful options to fill gap for navy so I shared rest is up to our Navy to assess the situation


There are also a 3 more ships

Zhanjiang (Sill Active with Chinese Navy)
Zhonghua (Inctive , not decomissioned)
Zhuhai (Sill Active with Chinese Navy)

Potentially 7 ship acquisition for interim fill gap if we played the cards well
I view the 7 assets , possibly as a insurance policy which can be retrofitted with some Pakistani Systems

When the new ships come , they come those are of course awaited

They can each house 2 Anti Submarine helicopters
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We ought to use them as patrol boats.
I wont call these patrol boats ,Possible Package of 7 ships

4 Available now , possibly 3 more could Arrive with in few years if this path is considered

Ship size 132 Meters , Displacement: 3,670 tons

  • 7 Ships , 14 Helicopters (Submarine hunters)
  • 64 Anti Ship missiles
  • 56 Anti Air Missiles , 112 Spare Anti Air Missiles could be used to reload
  • 42 Torpedoes
  • 28 Anti Air Guns
  • 14 Rocket Barrage Systems (Anti Submarine systems)
  • 7 Double Barren , Heavy Cannons for Ship to Ship hits

When you compare this package with OPV package (Damen/Swift) , which are not armed
it is clear which option is more ready for short term

This package is more potent then our Azmat class program , the stealth of course is unique to the Azmat program

The OPV / Azmat program could be more support role to these ships while these platforms mature
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An insurance package , for 10 years better to have a bronze weapon in hand now then wait for a golden blade for 10 years

2019 :big_boss: we are way far away from 2025
---------------------Modernization visible The Type054 etc / Damen OPV / Milgem / Subs
Lease , or grant or gift would be a good option

No, operation cost will be too much. If you anything about Chinese ship builders, you won’t ask for old stuff from China. Chinese build ship corroding faster compare to European or American build ship for two reason, amount of salt in the Indian Ocean and material Chinese use in their ship.
Sometimes planning for now and present is more important


We could correct our Navy's GAP in 2019 , and then follow a path for a natural modernization with Type054 , Milgem , Damen Patrol Ship, Submarines between 2019-2025
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At this point, PN lacks a dedicated Naval Fighter squadron like a naval-version of JF-17 handed over to PN (2nd and 8th Squadrons are under PAF even if 8th Squadron is said to be flown by Naval pilots), where as PM lacks rotary (e.g. Z-9 /Mi-17/Sea King/UH-1) and amphibious (M-113/AAV/ BTR-xx) transports. SSG (N) needs specialized transports and other equipment for under water Ops. Alouette-III needs replacement. A UCAV carrying Exocet or Harpoon AGM-84 or even CM-80x series should be a good addition.

The surface element of PN is already being bolstered.

On a light note, did you inform MK if instead of 4 Destroyers, could a handful of JH-7B be pitched in place instead 8-)
I don't believe in fighter jets doing role of Proper Frigate/Destroyer fleet they run out of fuel
The Mirage can act as a "Support" asset but not your Prime point of defence

Fleet of 7 Destroyers at lease should give us proper Air space coverage even into deep ocean areas beyond our shores
While they are in active Service with the PLA Navy; it may be better to ask the Chinese if the PN could lease the two Type 052C Destroyers for 10 years. (the chinese have already moved on to the type 052D and the type 052C would be best for evaluating PN long range radars and HQ-9 missiles variants it may want to induct) This would allow the PN to really shift from a defensive to an limited offensive capability, really protect the shoreline, and better allow the PN evaluate the utility of the Type 052C/D type platforms or similar platforms for future PN needs.

Armed with the Hq-9, with long range capabilities, it would decrease the need for the PAF to dedicate as many fighters for the fleet defense role. the 10 year lease option would allow the PN to comfortably induct the Type 054A/P and learn where they can best be customized based on the experience of operating the Type 052C

The type 052C would also force the IN to stay further back, knowing the ships have longer range air defense missiles, and could cover Karachi and other coastal locations with a higher level of air defense missiles.
While they are in active Service with the PLA Navy; it may be better to ask the Chinese if the PN could lease the two Type 052C Destroyers for 10 years. (the chinese have already moved on to the type 052D and the type 052C would be best for evaluating PN long range radars and HQ-9 missiles variants it may want to induct) This would allow the PN to really shift from a defensive to an limited offensive capability, really protect the shoreline, and better allow the PN evaluate the utility of the Type 052C/D type platforms or similar platforms for future PN needs.

Armed with the Hq-9, with long range capabilities, it would decrease the need for the PAF to dedicate as many fighters for the fleet defense role. the 10 year lease option would allow the PN to comfortably induct the Type 054A/P and learn where they can best be customized based on the experience of operating the Type 052C

The type 052C would also force the IN to stay further back, knowing the ships have longer range air defense missiles, and could cover Karachi and other coastal locations with a higher level of air defense missiles.

Type 052DL + YJ-21

China shall make the true carrier killer being affordable for everyone.
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