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38 Taliban militants killed in Afghanistan

They have contributed nothing but war, death & destruction throughout its history to historical narratives; they - the Afghans - have always fought off the Invaders before turning their guns on each other...hardly something that speaks about resilience or is worthy of commend - I pity those fools not admire them for their utter lack of foresight or an ideal in life beyond 'hating' an ever present enemy that needs to be created just so there can be some movement in an otherwise uneventful existence of Afghanistan; if it isn't the Farsiwans vs the Pukhtoons, its the Russians, if its not them then its Iran, if not that either than one of Arabs, Pakistan, the West, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan & even India & China - You name it & they probably have spun a good enough story about their 'latest' enemy.

What has mughals contributed to the history?...beautiful buildings on tax money? Last time i checked lodhi Afghans also built some buildings in their short rule..sher shah gave you ruppiya and road network.
Read mughal history, they are not just killing their enemies, mostly muslims, throughout history but also their own sons, brothers and fathers...in last 150 years they are just drinking and whoring...what is the history of your kashmiri muslims? Your kashmiris are so much peaceful that they were traded like sheeps for 7 lakh rupees by english to dogras. Few dogras ruled over you till 1947 and then traded you again to the india and still live under hindu majority.....only brave nations survive with dignity, not weak.
What has mughals contributed to the history?...beautiful buildings on tax money? Last time i checked lodhi Afghans also built some buildings in their short rule..sher shah gave you ruppiya and road network.
Read mughal history, they are not just killing their enemies, mostly muslims, throughout history but also their own sons, brothers and fathers...in last 150 years they are just drinking and whoring...what is the history of your kashmiri muslims? Your kashmiris are so much peaceful that they were traded like sheeps for 7 lakh rupees by english to dogras. Few dogras ruled over you till 1947 and then traded you again to the india and still live under hindu majority.....only brave nations survive with dignity, not weak.

You seem to forget that the Lodhis & the Suris had become indigenous to the Indian Subcontinent with everything from their culture, language & civilization been drastically changed from those raiding groups of Afghans sitting in Khost or Paktia whose only contribution of worth as a brave nation to survive with dignity was to loot, rape & pillage traveling caravans or each other. Surely you - who discriminates against Pukhtoons simply because they don't speak Pashto - wouldn't change tune & claim the Suris & the Lodhis as your own just to score brownie points ?

And for a nation that has lived off Pakistani & American hand-me-downs for the past 30 years, its amusing to speak of 'dignity' !
You seem to forget that the Lodhis & the Suris had become indigenous to the Indian Subcontinent with everything from their culture, language & civilization been drastically changed from those raiding groups of Afghans sitting in Khost or Paktia whose only contribution of worth as a brave nation to survive with dignity was to loot, rape & pillage traveling caravans or each other. Surely you - who discriminates against Pukhtoons simply because they don't speak Pashto - wouldn't change tune & claim the Suris & the Lodhis as your own just to score brownie points ?

And for a nation that has lived off Pakistani & American hand-me-downs for the past 30 years, its amusing to speak of 'dignity' !

Bahlol lodhi and his clan migrated from Afghanistan and laid the foundation of lodhi dynasty, were perfectly pashtun (even wrote books in pashto). Same was the case with with suries who were linguistically, culturally and racially Afghans....but that was not what i was talking about...Afghans have bled against russia and america to resist foriegn occupation....while pakistan army is fighting its own people for its master america and dollars...no ghairat and self-respect what so ever. Mullah omar preferred to go into war with america than handing over his guest to america without proof while ghairatmand and brave musharaf pizzed in his pants on one phone call and handed over a daughter of nation aafia sadiqui to kafir americans.....the brave pak army is fighting with ragtag taliban with antique weapons through F-16, tanks, gunship helicopters and what not and recieves american dollars and shahbash for their hard work.
Where is iqbal ka shaheen, ghairat and khodi in pakistani nation?...sorry to say shaheen, ghairat and khodi fits more on afghans than on pakistanis
Bahlol lodhi and his clan migrated from Afghanistan and laid the foundation of lodhi dynasty, were perfectly pashtun (even wrote books in pashto). Same was the case with with suries who were linguistically, culturally and racially Afghans....but that was not what i was talking about...Afghans have bled against russia and america to resist foriegn occupation....while pakistan army is fighting its own people for its master america and dollars...no ghairat and self-respect what so ever. Mullah omar preferred to go into war with america than handing over his guest to america without proof while ghairatmand and brave musharaf pizzed in his pants on one phone call and handed over a daughter of nation aafia sadiqui to kafir americans.....the brave pak army is fighting with ragtag taliban with antique weapons through F-16, tanks, gunship helicopters and what not and recieves american dollars and shahbash for their hard work.
Where is iqbal ka shaheen, ghairat and khodi in pakistani nation?...sorry to say shaheen, ghairat and khodi fits more on afghans than on pakistanis

Afghans have nothing to loose because they have nothing....nothing at all ! And for all their much vaunted 'ghairat' its them that are dying in the dozens & them who hosted terrorists on their soil, who subject their women to some of the most horrible things imaginable & have the ghairat & the khudi of the Shaheen to blow themselves up in our & theirs market places, mosques & hospitals !
Afghans have nothing to loose because they have nothing....nothing at all ! And for all their much vaunted 'ghairat' its them that are dying in the dozens & them who hosted terrorists on their soil, who subject their women to some of the most horrible things imaginable & have the ghairat & the khudi of the Shaheen to blow themselves up in our & theirs market places, mosques & hospitals !

Horrible crimes on women? You mean burqa is'nt?
And this blowing themeselves part.....is also very very rampant in Pakistan. What are your comments on it? You always bash Afghan-pashtuns but spare pakistani pashtuns and always try to turn lar pakhtun against bar pakhtun...now the problem is that pashtun on both sides are blowing themeselves in suicide blasts...taliban are on both sides of border.......

The problem is that pashtuns of both countries are one and same people...you mock culture and traits of afghan-pashtuns, by doing so you also attack culture and traits of pakistani pashtuns...
Horrible crimes on women? You mean burqa is'nt?
And this blowing themeselves part.....is also very very rampant in Pakistan. What are your comments on it? You always bash Afghan-pashtuns but spare pakistani pashtuns and always try to turn lar pakhtun against bar pakhtun...now the problem is that pashtun on both sides are blowing themeselves in suicide blasts...taliban are on both sides of border.......

The problem is that pashtuns of both countries are one and same people...you mock culture and traits of afghan-pashtuns, by doing so you also attack culture and traits of pakistani pashtuns...

No I didn't mean the Burqa even if I think its a regressive symbol of female subjugation with nothing to do with Islam but everything to do with male chauvunism & arab culture being presented itself as Islam; I was talking about how women are locked up in their homes as if their only purpose in life is to breed, feed & then raise kids. I was talking about how many jirgas have, in the past & present, given women away as collateral to settle disputes as if we're not talking about a human life but a piece of meat !

Some of our misguided Pukhtoons are doing that incidentally they are the ones who are most high on the lar aw bar BS but that doesn't discount the fact that Afghans have contributed nothing but death & destruction to the history pages when their tale is written; Pakistani Pukhtoons on the otherhand are nothing close to those same barbarians.

One doesn't need to go beyond the Jalozai Camp to know what kind of social evils the ghairatmand & khudi infused Afghans were up to which prompted the closure of that camp.
No I didn't mean the Burqa even if I think its a regressive symbol of female subjugation with nothing to do with Islam but everything to do with male chauvunism & arab culture being presented itself as Islam; I was talking about how women are locked up in their homes as if their only purpose in life is to breed, feed & then raise kids. I was talking about how many jirgas have, in the past & present, given women away as collateral to settle disputes as if we're not talking about a human life but a piece of meat !


Same can be said about pakistani pashtuns. Like i said you also attack pakistani pashtuns by attacking culture, traditions and traits of Afghan-pashtuns.

And jalozai camp is not closed, it is filled with starving IDPs from khyber agency.
You seem to forget that the Lodhis & the Suris had become indigenous to the Indian Subcontinent with everything from their culture, language & civilization been drastically changed from those raiding groups of Afghans sitting in Khost or Paktia whose only contribution of worth as a brave nation to survive with dignity was to loot, rape & pillage traveling caravans or each other. Surely you - who discriminates against Pukhtoons simply because they don't speak Pashto - wouldn't change tune & claim the Suris & the Lodhis as your own just to score brownie points ?

And for a nation that has lived off Pakistani & American hand-me-downs for the past 30 years, its amusing to speak of 'dignity' !

Indeed , Suris and Lodhis were Indian (Sub-continent) muslims .

Even the Mughals after Babur were sub-continental indigenous muslims.
Well done Afghanistan.
Same can be said about pakistani pashtuns. Like i said you also attack pakistani pashtuns by attacking culture, traditions and traits of Afghan-pashtuns.

And jalozai camp is not closed, it is filled with starving IDPs from khyber agency.

If some Pakistani Pukhtoons exhibit such cultural practices than the should be condemned but at any rate, unlike their Afghan Counterparts from across the border, Pakistani Pukhtoons have indeed exhibited plenty of progressive spirit & contributed very positively to their country !

I visited the place where the Jalozai Camp was - The entire area is empty - If there were starving IDPs from Khyber over there they must have been hiding under a rock because between Karkhano & the Tribal Area I really couldn't see an IDP camp.
Afghan army should fight an offensive war against the taliban animals. Give them no rest, just keep attacking and moving forward.

They can't because from last 12 years Afghan government never accepted Taliban as a state enemy nor launched any full scale nation wide offensive against them... the strategy so far is only defensive against Taliban.
Hello @Sher Malang - Kaisaa hai wrror ? :)

Bhabi, Bacheii kaiseiii haiiin ? :azn:
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