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360 killed in terrorist blasts targeting Easter in Sri Lanka

indian tourists in hotel , SL is popular with Indians, as it a cheap holiday destination for the middle class plus its 'links' to hindu epic ramayana

You are right, but my question was about churches, where, I gather, most of the casualties occured.
i mean with the current events specially notre damn in paris where they actually blamed it on muslims it was the perfect chance for tamil to do this. (they even blamed the grenfell tower in london on muslims)

its complex
Ajit Doval strikes again and this time Srilanka. Interesting ISS only target Muslim Countries or those non-Muslim who are trying to abandon their relations with the biggest supporter of proxies in the region “India”. Manufacturer of the terrorist organizations from Mukti Bahini, Tamil Tigers (LTTE), BLA (Baloch Liberation Army), Tehreek-e-Taliban (TTP) and many more.

Why not such incident taking place in those countries where the India’s puppet holding the key seats? Coincidence — Like Haseena Wajid, Ashraf Ghani and Iranian Govt who are busy in constructing Chahbahar Port near Gawadar with the support of India (where the RAW Indian Intel officer Kulbushan Yaduv was based and destabilizing Pakistan).

Despite of many U.S commanders and U.S defence secretary officially statements that the India is creating problem and exporting terrorism in Pakistan from Afghanistan. Similarly supporting Tamil tigers and other elements in the region to destabilize other states, still no action has been taken against India by the FATF and UN. Serious repercussions and consequences of this for India if GOI/RAW continuing their support to terrorism and destabilizing other countries.

Note: Pakistan doesn’t support any such Terrorist activity against any country. India’s strategy is bullying those who are abandon their relations or not accepting Its hegemony. When India is completely failed to counter Pakistan through the direct military confontration as we have seen recently, now cowardly use terrorist outfits to target innocent civilians of Pakistan, similarly with Srilanka (limited to proxy wars).

Recently Indian funded terrorist organization from Iran killed 14 Pakistanis in Baluchistan before Pakistani Prime Minister visit to Iran. The intelligence shared with the Iranian Govt by Pakistan’s foreign office. After evaluating the reports and related info, Iran agrees to take action against those culprits.
maybe this was payback for the aerial showdown between india and pakistan earlier this month . i mean everyone talks about the ISI no one talks about what india does and what they've learnt from israel .

its complex
not to me , israel has adviced india to instigate tamil to this . the timing was just rife

it helps israel too not just india
it diverts attention away from israel and india will have its revenge too , in a nasty way , a public message to pakistan and a media stunt too . that's how it works
How do you know this ? Sri lanka does have a lot of Indian tourists going there but what is the source ?
AFAIK, the hotels had mostly Indian tourists. While estimated death toll was around 150, I heard that except 35 all were Indians.

Worse, my senior Mr. Swaminathan is a Tamil, was there in Sri Lanka for some weeks. Not able to contact him for a while.:(
Sri lankan people clearly taking RAW and India's name for this act of terrorism... There is a history of Indian involvement inside Sri lanka using proxies like LTTE for terrorism inside Sri lanka.

The guy himself is a Muslim. You expect anything better? Even my neighbor Muslim friend spews lot of conspiracy theories just like PDF keyboard warriors.

Sick of them!!
Hindutva cancer spread to sri lanka?
Indians don't wait for Investigation

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Why Indians are Blaming Pakistan for this act of Terrorism ?? Why Indians always jump to conclusions why Indians point finger towards Pakistan in a knee jerk reaction
It's not the fault of Indians. Most others speculate Muslims as well initially in case of a blast. Even during NZ bombing.

Islamist terrorists may only form 6% of total terrorist population. But they are responsible for 3/4ths of deaths due to terrorism, hence most famous. This is an unpleasent image of Islam which was created by jihadis and their apologizers sitting in Middle East, North Africa and Indian Subcontinent (Pak, Afghan & Indian Sunnis) who justify it. Not going to change very soon.

As far as Pakistan is concerned, you guys have a history of overtly and bravely supporting terrorist groups like Taliban. It's overtness may no longer exist but they still have been confirmed to be your assets various times by various countries.

As targets were also Indians, we got no reason to believe that you guys aren't involved.
You subhumans on forums and social media were celebrating Pulwama attack until you guys realized that sh!t is going to be deep, deleted tweets and started preaching "peace" to Indians to look "mature" (Pakistan doesn't ask for peace coz its want peace but because it can't afford war).

You guys yet blame them for war mongering as if nothing happened and keep pushing useless conspiracy theories theory.

As for today's attack:
It was other an answer by Islamic terrorists to NZ bombing or attack on Indians sponsored by Pakistan or both. It was an explicit act of Islamist terrorism.
And deal with it!! Anyone rejecting this just a pathetic conspiracy theorist.
Calling everyone Islamophobe won't change it.
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