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360 killed in terrorist blasts targeting Easter in Sri Lanka

update: Another blast in Colombo Zoo, two Police officers are dead
Very sad to see that Sri Lanka has been a target of the Islamic terrorism going on all around the world.
Last time, I herd there were hindu terrorists, with the help of India, who destabilised Sri-Lanka. Result are still there. Some Indian PM got a butt on his butts - later that PM trying to play fair and sent a so called hindu 'peace keepers'. LTTE beat shit out of those 'peace keepers'. Later, as a result, the same PM was detonated by LTTE.
update: 2 Bangladeshis missing :(- source Bangladesh Foreign Ministry

Indians don't wait for Investigation

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Srilanka 2.jpg

Why Indians are Blaming Pakistan for this act of Terrorism ?? Why Indians always jump to conclusions why Indians point finger towards Pakistan in a knee jerk reaction
How do you know this ? Sri lanka does have a lot of Indian tourists going there but what is the source ?

Further, how can be there be a lot of tourists in the local churches, for Easter service?
Further, how can be there be a lot of tourists in the local churches, for Easter service?

not sure of Indian casualties , however SL is popular with Indians, as it a cheap holiday destination for the middle class plus its 'links' to hindu epic ramayana
updates: Two more blasts in Colombo, Curfew has been imposed
Same pattern of Terrorist Modi and RSS like it got killed father of Hindus Mahtama Gandhi by a RSS terrorist and then introduced first ever suicide bombing of history to kill PM Rajiv Gandhi now same RSS and its disciple Modi first tried to win Hindu vote by false flag attack in Pulwama but their plans failed when Pakistan spanked their naked butts infront of whole world denying them any brownie points at home or abroad.
Now again just to win elections RSS terrorists want to induce a feeling of insecurity among Hindus and hatred against Muslims to score votes.
Even if some Muslims were involved in Srilanka attacks it has written RAW and RSS written all over it as only they will benefit from stoking fear among Hindus.
It is evident from the Chowkidar election theme of BJP they sure need to create some evil to guard hindus against and what can be best evil than so called attacks by Muslims.

What???? :woot:

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