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360 killed in terrorist blasts targeting Easter in Sri Lanka

Confirmed death toll 168, Indian HUMINTs suggesting as high as 210. Most of deceased were Indian tourists confirmed.

Terrorists have chosen other way around. Targeting Indians outside their frontiers. Are going to pay even heavier price than before!! :mad:
Indians celebrating attack on Muslims in New Zealand & now this.


Foreign involvement suspected and I don't need to name the source.

I endorse your statement , forget SL, India intel failure is shocking .. and its election time, Muslim terrorism bogey works wonders at the polls, sample the post below
Massive failure of SL government and forces.
I am sorry to say this , but if they already had reports then security Forces have to secure Churches at lease on Easter Sunday …….
And there is more to this attack ……. 3 churches and 3 hotels (this part) ……. Some thing big is cooking ….. But innocent people paid the price ….Just like in NZ ….. Just like in any other part of the world..
Seems like some local Sri lankan and foreign ISIS returnees from Syria/Iraq who wanted to avenge the Christchurch terror attack on Mosques and chose a soft target for the revenge - Sri Lanka.

Then, why hotels? Appears to be a very senseless thing, unless some thing more plausible comes up.

Foreign tourists.
Massive failure of SL government and forces.

I am not sure. They could never have thought of this. It appears to be a total surprise, at least to me. Of all the countries, why should it happen in SL?
RIP to the dead.

This is a sad incident. We should be worried, this happened in our neighborhood and a country who has less probability of being targeted.
There is no reason an “Islamic Terrorist” would AVOID THOUSANDS of Buddhist/Hindu sites in Sri Lanka that make up over 90% of the people. And specifically target only Christians which are only 7% of Sri Lanka.

They did try an attack but the explosives got caught before the attack in January
Indians celebrating attack on Muslims in New Zealand & now this.

View attachment 554807
@DarkSeid , @Godman and to all other SL members on this forum ….. Don't feel pray for indian media propaganda ,, they will start a civil war in SL for their own goal..... Be very careful .
@Mangus Ortus Novem , @monitor , @Mentee , @Imran Khan , @BDforever , @KhalaiMakhlooq , @Syed Hammad Ahmed Please tag other SL members . let them see these twits ..
@The Eagle , @Horus , @waz , @dobuios , @Arsalan , @WebMaster . please keep an eye on this thread.
Seems like some local Sri lankan and foreign ISIS returnees from Syria/Iraq who wanted to avenge the Christchurch terror attack on Mosques and chose a soft target for the revenge - Sri Lanka.

Foreign tourists.

May be. Somehow, it appears to be a larger nefarious design, then what is apparent.

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