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33 Demonetisation Deaths In 7 Days: Hospital Casualties, Suicides, Heart Attacks And Even A Murder

Really? Are we talking about Morarji Desai who banned 5000 rupee notes?
I sincerely wish you would read history.

5000 rupee notes formed 5% of the total money where as currently 500 and 1000 rupee notes formed 86% of total money.
5000 rupee note was NOT banned with in the hour where as currently 500 and 1000 rupee notes were.

These two steps are as unique as they come, hence the reason why this is the first of it's kind. It's a template for other countries facing similar problems as us to follow.

And Mallya's loan is not "written off"...Please educate yourself, I don't think you "want" to debate this line anymore. Anyone with limited knowledge of how banking system works would be able to explain to u what is happening to Mallya.

Lastly the poor should be compensated for the loss of work these few days...I agree with that point.

Then we have no qualms .
How demonetisation was wrongly blamed for some unfortunate deaths

I’m embarrassed that I even have to write a piece like this but sadly what I’m about to analyse reflects the pathetic state of the media in India. In particular I’m reacting to a bizarre and ludicrous piece of propaganda alleging a relationship between currency demonetisation and deaths of individuals.

The piece by Deputy Editor of Huffington Post India, Shivam Vij, claims that “there have already been 33 deaths due to demonetisation in 6 days”. The author is thus asserting a causal relationship between the government’s demonetisation of high denomination notes and these deaths.

Vij goes on to cite thirty three cases which allegedly support his claim but it doesn’t take much to figure out, that one can’t establish in any credible way a causal relationship between demonetisation and an individual’s death in so many of these cases.

Start with one of the most ludicrous cases where a “businessman” in Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh allegedly felt chest pains and died soon after watching Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s announcement of demonetisation on November 8. Are we supposed to believe that it was what he was watching that led to his death? So for example, if he were watching Star Wars, would we blame Darth Vader for his death?

Take the case of a 96-year-old man in Udupi, Karnataka who died allegedly waiting in a long queue in a bank. Guess what? The man’s son says his father’s death had nothing to do with waiting in queue at the bank. So this one is at best poor fact checking or poor attempt at propaganda by the author.

Up next, a 45-year-old man in Kerala dies while falling from a construction area in the bank branch where he was depositing money. He had already successfully deposited money the previous day at the same bank. At best, you could blame lack of barricades that would have saved him falling but it’s more than a stretch to blame Modi and demonetisation.

It only gets bizarre from here. An elderly woman in Kanpur died apparently counting currency notes. Tragic, but had she died while reading the newspaper, presumably this intrepid journalist would blame the newspaper for her death?

How about an elderly person who didn’t even have to wait in a queue but collapsed of a heart attack upon reaching the bank? If he’d collapsed outside a movie theatre would this journalist blame the movie that was screened for his death? And even here, the man’s two sons say he had a pre-existing medical condition, wasn’t even standing in line and his death had nothing to do with demonetisation. The family has also expressed anger that their father’s death has been wrongly linked to demonetisation by the media.

Or how about a 45-year-old cashier in Bhopal who collapsed while working at the bank. The spin is he died overworked because of demonetisation but not a shred of evidence is offered to back this up.

A 17-year-old, son of a Border Security Force jawan allegedly commits suicide becausehis mother wouldn’t give him small denomination notes. There’s almost no limit to the implausible connections this writer can draw.

A couple have already been debunked. Consider where a doctor says she had to turn away parents of a sick baby not because they were carrying demonetised notes but she just didn’t have the right equipment to treat the baby. As it happens this doctor is now the subject of a First Information Report.

In another case a wife is allegedly taunted by her husband for her “inability” to stand in a queue at an ATM. She apparently commits suicide and her husband is now the subject of an investigation in abetting her suicide. So let’s get this straight. A possibly abusive husband taunts his wife for not waiting in queue at the mandi, is the vendor now the cause of what played out subsequently?

You get the idea. In each of these cases, someone dies, shortly after demonetisation but there’s no credible causal link between the two events. Also many of these stories have only a single source suggesting perhaps the version of the stories presented didn’t seem entirely credible even to other news organisations.

As I remarked at the outset, it’s embarrassing that one even needs to debunk such tripe. Any death is tragic but it’s shameful and scandalous that they’re wrongly linked to demonetisation, no less than from an international media house like Huffington Post.

That the Huffington Post does not like demonetisation is clear from pieces on the subject such as “Why the demonetisation drive violates our fundamental right to life” as shown below.

So Supreme Court refused to intervene is something that was unconstitutional?

This is clearly not journalism nor is it even good propaganda. But that’s the Indian media scene for you.

Is this really the best argument you could come with . It happens when you are of bourgeois class . Here's more :

How is it that the moment he gives his view it become bourgeois class?
There are surely people a lot of people who are impacted because of this. However a vast majority have supported this move because (links available) because the black economy has been a problem for India for the majority of its independent existence.

This is one of the biggest anti corruption move taken up by any government. Now instead of looking at any core issues of this method, if arguments used are few here had a problem is not really going to help anybody. Almost all of us had an encounter with this black economy in one way or the other with people dying too because some black money was hoarded depriving government of money for hospitals or safe roads.

So are you really so against this short term pain to ignore the longer term gain?
I have only read stories of how disciplined people were in Japan during Tsunami and earthquakes in queues waiting for their turn. Now we have proof that we Indians are as good too. Imagine the scale of impact and you haven't seen riots breaking out. We hear stories of people helping out others in queues.

Now if you have fundamental issues with this activity, I am all ears.
The parties you are referring to are not secular by a longshot. These are corrupt political opportunist, there is no need to demean the word secular.
Demeaning the term "secular" would automatically promote a dumbo into a nationalist
The parties you are referring to are not secular by a longshot. These are corrupt political opportunist, there is no need to demean the word secular.

Demeaning the term "secular" would automatically promote a dumbo into a nationalist

So who is "Secular" according to you? And @Ajayk mentioned the word secular in quotes.

These parties chest thump and say they are secular. We just call out their hypocrisy.

BTW what is the definition of Secular - Not the dictionary definition but definition in Indian context
How is it that the moment he gives his view it become bourgeois class?
There are surely people a lot of people who are impacted because of this. However a vast majority have supported this move because (links available) because the black economy has been a problem for India for the majority of its independent existence.

This is one of the biggest anti corruption move taken up by any government. Now instead of looking at any core issues of this method, if arguments used are few here had a problem is not really going to help anybody. Almost all of us had an encounter with this black economy in one way or the other with people dying too because some black money was hoarded depriving government of money for hospitals or safe roads.

So are you really so against this short term pain to ignore the longer term gain?
I have only read stories of how disciplined people were in Japan during Tsunami and earthquakes in queues waiting for their turn. Now we have proof that we Indians are as good too. Imagine the scale of impact and you haven't seen riots breaking out. We hear stories of people helping out others in queues.

Now if you have fundamental issues with this activity, I am all ears.

It is pointless IMO-

In every country there are various types of people- Some who cruse rain and sun- some who cry over If the stock of latest mobile phone runs out of stock- and cruse the nation over It-

And some who are there and are quietly working hard and walking along type-

The queues in banks is nothing new- There are queues for paying electricity bills, water bills, LPG booking, Voting, Buying fertilizer, seeds, etc- other than in banks especially at the beginning or ending last few days of the month when people draw their salaries or pensions- People even die standing in queues Its normal- once our defense minister fainted while observing some military parade-

I exchanged my notes yesterday- Most of my work is done through Internet banking- I had only 2500 in old so I didn't have to deposit and replaced them- earlier I also had to use the ATM to withdraw some cash- people are generally happy about It- Old people and the elderly don't queue up- they just tell the person in front of them in the queue and sit on chairs or pavement and wait for their time to come- no one is complaining- handicapped people get priority and Police or Military don't have to queue up If they are in uniform-

Things could get back to normal by the end of this month- But the whining will continue- because we have people of different kinds- and It gives the audience for the whining-
BTW what is the definition of Secular - Not the dictionary definition but definition in Indian context

The irony of these secular parties is that they are the ones who are pro tripple talaq and 4 wives for muslim men.
I have no idea how these regressive, pro-islamist parties have started calling themselves secular..

What is worse is the Media pandering their BS and not calling them out.
Is this really the best argument you could come with . It happens when you are of bourgeois class . Here's more :

http://edition.cnn.com/2016/11/17/asia/india-rickshaw-rupealready x.html

Did you noticed any rich stand up in Q.. by introducing 2000 note will the corruption end.. it is much more short sighted move. We have yet to receive 500rs in AP. But banks and ATM dispensing 2000 note. And 100 notes already run out.. if you want to purchase something costs 100rs - 500 or even 1000 who is gonna give you change. Do these guy stop taking bribe.. someone caught taking 3lacs bribe. When banks exchanging 4000rs per day, then how the hell someone offered 2.5lac bribe entirely 2000rs and 40000 found in his home. Business, exports shrinked to lowest. Some might argue problem will end in week, but what is the capacity of RBI printing those new notes. when will they pump 500rs which is very essential.
Great idea but extremely poor implementation. This could unfortunately backfire on BJP in UP elections. The govt. has to do something urgently to clear this mess and then show tangible benefits to the public of this demonitisation move.

I think the jury is still out there whether this was a great idea or not. There are both positives and negatives and only time will tell whether it was a good idea to disrupt the economy in this fashion. Most businesses are down and will be down for quite some time. I said a week or so ago that I was hopeful that govt had done their due homework and consult economists before taking such a drastic step. But after seeing how unprepared they were I am not so sure now and that's my biggest worry. My guess is that Raghuram Rajan was not in favor of this and they only started the whole process after Urjit Patel took charge. It is basic common sense that when you make 86% of the cash useless overnight in a country with some 18 trillion rupees in circulation and you have not even started printing new notes to replace them there will be chaos and cash crunch. They were so clueless that now they come up with a new rule every day. First you could swap 4000 rupees, then 4500 and now 2000, what do you make of that? Utter unpreparedness! Even if this was the greatest idea in the world they should have given themselves time to execute it properly and the excuses that they couldn't do it to keep secrecy don't fly. At the very least they should have had enough cash reserve of 500 rupee notes in advance.
Did you noticed any rich stand up in Q..

Contrary to popular opinion, the rich DON'T carry much cash. They don't need to.
The corrupt rich CAN NOT deposit their cash.

That's why u won't see many rich in line because one section can not and another section don't need to.

For example, naxals are very rich, roughly worth 7500 crores. One can hardly expect them to stand in queue to deposit.
Stop these silly arguments.

I think the jury is still out there whether this was a great idea or not. There are both positives and negatives and only time will tell whether it was a good idea to disrupt the economy in this fashion. Most businesses are down and will be down for quite some time. I said a week or so ago that I was hopeful that govt had done their due homework and consult economists before taking such a drastic step. But after seeing how unprepared they were I am not so sure now and that's my biggest worry. My guess is that Raghuram Rajan was not in favor of this and they only started the whole process after Urjit Patel took charge. It is basic common sense that when you make 86% of the cash useless overnight in a country with some 18 trillion rupees in circulation and you have not even started printing new notes to replace them there will be chaos and cash crunch. They were so clueless that now they come up with a new rule every day. First you could swap 4000 rupees, then 4500 and now 2000, what do you make of that? Utter unpreparedness! Even if this was the greatest idea in the world they should have given themselves time to execute it properly and the excuses that they couldn't do it to keep secrecy don't fly. At the very least they should have had enough cash reserve of 500 rupee notes in advance.

Damed if you do, damned if you don't.

There is no template to do anything like this. There is no economist who can say I can implement this 100% without a single person being inconvenienced..

It looks like the talk of rooting out black money was all talk from certain "honesty" parties. When push came to shove, this party and their leader was seen joining hands with crooks of India and do drama....

enough said.
I think the jury is still out there whether this was a great idea or not. There are both positives and negatives and only time will tell whether it was a good idea to disrupt the economy in this fashion. Most businesses are down and will be down for quite some time. I said a week or so ago that I was hopeful that govt had done their due homework and consult economists before taking such a drastic step. But after seeing how unprepared they were I am not so sure now and that's my biggest worry. My guess is that Raghuram Rajan was not in favor of this and they only started the whole process after Urjit Patel took charge. It is basic common sense that when you make 86% of the cash useless overnight in a country with some 18 trillion rupees in circulation and you have not even started printing new notes to replace them there will be chaos and cash crunch. They were so clueless that now they come up with a new rule every day. First you could swap 4000 rupees, then 4500 and now 2000, what do you make of that? Utter unpreparedness! Even if this was the greatest idea in the world they should have given themselves time to execute it properly and the excuses that they couldn't do it to keep secrecy don't fly. At the very least they should have had enough cash reserve of 500 rupee notes in advance.

The part about Raghuram Rajan. I feel the same honestly.

Hope they clear this mess soon. I don't want to see Modi go down like this after all the optimism and excitement he created in the country.
This is brilliant piece of journalism. Salute to whoever wrote this.

Keypads of ATMs you’re visiting are loaded with germs, could even spread STDs

If you’ve been standing in a queue to withdraw money from an automated teller machine (ATM), here’s something you need to be cautious of. The keypads of the machine may be loaded with bacteria from spoiled food to parasites that may also cause sexually transmitted disease (STDs), researchers say.

Automated teller machine (ATM) keypads represent a specific and unexplored micro habitat for microbial communities.

“Our results suggest that ATM keypads integrate microbes from different sources, including the human microbiome, foods, and potentially novel environmental organisms adapted to air or surfaces,” said Jane Carlton, Professor at New York University, US. “DNA obtained from ATM keypads may therefore provide a record of both human behaviour and environmental sources of microbes,” Carlton added.

The researchers in June and July 2014 took swabs of keypads from 66 ATM machines from Manhattan, Queens, and Brooklyn, in the US. Specifically, the most common identified sources of microbes on the keypads were from household surfaces such as televisions, restrooms, kitchens and pillows, as well as from bony fish, mollusks and chicken.

Residual DNA from a meal may remain on a person’s hands and be transferred to the ATM keypad upon use, the researchers suggested. ATM keypads located in laundromats and stores had the highest number of biomarkers with the most prominent being Lactobacillales (lactic acid bacteria), which is usually found in decomposing plants or milk products.

In other samples, the researchers observed the biomarker Xeromyces bisporus, which is associated with spoiled baked goods. In addition, the team found a parasite typically seen in the gut of humans and other mammals, along with a species closely related to the human parasite Trichomonas vaginalis, which can potentially cause STD.

However, there is no significant difference was found in the keypads from ATMs located outdoors versus indoors, the researcher noted, in the paper published in the journal ‘mSphere.’

Prime Minister Modi has lost the mission… Across the country, Prime Minister Modi’s favourite mission is receiving a huge setback.

People have come out strongly dismissing his move and voicing their rejection by hitting back at Swacch Bharat move.

Prime Ministers assertion that his latest #demonization drive will clean up the country has got a blow – as people across the country have given it a thumbs down and retaliated by demolishing his favourite Swacch Bharat mission, by littering drains, rivers, parks, outside temples and clubs… every nook and corner with waste paper.

Look at these pictures yourself:




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