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3000 reconverted to Hinduism in Odisha

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@Pakistani Nationalist - glad to be back brother, can't send PM's yet, no 10,000 posts yet - been working - Ganges.

What these indian turds don't realize is there is inter marriage between Sunni and Shia - we have families who are both, my own Jatt clan has both sects in it.

Jatt??? didn't knew you guys follow caste system my Kshatriya brother :lol:
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What does that have to do with anything.

everything by calling your self a jatt you are claiming to belong to Kshatriya caste same goes for all those non Hindu who call themself rajput, gujjars, maratha etc but still stupidly say we don't follow Hindu caste system WTF
1. This is an interesting development. Hinduism, strictly speaking does not allow re-conversions. Even jumping from one cast/class to another through marriage is a very recent phenomenon. Judaism is another such exclusive club. To be a Jew one needs to be born of a Jewish mother. A Jewish father's off-spring from a non-Jew is not a Jew.

2. Continuous intermarriage has caused concern in the Jewish community because of certain diseases related to this practice. Therefore, at child-birth Jewish women need special medical attention in addition to rituals like yoledet and niddah . Jews are also looking for good seeds to be introduced. That is a service people like Amartya Sen, Dr Mohammad Yunus and Imran Khan have provided.

3. Hindu thinkers/philosophers from the last two centuries have pondered over their situation which can only mean eventual disappearance of Hinduism through natural process. Their demographic curve viz-a-viz others has been travelling downwards constantly. In Bengal's history there is the fascinating tale of Raja Raja Ganesha. In 1414 seizing control over Bengal he faced an imminent threat of invasion. Ganesha appealed to saint Qutb al Alam, to stop the threat. The saint agreed on the condition that Raja Ganesha's son Jadu would convert to Islam and rule in his place. Raja Ganesha agreed and Jadu started ruling Bengal as Jalaluddin Muhammad Shah in 1415 AD. Qutb al Alam died in 1416 AD and Raja Ganesha was emboldened to depose his son and accede to the throne himself as Danujamarddana Deva. Jalaluddin was reconverted to Hinduism by the Golden Cow ritual. This required him to travel under a cow made of gold. (Obviously the gold went to the temple under the Brahmin priests.) After the death of his father he once again converted to Islam and started ruling his second phase.

4. There are now three schools of thought in the subject:
a. The conservatives stick to their guns and preach that there is no place for non-Hindus in SA (historical Bharat).
b. The modern liberated school doesn't want any interference by the clergy in the personal choice made by individuals. They say, let things move as they do.
c. The third group emerging sees the threat to their existence if ancient rules were followed to the letter. They, therefore, propose a system of re-conversion. There again there are differences in opinion regarding the status of the returnees. Some say, make a new low cast of these. Some feel they should go back to the original cast. Etc.

Re-conversion is termed as Shuddhi ( Shuddhi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )

5. Then there are others - and this group has shown some strength in recent times, who look for gradual absorption of Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists and others into Hinduism through various means.Indian Constitution considers Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains and Brahmos as Hindus.Only Muslims and Christians are recognized as non-Hindus. For instance, Muslims following a sort of Din e Ilahi are more preferred. Take the case of Bollywood. What is common among the most successful Muslim heroes - Shahrukh Khan and Amir Khan? They both have Hindu wives who practice Hinduism - which is not allowed in Islam.

Right to Freedom of Religion
25. (1) Subject to public order, morality and health
and to the other provisions of this Part, all persons are
equally entitled to freedom of conscience and the right
freely to profess, practise and propagate religion.
(2) Nothing in this article shall affect the operation
of any existing law or prevent the State from making
any law—
(a) regulating or restricting any economic, financial,
political or other secular activity which may be
associated with religious practice;
(b) providing for social welfare and reform or the
throwing open of Hindu religious institutions of a
public character to all classes and sections of Hindus.


as per constitution every person has a right to practice the religion in which he has faith..anything wrong with that??
everything by calling your self a jatt you are claiming to belong to Kshatriya caste same goes for all those non Hindu who call themself rajput, gujjars, maratha etc but still stupidly say we don't follow Hindu caste system WTF

Don't follow anything - just proud of my clan and family - don't follow any caste.
1. This is an interesting development. Hinduism, strictly speaking does not allow re-conversions. Even jumping from one cast/class to another through marriage is a very recent phenomenon. Judaism is another such exclusive club. To be a Jew one needs to be born of a Jewish mother. A Jewish father's off-spring from a non-Jew is not a Jew.

2. Continuous intermarriage has caused concern in the Jewish community because of certain diseases related to this practice. Therefore, at child-birth Jewish women need special medical attention in addition to rituals like yoledet and niddah . Jews are also looking for good seeds to be introduced. That is a service people like Amartya Sen, Dr Mohammad Yunus and Imran Khan have provided.

3. Hindu thinkers/philosophers from the last two centuries have pondered over their situation which can only mean eventual disappearance of Hinduism through natural process. Their demographic curve viz-a-viz others has been travelling downwards constantly. In Bengal's history there is the fascinating tale of Raja Raja Ganesha. In 1414 seizing control over Bengal he faced an imminent threat of invasion. Ganesha appealed to saint Qutb al Alam, to stop the threat. The saint agreed on the condition that Raja Ganesha's son Jadu would convert to Islam and rule in his place. Raja Ganesha agreed and Jadu started ruling Bengal as Jalaluddin Muhammad Shah in 1415 AD. Qutb al Alam died in 1416 AD and Raja Ganesha was emboldened to depose his son and accede to the throne himself as Danujamarddana Deva. Jalaluddin was reconverted to Hinduism by the Golden Cow ritual. This required him to travel under a cow made of gold. (Obviously the gold went to the temple under the Brahmin priests.) After the death of his father he once again converted to Islam and started ruling his second phase.

4. There are now three schools of thought in the subject:
a. The conservatives stick to their guns and preach that there is no place for non-Hindus in SA (historical Bharat).
b. The modern liberated school doesn't want any interference by the clergy in the personal choice made by individuals. They say, let things move as they do.
c. The third group emerging sees the threat to their existence if ancient rules were followed to the letter. They, therefore, propose a system of re-conversion. There again there are differences in opinion regarding the status of the returnees. Some say, make a new low cast of these. Some feel they should go back to the original cast. Etc.

Re-conversion is termed as Shuddhi ( Shuddhi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )

5. Then there are others - and this group has shown some strength in recent times, who look for gradual absorption of Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists and others into Hinduism through various means. Indian Constitution considers Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains and Brahmos as Hindus.Only Muslims and Christians are recognized as non-Hindus. For instance, Muslims following a sort of Din e Ilahi are more preferred. Take the case of Bollywood. What is common among the most successful Muslim heroes - Shahrukh Khan and Amir Khan? They both have Hindu wives who practice Hinduism - which is not allowed in Islam.

Just after 300-400 year of conversion you forget Hinduism.. Kudos bro.... Lets re-educate you about hinduism (which your forfathers should have taught you as they were converted from hidnusim)

1. Ill-informed.
2. That applies to Islam as well. not applied to hinduism.
3. moral of story??
4. Ill-Informed
5. Ill-informed
There is no conversion in Hinduism .... If you just believe in the principles , that is all that matters .....
They Jumped from Pan into Fire....

They Jumped from Pan into Fire....
1. This is an interesting development. Hinduism, strictly speaking does not allow re-conversions. Even jumping from one cast/class to another through marriage is a very recent phenomenon. Judaism is another such exclusive club. To be a Jew one needs to be born of a Jewish mother. A Jewish father's off-spring from a non-Jew is not a Jew.

2. Continuous intermarriage has caused concern in the Jewish community because of certain diseases related to this practice. Therefore, at child-birth Jewish women need special medical attention in addition to rituals like yoledet and niddah . Jews are also looking for good seeds to be introduced. That is a service people like Amartya Sen, Dr Mohammad Yunus and Imran Khan have provided.

3. Hindu thinkers/philosophers from the last two centuries have pondered over their situation which can only mean eventual disappearance of Hinduism through natural process. Their demographic curve viz-a-viz others has been travelling downwards constantly. In Bengal's history there is the fascinating tale of Raja Raja Ganesha. In 1414 seizing control over Bengal he faced an imminent threat of invasion. Ganesha appealed to saint Qutb al Alam, to stop the threat. The saint agreed on the condition that Raja Ganesha's son Jadu would convert to Islam and rule in his place. Raja Ganesha agreed and Jadu started ruling Bengal as Jalaluddin Muhammad Shah in 1415 AD. Qutb al Alam died in 1416 AD and Raja Ganesha was emboldened to depose his son and accede to the throne himself as Danujamarddana Deva. Jalaluddin was reconverted to Hinduism by the Golden Cow ritual. This required him to travel under a cow made of gold. (Obviously the gold went to the temple under the Brahmin priests.) After the death of his father he once again converted to Islam and started ruling his second phase.

4. There are now three schools of thought in the subject:
a. The conservatives stick to their guns and preach that there is no place for non-Hindus in SA (historical Bharat).
b. The modern liberated school doesn't want any interference by the clergy in the personal choice made by individuals. They say, let things move as they do.
c. The third group emerging sees the threat to their existence if ancient rules were followed to the letter. They, therefore, propose a system of re-conversion. There again there are differences in opinion regarding the status of the returnees. Some say, make a new low cast of these. Some feel they should go back to the original cast. Etc.

Re-conversion is termed as Shuddhi ( Shuddhi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )

5. Then there are others - and this group has shown some strength in recent times, who look for gradual absorption of Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists and others into Hinduism through various means. Indian Constitution considers Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains and Brahmos as Hindus.Only Muslims and Christians are recognized as non-Hindus. For instance, Muslims following a sort of Din e Ilahi are more preferred. Take the case of Bollywood. What is common among the most successful Muslim heroes - Shahrukh Khan and Amir Khan? They both have Hindu wives who practice Hinduism - which is not allowed in Islam.

Dude..whatever may be your intention of your post...But even i was not aware so many facts about Hinduism as you have presented here...Thanks for sharing this post....
What a silly statement. You think VHP did put a gun on 3000 heads?
Of course it has to be peaceful as common sense dictates.

that was not at all a silly statement, what's silly was your response that they did not put gun on 3000 heads.
unless we hear about the reasons of mass re conversion, one can't be sure that it was all willfull re conversion, one should oppose not only forceful, paid conversions but also the forceful re conversion, in this case very much doubt the same.
Oh really? think again:


Its more of a curse...... u can even killed for feeding the dog of a higher caste fella!

And sir whats ur view on worshipping animals or marrying dogs and trees?

it depends. if you are a dalit in the cities you have it good. in the remote villages things are only improving.
but its better than being ahmadi or non sunni in pak. In india the state does everything it can to protet everyone. in Pak the constitution and the religion of sunnis goes agains muslims like ahmadi and shia and non muslims like hindu.christian.
that was not at all a silly statement, what's silly was your response that they did not put gun on 3000 heads.
unless we hear about the reasons of mass re conversion, one can't be sure that it was all willfull re conversion, one should oppose not only forceful, paid conversions but also the forceful re conversion, in this case very much doubt the same.

There is not a iota of proof or modicum of wrong doing in the re-conversion, hence your comments were unwarranted and silly. VHP has been doing such job for the past 4 decades, and there is no news of money changing hands.

Your statement is akin to saying: "If Obama won cleanly then its okey"

But, was there any controversy of Obama winning a fraud election?

So why unnecessary extrapolation to look yourself "EL STUPIDO" ?

But you are you, a pseudo sick-ularist.
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