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300 Terrorists Leave Training Camps In Azad Kashmir, After Indian Surgical Strikes

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Would there be any punishment when the people quit and runaway from the camps?

300 Terrorists Leave Training Camps In Azad Kashmir, After Indian Surgical Strikes

That's utter nonsense, war mongering, present no evidence!
Certificate from ISPR is missing!
So, now it's back to training camps? Make up your minds.

First it was "we targeted training camps", than it was "there are no training camps in Kashmir, we targeted launch pads", and now its back to "there are training camps in Kashmir".

The amount of flip flopping is ridiculous.

They have no clue about any such camp. Yesterday and day before yesterday I was talking about that we people of KpK and northern areas know very well where freedom fighters are located at least not in Azad Kashmir or near LoC so now Indians came up with this brilliant idea of saying they have shifted to KpK
Wow just wow and somehow when I visited line of control three years back I didn't found any such training camps or launching pads ( still unsure wtf are those) . But people doing the normal work which we all use to do. And cursing India lol
o really so your indian artificial intelligence failed to find these "camps" within two Kms when you launched sourgical strike and there were only launching pads now suddenly camps for 300 appeared?

You are reading too much media- need to clam down- We get to see what we need to see- and everything is not told to media-
Phudu sarey kay sarey. Media kuch bi bolta hai aur yay apnay pichwarey pay aag laga kar bhagna shuruh kar daitay hain
You are reading too much media- need to clam down- We get to see what we need to see- and everything is not told to media-
WOW and today our ISPR brought entire media team with him to the areas you claimed that you have done surgical strikes . Because we have nothing to hide. That's the difference between the person who wants to hide something and who doesn't.
On a serious note, the indian media is fast turning into nazi Germany's media that reported nothing but propaganda instead of the truth and merciless criticism of the government. Heck, they were broadcasting victory after victory up until the very moment hitler shot himself. And we all know what happened to nazi Germany.
What do you think where they would be going? Bhutan?

Of course they are being trained to attack India but to gather intelligence on the exact target is much more difficult all the time though many times we do succeed.
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