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30% Chinese can't speak Mandarin

English is a working language but has no official status. Only these Indian Languages have official status in the constitution. 1.Assamese, 2.Bengali, 3.Bodo, 4.Dogri, 5.Gujarati, 6.Hindi, 7.Kannada, 8.Kashmiri, 9.Konkani, 10.Maithili, 11.Malayalam, 12.Manipuri, 13.Marathi, 14.Nepali, 15.Oriya, 16.Punjabi, 17.Sanskrit, 18.Santhali, 19.Sindhi, 20.Tamil, 21.Telugu and 22. Urdu.

LOL, English is made the lingua franca but not considered as official language? There is no better example to explain the meaning of "oxymoron."
LOL, English is made the lingua franca but not considered as official language? There is no better example to explain the meaning of "oxymoron."

Still each Indian can speak one or more of the official languages of India. I believe China don't have any other official language apart from Mandarin.
English is a working language but has no official status. Only these Indian Languages have official status in the constitution. 1.Assamese, 2.Bengali, 3.Bodo, 4.Dogri, 5.Gujarati, 6.Hindi, 7.Kannada, 8.Kashmiri, 9.Konkani, 10.Maithili, 11.Malayalam, 12.Manipuri, 13.Marathi, 14.Nepali, 15.Oriya, 16.Punjabi, 17.Sanskrit, 18.Santhali, 19.Sindhi, 20.Tamil, 21.Telugu and 22. Urdu.

English is official. What are you saying?

Our laws are in English, its indeed our official language.
Still each Indian can speak one or more of the official languages of India. I believe China don't have any other official language apart from Mandarin.

If English is made lingua franca, it is an official language. Can you follow that logic? :coffee:
Stupid thread. OP is trying to link the ability to speak the official language to the literacy rate. The Chinese language has like 4000 years of history and is very diversified. Mandarin is just the dialect of the north and adopted as the official one for political reasons. People can still read Chinese, just can't speak the Mandarin dialect well.

This kind of trolling just makes you shake your head at these Indians. With all that mess at home, their focus is proving how China is bad. It is a country without hope because the people are stupid.
Still each Indian can speak one or more of the official languages of India. I believe China don't have any other official language apart from Mandarin.

First, please look up a dictionary and try to examine the true difference between a LANGUAGE and a DIALECT.
It will be changed soon.

China will give them time to make adaptation. However, China will not tolerate Mandarin not being used for official languages for long in her region.

In Macau SAR China's National language Mandarin is not allowed for official purpose, they only allow Cantonese or Portuguese.
Let's be fair, the traditional Wu language regions are the richest part. We don't speal Mandarin at home or at work. We speak Wu. this is the same region with the highest education level and spending, this is also the region home to most good universites.

our lovely indian member here with low IQ simply couldn't tell the difference between accent and language.

now, I am going to enjoy my Hk movie not in Mandrin.

because we can't afford to see 1 billion indians to illegal cross our border to apply for asylum.

haha, I remember I didn't even speak Mandarin till I went to Beijing for college! All my teachers, even including English and Chinese teachers, only spoke in Wu Dialect, or more specifically, Ningbo dialect. In my 1st junior high, we had a young college graduate to teach history, and she started talking in Mandarin, we all made fun of her, lol.

To the OP, learn some basic things about a country before you opened your big mouth. We are now very concerned about loss of regional dialects as more and more kids start speaking Mandarin even at home. Those regional dialects all carry various DNAs of phonetics of our ancient language since Chinese written language is not a phonetic language, i.e., unlike any other world languages, we can still read books written by Confucius etc even though we don't know how they were pronounced at that time.
First, please look up a dictionary and try to examine the true difference between a LANGUAGE and a DIALECT.

I know it but isn't the Mandarin dialect the standard for education.
haha, I remember I didn't even speak Mandarin till I went to Beijing for college! All my teachers, even including English and Chinese teachers, only spoke in Wu Dialect, or more specifically, Ningbo dialect. In my 1st junior high, we had a young college graduate to teach history, and she started talking in Mandarin, we all made fun of her, lol.

To the OP, learn some basic things about a country before you opened your big mouth. We are now very concerned about loss of regional dialects as more and more kids start speaking Mandarin even at home. Those regional dialects all carry various DNAs of phonetics of our ancient language since Chinese written language is not a phonetic language, i.e., unlike any other world languages, we can still read books written by Confucius etc even though we don't know how they were pronounced at that time.

Very true, when I had been to my home town (Mei Zhou), my relatives sons and daughters conversed in mandarin instead of Ke Ja dialect.
Stupid thread

Language evolves over time

Our writing is uniform in the country. Only the spoken language varies as China is a country with a long long history and we are so diversified geographically and ethnically.

If those cannot brighten the OP up a bit, think about English - how many accents are there in America and the UK alone, now? And project the scenario of 1000 years into the future, I am sure what you hear in the year of 3013 will not be the same English as you can understand now
INDIC means "30% Chinese can't speak Mandarin, so 30% Chinese are illiteracy", so people live in richest area HK, Fujian, Guangdong are all illiteracy

In China, speaking mandarin is utmost important. But I agree with you that people who do not speak mandarin can still communicate with one another. Even Japanese can communicate with Chinese by characters.
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