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3 Sikh terror suspects held: KL

Contribution of Sikhs to India has been immense,from Army to Business to government,though Manmohan Singh is not a great contribution:P
But yes History is the proof,Hindus and Sikhs have been living with each other,in fact Guru Granth sahib mentions the word 'Ram' a lot of times and has Kabir's 'dohas' in it.
Lets not one sad incident in our history(84) that too due to some fckn politicians ruin our unity.
We fought the Mughals(Muslim emperors) together,then we fought the British together then we fought our eastern neighbor together.
Lets not make our bonds suffer due to dirty politics
both are corrupt. that is the problem. in reality none of them have a problem with any religion. they simply use religious divides for power.

congress is fooling muslims. bjp is fooling hindus.

But thank God there are national parties like BJP, otherwise India would have become a one party state with Gandhis at their helm.

Nobody doubts any of that. I am an Indian Muslim, and strongly believe India would not be what it is without the Sikhs. They havecontributed so much to the country.

I only wish that the Indian government would do more to alleviate their grievances. Then again the Indian gov't needs to do a lot to alleviate everybody's grievances.
Before any indian comes here and says GOVT. populated SH!T about operation bluestar and act as Blind patriot.. Let me tell you the the reality (Am from Amritsar only)

Its copy paste from another thread though

1 They were not hiding or holed up.. They lived there.
2 How were they terrorist?? they didn't killed innocent peoples before or any blasts or any kind of killing.
Thing is if they were bad people they would have never got the support of such a big numbers world over..Don't become a mouth of mumbo jumbo newspaper. Look at inner defaults in indian system or governance towards minorities...

Damn.. 7000 sikhs were killed in DELHI, without even a SINGLE fault of these people...and till NOW not even SINGLE person HAS been SENT to jail for this...but if you kill one DEER, you would be in JAIL for 6 months...Sad state indeed.

LOL 'they just lived there' and were able to ward off the Indian army armed with tanks etc for 2 days killing 85 Indian soldiers using anti-tank and anti-aircraft gunfire awesome!!!

Here is second part

1 People using word Militants or Terrorist to describe people in Golden temple are Dumbs and are simply acting as mouthpieces of media or Govt. run Doordarshan at that time...Know the history of these guys..Look for things they have done for Non-sikhs...They used to help Hindus Financially by Giving Money and Religiously too by making Mandirs for them too..Short end real word of reality is INDRA GANDHI was Bitc*

2 The rallies for 1984 justice should be supported by all INDIANS..It is such a BIG DISGRACE on indian face that within 11 days of Indra Gandhi's killing more than 15,000 Innocent Sikhs were Killed and those Moron murders had support of police and other Govt. agencies...

3 Recently US commission of "International religious freedom" has Kept INDIA on its watch list..

4 Because of this incident International community for Human rights often call India as Hipocracy ..Instead of Democracy..

So after all this if any proud Indian Feels a Bit ashamed...Than, No matter you are Hindu, muslim, jain or INDIAN...You must STRONGLY support rallies for Justice of 1984..or otherwise it will remain BLACK SPOT on indian history FOREVER.

If someone in not satisfied by my Point No 1..and wants to inquire why did they collected arsenal in Golden temple complex.. i would say find yourself..as these guys were the one who followed Guru Gobind singhs Words( 10 th Guru of sikhs) that "When all the stratagem employed for (solving) an affair or problem are exhausted,(only) then taking your hand to the sword is legitimate"

July 84 to 87 Punjab(different areas) More than 5000 civilians killed by terrorists.
Sep. 12, 84 Batala 8 Hindu bus passengers killed.
June 22, 84 Irish sea Air India Boeing 747 blasted, all 329 passengers killed.
Feb. 86 Nakodar 15 persons killed and many injured in indiscriminate firing by terrorists
March 6,86 Kapurthala Many innocent persons killed in indiscriminate firing by terrorists.
March 28, 1986 Ludhiana 13 people (Hindus) killed in indiscriminate firing in Dresi ground.
March 29, 1986 Mallian 20 innocent labourers killed (Jalandhar) by terrorists.
July 25, 1986 Mukatsar 15 innocent Hindu bus passengers gunned down.
Oct. 31,1986 Ludhiana 8 migrant and local industrial workers, all hindus, gunned down in indiscriminate firing on Daba road.
Nov. 30, 1986 Khudda 24 innocent Hindu bus passengers gunned down.
July 87 Lalru 80 bus pessengers killed in Fatehabad on three Haryana Roadways buses.
Aug. 6, 1987 Jagdev Kalan 13 innocent Hindus gunned down.
Sep. 28,1987 Alawalpur 5 killed and 8 injured, firing near Geetha Bhawan.
Oct. 20,1987 Delhi 12 persons shot dead at various places in Delhi on Diwali day.
Jan. 15,1988 Dhadial Nijhran 8 members of a family including 2 women and 3 children killed in this village near Batala.
Feb. 19,1988 Bombs exploded by Babbar Khalsa at Gurdaspur, Hoshiarpur and Patiala. 12 person killed,
March 2, 1988 Bhaian 8 members of a family killed.
March 3, 1988 Kahri sahri 35 persons shot dead, 50 others injured, indiscriminate firing at a festival gathering by terrorists.
March 31, 1988 Theh Rajbah 18 members of a Rajput family shot dead at village theh Rajbah under police station.
April 2,88 Ramgam 6 persons masssacred in this village under P.S. Gharinda. 18 more persons killed in other parts.
May 15,88 40 persons gunned down, 100 others injured in different incidents at Samana, Patiala.

And this was done by aliens

And these were NGOs helping the poor & needy

Babbar Khalsa International (BKI)
Khalistan Zindabad Force (KZF)
International Sikh Youth Federation (ISYF)
Khalistan Commando Force (KCF)
All-India Sikh Students Federation (AISSF)
Bhindranwala Tigers Force of Khalistan (BTFK)
Khalistan Liberation Army (KLA)
Khalistan Liberation Front (KLF)
Khalistan Armed Force (KAF)
Dashmesh Regiment
Khalistan Liberation Organisation (KLO)
Khalistan National Army (KNA)
Kamagata Maru Dal of Khalistan
Shaheed Khalsa Force
Khalistan Guerilla Force
Khalistan Security Force
LOL 'they just lived there' and were able to ward off the Indian army armed with tanks etc for 2 days killing 85 Indian soldiers using anti-tank and anti-aircraft gunfire awesome!!!

July 84 to 87 Punjab(different areas) More than 5000 civilians killed by terrorists.
Sep. 12, 84 Batala 8 Hindu bus passengers killed.
June 22, 84 Irish sea Air India Boeing 747 blasted, all 329 passengers killed.
Feb. 86 Nakodar 15 persons killed and many injured in indiscriminate firing by terrorists
March 6,86 Kapurthala Many innocent persons killed in indiscriminate firing by terrorists.
March 28, 1986 Ludhiana 13 people (Hindus) killed in indiscriminate firing in Dresi ground.
March 29, 1986 Mallian 20 innocent labourers killed (Jalandhar) by terrorists.
July 25, 1986 Mukatsar 15 innocent Hindu bus passengers gunned down.
Oct. 31,1986 Ludhiana 8 migrant and local industrial workers, all hindus, gunned down in indiscriminate firing on Daba road.
Nov. 30, 1986 Khudda 24 innocent Hindu bus passengers gunned down.
July 87 Lalru 80 bus pessengers killed in Fatehabad on three Haryana Roadways buses.
Aug. 6, 1987 Jagdev Kalan 13 innocent Hindus gunned down.
Sep. 28,1987 Alawalpur 5 killed and 8 injured, firing near Geetha Bhawan.
Oct. 20,1987 Delhi 12 persons shot dead at various places in Delhi on Diwali day.
Jan. 15,1988 Dhadial Nijhran 8 members of a family including 2 women and 3 children killed in this village near Batala.
Feb. 19,1988 Bombs exploded by Babbar Khalsa at Gurdaspur, Hoshiarpur and Patiala. 12 person killed,
March 2, 1988 Bhaian 8 members of a family killed.
March 3, 1988 Kahri sahri 35 persons shot dead, 50 others injured, indiscriminate firing at a festival gathering by terrorists.
March 31, 1988 Theh Rajbah 18 members of a Rajput family shot dead at village theh Rajbah under police station.
April 2,88 Ramgam 6 persons masssacred in this village under P.S. Gharinda. 18 more persons killed in other parts.
May 15,88 40 persons gunned down, 100 others injured in different incidents at Samana, Patiala.

And this was done by aliens

And these were NGOs helping the poor & needy

Babbar Khalsa International (BKI)
Khalistan Zindabad Force (KZF)
International Sikh Youth Federation (ISYF)
Khalistan Commando Force (KCF)
All-India Sikh Students Federation (AISSF)
Bhindranwala Tigers Force of Khalistan (BTFK)
Khalistan Liberation Army (KLA)
Khalistan Liberation Front (KLF)
Khalistan Armed Force (KAF)
Dashmesh Regiment
Khalistan Liberation Organisation (KLO)
Khalistan National Army (KNA)
Kamagata Maru Dal of Khalistan
Shaheed Khalsa Force
Khalistan Guerilla Force
Khalistan Security Force

You got caught in ur own words.........
Dates given by you are after 84.
Whether it is the Sikhs of Punjab, the Muslims of Gujarat, the Christians of Orissa, or the Hindus of Kashmir, justice needs to be done.

hindus suffered in the gujarat riots too and kandhmal riots were no exception.....how do you think both the incidents started ?
There will always be small elements of wrong doers in a society but you should not allow this minute minority to tarnish the name of the good be it Hindu (RSS) Muslim (Indian Muj) or Sikh (Khalistan).

rss ?? they saved dozens and dozens of sikhs from getting slaughtered by the congress mobs in 84...please give them credit where it is due...read what khuswhant singh writes about the rss for its role in protecting innocent sikhs in delhi....

do you know of the rss role in the liberation of goa, accession of kashmir, indo-chinese war, relief works in tsunami,bhuj and latur earth quakes and the immense socio-cultural work they carry out in the remotest parts of india where even goi does not venture........dont go by what undie tv has to tell about rss.....
You got caught in ur own words.........
Dates given by you are after 84.

u read the date but didn't get the sarcasm ?

nevertheless, what is your point ? Punjab has repeatedly elected cong govt. And it they who are accused of that crime. Not those innocent people who got killed "after 84" and certainly not the entire nation
You got caught in ur own words.........
Dates given by you are after 84.

Pre or Post 84?? Is killing of innocents justified? I am in no way supporter of operation Blue Star or 84' Riots etc but national interest is supreme not religious, there may be political blunders but none should be allowed to challenge integrity/Authority of India or stock insane amount of firepower at the Holiest Shrine, yes it was dark chapter but not only for Sikhs but also for 1000s of Hindus to who lost their lives to Sikh fanatics
You got caught in ur own words.........
Dates given by you are after 84.

what was mr.bhindranwale and his followers doing with hmgs and ak-47s inside what you claim is your holiest shrine...is that not an insult to the shrine itself ? weapons in a place of worship...

just like indira was no saint so was the khalistanis.....both unleashed atrocities and the sufferers were civilians...there is no use blaming just one set...
You got caught in ur own words.........
Dates given by you are after 84.

so what....?

by the same logic werent hindu groups that rioted in gujarat justified as they acted only after 59 hindus were killed in godhra ?
@above mates....

Keep a hand on ur heart and think of one thing........

What will you If your family member is killed while in temple by ur own army????

What you will do if in ur own country , ur friends and relatives are killed by govt. Sponsered mob with the help of police??

What will you do when salt added to injury when accused are rewarded for killing innocents????

Will you take the things in ur hand or will just sit in home????

No one likes to be a terrorist, terrorist are made by the govt. And soviety.

All the dates given were of after Bluestar and riots...........

And those things are more then enough to turn moderates into extremists.

---------- Post added at 12:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:48 AM ----------

rss ?? they saved dozens and dozens of sikhs from getting slaughtered by the congress mobs in 84...please give them credit where it is due...read what khuswhant singh writes about the rss for its role in protecting innocent sikhs in delhi....

do you know of the rss role in the liberation of goa, accession of kashmir, indo-chinese war, relief works in tsunami,bhuj and latur earth quakes and the immense socio-cultural work they carry out in the remotest parts of india where even goi does not venture........dont go by what undie tv has to tell about rss.....
talking about goa........ Do you know anuthing about "Isaru"????
@above mates....

Keep a hand on ur heart and think of one thing........

What will you If your family member is killed while in temple by ur own army????

What you will do if in ur own country , ur friends and relatives are killed by govt. Sponsered mob with the help of police??

What will you do when salt added to injury when accused are rewarded for killing innocents????

Will you take the things in ur hand or will just sit in home????

No one likes to be a terrorist, terrorist are made by the govt. And soviety.

All the dates given were of after Bluestar and riots...........

And those things are more then enough to turn moderates into extremists.

no one sympathises with indira or her lap dogs jaddish tytler and sajjan kumar......but blaming them is just one part of teh story....to say the other side was completely innocent is also wrong and that also must be kept in mind.......it was indira whon satrted supporting bhiondranwale to check teh akalis but bhindranwale turned against her after getting to know how power felt....and the rest is history.....but how can terror acts be justified in the name of revenge ? then with what moral standard can any one condemn the post-gujarat riots or the babri-masjid demolition ? or for that matter 84 riots happened after indira's killing..so are they justified..where will this cycle of violence end ?

talking about goa........ Do you know anuthing about "Isaru"????

whats that ? whatever it is no sane man will keep RSS in the same place as a terrorist org as Indian mujaheddin...
@above mates....

Keep a hand on ur heart and think of one thing........

What will you If your family member is killed while in temple by ur own army????

What you will do if in ur own country , ur friends and relatives are killed by govt. Sponsered mob with the help of police??

What will you do when salt added to injury when accused are rewarded for killing innocents????

Will you take the things in ur hand or will just sit in home????

No one likes to be a terrorist, terrorist are made by the govt. And soviety.

All the dates given were of after Bluestar and riots...........

And those things are more then enough to turn moderates into extremists.

The Khalistan movement (secessionist movement) was started well before 70's, so saying everything happened after 84' is wrong, also

Operation Blue Star was headed by a Sikh, wasn't it?

KPS Gill who crushed the Khalistan movement was a Sikh, wasn't he?

Today Sikhs are probably one of the most richest and most affluent people in India

Sikhs are probably the most loved minority in India

Heck even the PM is a Sikh

Hate breeds more hate and violence breeds more violence, both sides suffered it was a dark chapter which is behind us the best is to forget the same and move forward
The Khalistan movement (secessionist movement) was started well before 70's, so saying everything happened after 84' is wrong, also

Operation Blue Star was headed by a Sikh, wasn't it?

KPS Gill who crushed the Khalistan movement was a Sikh, wasn't he?

Today Sikhs are probably one of the most richest and most affluent people in India

Sikhs are probably the most loved minority in India

Heck even the PM is a Sikh

Hate breeds more hate and violence breeds more violence, both sides suffered it was a dark chapter which is behind us the best is to forget the same and move forward
Mate..... I wasnt the one who started saying that hindus were killed by them and started giving dates of inncidents to justify ur cause of killing of sikhs.....
Whose spreading hate here???
About sikhs.......... No need for lecture ....... I am as Indian as you are........... Hating someone for wrong deeds of others is not in my nature.
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