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3 Pakistani soldiers martyred in 'unprovoked' cross-LoC firing by Indian army: ISPR

That formula worked for the best part of a thousand years:p:
@war&peace @Maarkhoor @Areesh

For that power to exist in them, they have to believe in Allah swt, and believe in his power more than their physical, mental power and weapon strength, if they believe other then that, they are committing shirk.
There is no switch that today you become and Muslim and you will automatically have that power. It took Sahabah r.a 13 years to develop that power which made them run their horses on water, made the world subservient to them.
Same formula converted ancestors of guys like you. Those who fought, retained their faith.
My ancestors progressed onto a more pure and sublime form of monotheism thanks to Naqashbandi saints.

and with same formula, you started war of 1965 and ended with defending your own territory and celebrate it as Defense day.

1 muslim= 10 hindus
And we held your much, much larger nation at bay, shame on you guys for not defeating a much, much smaller nation in terms of manpower/size LOL.

Lol.. that was not even a religious formula..but yes some weak fools did get delusioned by it and tried the same trick in recent years of the last century only for that myth to be busted ;)
Hey Sardar stay out of it, go home and dance to some Bhangra, as a bonus you may even get freedom from Gangadesh in form of Khalistan, this is strictly between us Pakistanis and the feeble sons of the Ganga!!!

For that power to exist in them, they have to believe in Allah swt, and believe in his power more than their physical, mental power and weapon strength, if they believe other then that, they are committing shirk.
There is no switch that today you become and Muslim and you will automatically have that power. It took Sahabah r.a 13 years to develop that power which made them run their horses on water, made the world subservient to them.
Please sir do not question the Aqeedah of Pak nation, I urge you to refrain from this!
Nepal samajh rakha hai kiya :lol:

Nepalis are true warriors unlike pakistan which has been defeated from time immemorial from Maurya, Nandas, Guptas to Afgans, Turks and Arabs from Sikhs, Britishers and modern Indian army :D
Nepalis are true warriors unlike pakistan which has been defeated from time immemorial from Maurya, Nandas, Guptas to Afgans, Turks and Arabs from Sikhs, Britishers and modern Indian army :D

OK.. :lol:
For that power to exist in them, they have to believe in Allah swt, and believe in his power more than their physical, mental power and weapon strength, if they believe other then that, they are committing shirk.
There is no switch that today you become and Muslim and you will automatically have that power. It took Sahabah r.a 13 years to develop that power which made them run their horses on water, made the world subservient to them.
I kind of liked the post and this actually makes sense. So I understand what you mean when you say you need to belive. That gives you power. Just being a muslim does not give you any extra strength. Right? If you belive that then trust me this is not restricted to Pakistani army. This power of your mind (belief) is available for everyone to use. Its nothing to do with religion..there are hundreds of stories of non muslims who has shown exemplary display of courage and unimaginable things. If religion was everything, no muslim country would have ever lost a war. I hope other posters understand this before bad mouthing Hindus.
This was bound to happen, they asked for it.
It is confirmed now, It was a cross border raid to avenge Pakistani BAT raid.

By the way your army rejected claims in Indian media that Saturday attack was an attack by BAT or cross border attack.
A Limited war is in India's interest ,but if only govt approves than Bharat ki Sena go full fledge, this tit for tat does nothing but ISPR accepted the dead well that's a plus point

Limited war with China is no way in hell in India's interest...The neck of Chicken will be cut off by the dragon and chances are Pakistan will jump in as well.

Two front war is not a joke for India.

And Pakistani uses Baloch regiment as canon fodder. Half are killed by their own army and remaining sent to border to annihilate by enemy.

Baloch regiment is not even deployed at the sector where you are firing AND Baloch regiment doesn't mean every soldier in that is a Baloch...

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