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3 naval fleets 100 ships drill in SCS: China "strike the mountain to warn the tiger"

Tiqiu, wise words you speak. What the Chinese have done with great patience is not to scare the ASEAN countries.
Hence this policy of not showing off or boasting will continue for a very long time. This is the way of Confusician thought.

China has done great things in Africa...and it is not only development. But the Chinese doctors and engineers have been helping the africans for 5 decades.

The Chinese leadership has extended the hand of friendship to your southern neighbour but they have chosen to insult China at every turn. But again the Chinese have 'thick face'. They will only close their plam to teach monkey god humility when that is absolutely necessary.

Thank you for your wise post. It is delightful to see that young Chinese are not separated from Tao. If I have time I will write about Tao of Development and Harmony in Modern World. The day the Chinese separate from the Tao, the Virtue will leave China. Hope that never happens!

The Chinese should avoid the taunts of hordes here at PDF and focus on showcasing the development of China. These people wish China ill!

I think it's a mistake of China to extend a friendship hand to India. India have never been friendly with China in the modern world. They perceive China to be a threat. It is best to let India be poor, cause unrest and let their country breakup into 10 provinces.

After all, two tigers cannot share the same mountain.
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The indian puppet regime never acted as a friend of China, not the general people of BD. The illgeitimate BAL regime and Bangladesh are two different things. Most of the people of BD consider China as a friend not india. They are hostile towards india because they know all too wel how india is harming Bangladesh. So what if the people see China as their ally, their voices have been silenced. What most of the people in BD think and say does not count anymore, what the indian puppets say means everything because they have the guns. While the rights of the people in BD were crushed China looked on and now you say that we fell in a trap.

Most people in BD are totally against giving transit to india and this is why india has destroyed democracy in BD so that nobody can peacefully remove the indian puppet regime from power. The so-called international community led by the US supports whatever india does in BD in order to threaten China's security with the help of india. In other words, we are a victim of the west's hostility towards China.
A very good read about your country my friend. I must say that I did not have much knowledge about BD, nor did I have the opportunity to gain such knowledge and interact with you guys before. But one thing I can agree with you is that India is far from the model citizen that the West would like other countries to think of. China should pay more attention and pour more resources helping the development of those counties neighboring India. For a start, China should stay away from India's infrastructure sector at least. India has a big ambition and her ambition tends to grow faster than its strength, which either gives the West the leverage to use India against China, or pushes India towards the West camp against China.
do you know hoanh it would cost to build a 7 AC fleet,maintain it and it's bases :coffee:

and aren't the Chinese the ones saying aircraft carriers are easy targets to destroy.
Not now but it is a long term plan. We have plan for 3 now and obviously more in the long term. AC is easy to destroy for the level technology capabilities of great power. But majority of the world is not. There is only a few great power. AC is also good to project power in emergency.
I think it's a mistake of China to extend a friendship hand to India. India have never been friendly with China in the modern world. They perceive China to be a threat. It is best to let India be poor, cause unrest and let their country breakup into 10 provinces.

After all, two tigers cannot share the same mountain.






The indian puppet regime never acted as a friend of China, not the general people of BD. The illgeitimate BAL regime and Bangladesh are two different things. Most of the people of BD consider China as a friend not india. They are hostile towards india because they know all too well how india is harming Bangladesh. So what if the people see China as their ally, their voices have been silenced. What most of the people in BD think and say does not count anymore, what the indian puppets say means everything because they have the guns. While the rights of the people in BD were crushed China looked on and now you say that we fell in a trap.

Most people in BD are totally against giving transit to india and this is why india has destroyed democracy in BD so that nobody can peacefully remove the indian puppet regime from power. The so-called international community led by the US supports whatever india does in BD in order to threaten China's security with the help of india. In other words, we are a victim of the west's hostility towards China.

Dear T-rex, your thoughts convey your truth. Thank you for sharing. That is the entire point... the vicious empire of the south is all about conquest of weaker states and oppression of people.

Only through peaceful development BD can break free of this oppressive empire. Hopefully, people in your country realise that your independence is at stake. Pak-China must help you diplomatically, economically and through co-development.
Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, India and China Is sovereign independent country. Respectively have their own government, the he and foreign policy. Nobody has the right to intervene, But every country also for own practice maximization and foreign policy.

So I can understand Dhaka that the government 's foreign policy, and neighbors to the south Asian subcontinent "superpower" Is helpless

The reason why I say so, this is because the subcontinent things we don't really care.

Dear friend, China has to care about all of Asia. The biggest threat to the Chinese state and people is from the south. Analyse the facts with care. Who occupies half of Tibet? Who has colonised the seven sisters... who is gaining weapons and support to become equal to China.

Blind pride and overestimation is not a Chinese way. Use the Chinese box with care...all piece together form the picture. See the whole to understand the Tao.

Remeber the game of Go. Be one with the Tao. China has to care for SA. Otherwise, the Chinese will be vulnerable under their belly. Only a true Chinese mind that is one with the Tao can see through the mist. Please, percieve what is hidden, see through what is apparent.

China has a reponsibility as a big brother to the countries of SA. Otherwise they will abosorbed and subdued by the evil empire of the South. Think with the Toa mind.
This supersonic anti ship missile fired from the Chinese bomber maybe the improved version of YJ-12 because of:
1) enhanced range: 500 km+(2 times of Brahmos's );
2) S-maneuver at terminal phase(can not be intercepted)

Someone will be very worried.

We need to build more nuke in general. I like us to get rid of the NFU policy and accelerate our nuclear stockpile to 10,000 and announce that we no longer believe in NFU and our nuclear strike will go offensive on any full out war because I do believe the US will be the first to use nuke in any confrontation and they are not a patient country that is willing to fight a great prolong war that last decades with us. They will try to finish us off with nuke and it is to our disadvantage by not having a large nuke stockpile to destroy the US mainland in return, along with all of their allies. This is what I admire our Russia's strong nuclear force. They don' joke about it. Russia goes for the kill in any confrontation with NATO and we need to develop that mindset because the US is not an angel waiting for us to strike first. They WILL strike first after we sink the AC.
Bro, this NFU policy is BS. Very similar to my wife's driving license kept in the showcase.
When hell breaks lose, no country, I repeat, no country will ponder on about the NFU, let alone China facing a war with the USA.
China's NFU policy is as good as a toilet paper.

China is atleast 30yrs behind USA.
They cant do a thing.
This is mere posturing.
It's more like your post is 30 years outdated.

India's smallest state is bigger than your country. Enuf said.
Now go and have some coffee.
Release your frustration :enjoy:
That does not equate India is more powerful. Your brain size is even smaller compared to my two cute bunnies.
"China's Sharp Weapons Scare US"- I loved the title.
In the last night CCTV Today Focus program, the Chinese military professor Li li confirmed that the new variant of type 094(maybe 094A) is carrying a new type of range-enhanced JL-2(10000km)
I think it's a mistake of China to extend a friendship hand to India. India have never been friendly with China in the modern world. They perceive China to be a threat. It is best to let India be poor, cause unrest and let their country breakup into 10 provinces.

After all, two tigers cannot share the same mountain.

I agree with you 100% but I think you are a minority in China. So many Chinese fail to fathom the level of indian hostility towards China, it amazes me. They only see commercial aspect of the relation and hence, they miss the bigger picture. They are so sure that india can never pose any real threat to China.
The s-maneuver of the YJ-12
View attachment 318526

Dear Tiqiu, thanks for sharing!

This is a small message from the Dragon... what the Dragon is not showing... you can only imagine!

The Tao says: Secure the mountains to liberate the Seas.

The threat from the Southern delusional colonial state will be taken care of in due time. It is still occupying vast chinese territory and has colonised the seven sisters.

Otherwise, it will stoke fires from behind the scenes with it new master in SCS & ECS. It is already fishing in TW. But TW is already unified with China!

Dragon is benign to its children and iron freinds... but it has a memory of a thousand years...
The Chinese don't think in decades... they think in centuries.

Hopefully, peace and prosperity pervails... this is what the Dragon has been offering to all these collaborators for a long time.

Win-win and mutual developement to eliminate poverty, disease and hunger.
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