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3 NATO containers burnt in Mastung, Balochistan


Apr 26, 2012
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United States

Freedom fighters burnt 3 NATO containers in Baluchistan. They took out the drivers and let them go, sprayed petrol and then burnt the trucks. No loss of life reported.
Loss of three trucks, lose to insurer. family of three drivers and support staff will lose income. Burning those truck in such way means more pollution of toxic gases in locality which can affect health of people specially children and elderly.
Loss of three trucks, lose to insurer. family of three drivers and support staff will lose income. Burning those truck in such way means more pollution of toxic gases in locality which can affect health of people specially children and elderly.

and all that is more important then the thousands of innocents being killed in Afghanistan due to foreign occupation, aided by their supplies obviously?

[B]Freedom fighters[/B] burnt 3 NATO containers in Baluchistan. They took out the drivers and let them go, sprayed petrol and then burnt the trucks. No loss of life reported.[/QUOTE]

Hey what do you mean by FREEDOM FIGHTERS? Even geo reported them as unknown people!

Calling scum freedom fighters is a disgrace to true freedom fighters.
Hey what do you mean by FREEDOM FIGHTERS? Even geo reported them as unknown people!

Calling scum freedom fighters is a disgrace to true freedom fighters.

GEO also reported that a car can now run on water, thanks to a pakistani engineer!

Anyone who is fighting against American occupation is a freedom fighter. NATO supplies are American, not Pakistani, hence according to ALL ulemas of Pakistan (and non American slaves in Afghanistan) have deemed them to be haram, including shias, sunnis, barelvis, deobandis, ahle hadith etc
GEO also reported that a car can now run on water, thanks to a pakistani engineer!

Anyone who is fighting against American occupation is a freedom fighter. NATO supplies are American, not Pakistani, hence according to ALL ulemas of Pakistan (and non American slaves in Afghanistan) have deemed them to be haram, including shias, sunnis, barelvis, deobandis, ahle hadith etc

Oh I see! So basically a so-called freedom fighter is free to augment unemployment in the state he hails from. Those three poor truck drivers don't have a job anymore, plus vehicles lost (I pray all three of them were insured).

Bhai why don't these freedom fighters go to Afghanistan and fight evil there? Tampering the supply line to a tiny extent won't help their cause.

Please spare we poor Pakistanis.

It is something of a misnomer for these trucks or convoys being called 'NATO'. These trucks are owned by Pakistani's, driven by Pakistani's, using Pakistani road network. They have been contracted for $$ to carry NATO goods. So when these idiots attack these trucks they kill Pakistani drivers and inflict loss on Pakistani businessmen.

Any collateral damage is to Pakistan. So when these idiots think they have hit 'NATO' they have not done ditt to NATO.
^^^ Exactly my point Sir.

(The silence about the new MoU in the dedicated thread is truly deafening.)
This part in the new MoU recently signed is important in this context:

Therefore, burning containers and trucks within Pakistan does not affect USA/NATO/ISAF at all.

Yeah right... Tell that to the American boots... Maybe you missed the many reports they and their media released about the losses.

The Afghan Talibans, to my knowledge, will keep attacking the American forces and their puppets, and their supplies. The driver who carries NATO goods is as guilty, if not more, as the person who donates to the mujahideen. Or the Driver whi carries weapons n supplies for mujahideen. Then why do you rejoice on the martyrdom of those and be saddened at nato truck drivers being sent to hell?
This part in the new MoU recently signed is important in this context:

Therefore, burning containers and trucks within Pakistan does not affect USA/NATO/ISAF at all.

What they mean by carriers, a truckers or company who provides transportation ?How they will repay damages to NATO via insurance, then insurance must be costly.
What they mean by carriers, a truckers or company who provides transportation ?How they will repay damages to NATO via insurance, then insurance must be costly.

Guess who pays for that insurance?
This part in the new MoU recently signed is important in this context:

Therefore, burning containers and trucks within Pakistan does not affect USA/NATO/ISAF at all.

so it means its more effective burning those trucks because if they sustain heavy loses, they wont carry the suppliues and will eventually shut down


It is something of a misnomer for these trucks or convoys being called 'NATO'. These trucks are owned by Pakistani's, driven by Pakistani's, using Pakistani road network. They have been contracted for $$ to carry NATO goods. So when these idiots attack these trucks they kill Pakistani drivers and inflict loss on Pakistani businessmen.

Any collateral damage is to Pakistan. So when these idiots think they have hit 'NATO' they have not done ditt to NATO.

who is the idiot here, those businessmen probably are mature enough to realise the risks of carry nato supplies when entire 160 million pakistanis are against it, entire war is controversial, if those who burn trucks only do favour to those whose properties are being damaged already by drone attacks and all those who are killed
so it means its more effective burning those trucks because if they sustain heavy loses, they wont carry the suppliues and will eventually shut down

I don't think the supply lines through Pakistan will be shutting down anytime soon.

who is the idiot here, those businessmen probably are mature enough to realise the risks of carry nato supplies when entire 160 million pakistanis are against it, entire war is controversial, if those who burn trucks only do favour to those whose properties are being damaged already by drone attacks and all those who are killed

The 180 million Pakistanis are the ones who elected the present parliament who have decided the new MoU on their behalf and in the best interest of the nation as they see fit.

Please remember this lesson for the next elections.
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