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3 indian soldiers killed as Pak Forces retaliate at kerala sector?

Dumbass we arent india and the news is just 45 min old.. as for PA no casuality reported... so much for ur rant... or maybe indian army is hiding the casualities coz of fear of demoralising its soldiers... same logic u use.

Did you even read the post? Looks like your fingers have a habit of getting ahead of your thoughts :)
RIP to the indian soldiers, told ya, we payback with interest.

Pakistanis are easy to manipulate. None other than Pakistani sources are reporting this news. Not a single Indian sources reporting this so I'll take this news as face saving lie to make Pakistani people happy. Anyway if indeed true than our channels will definetely show it as they are TRP hungry. Absolutely no report in Indian media.
Suppose the Kashmir problem will be solved some day, and Kashmir will be liberated some day in future, which I guess inevitable, then what would be the purpose of all that India is doing today? Why are you wasting your soldiers valuable lives today?
So India should come forward and go with the demands of Kashmiries. Otherwise, you may lose both Kashmirs and life of your many soldiers. So why not Kashmir only?
Is DAWN reporting it?

What are Pakistanis claiming this time, they used ji hadi paramilitaries or uniformed soldiers?

Suppose the Kashmir problem will be solved some day, and Kashmir will be liberated some day in future, which I guess inevitable, then what would be the purpose of all that India is doing today? Why are you wasting your soldiers valuable lives today?
So India should come forward and go with the demands of Kashmiries. Otherwise, you may lose both Kashmirs and life of your many soldiers. So why not Kashmir only?

Whats with religious nutjobs and stupid circular logic?

Do use your knowledge of the future and make billions on stock market mate, instead of running your bleeding islamist heart.
Pakistanis are easy to manipulate. None other than Pakistani sources are reporting this news. Not a single Indian sources reporting this so I'll take this news as face saving lie to make Pakistani people happy. Anyway if indeed true than our channels will definetely show it as they are TRP hungry. Absolutely no report in Indian media.

Even Dawn and Tribune etc are not reporting this. I hope its the idiotic media of Pakistan which has got it wrong. Else this tango at the LOC will continue for some more time
Pakistanis are easy to manipulate. None other than Pakistani sources are reporting this news. Not a single Indian sources reporting this so I'll take this news as face saving lie to make Pakistani people happy. Anyway if indeed true than our channels will definetely show it as they are TRP hungry. Absolutely no report in Indian media.

In some wonderland called Kerala sector.
Pakistanis are easy to manipulate. .
and how will that help achieve anything? Indians were the ones celebrating deaths, we got many domestic problems to worry about. Pakistani media has run numerous programs on how to solve the problem and what causes it, indians on the other hand were talking about a war and nuclear weapons :rolleyes:
Pakistanis are easy to manipulate. None other than Pakistani sources are reporting this news. Not a single Indian sources reporting this so I'll take this news as face saving lie to make Pakistani people happy. Anyway if indeed true than our channels will definetely show it as they are TRP hungry. Absolutely no report in Indian media.

You can run, but you can't hide.
You can run, but you can't hide.

If unfortunately this news is true so it can't be hide by Indian news channels.... and because non of them reporting it so its just a fake news.
Seriously can any Pakistani here point out where this Kerala sector is?

They probably have a Kerala sector on their side of the LOC. I don't think sector names are the same on both sides.

I personally wouldn't have any issue accepting the news if reputed newspapers like the Dawn or the Nation publish this news. As of now they haven't, and its been more than 3 hours since this report started coming in, so am apprehensive.
Both ours and your soldiers die whereas Indian politicians make election speeches on their blood. It's a shame that this whole episode is only escalating.
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