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2S25 Sprut Coming to Ladakh? This Could Be India’s Next Battle Tank


Sep 20, 2014
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India’s armed forces suffered over 150 casualties, a number of sources have indicated that the Indian Defence Ministry is seeking to acquire a light mountain-friendly battle tank capable of better operating near the country’s northern borders. This has come as part of a wider trend in the Indian military over the past month towards prioritising acquiring weapons systems with a conflict with the PLA in mind, with the Defence Ministry's previous priority having been its security challenges in Kashmir and from neighbouring Pakistan to the West. While India’s tank forces are among the most sophisticated and capable in the world, with the country operating several thousand T-72 and T-90 platforms and having recently placed multiple orders for T-90MS platforms, these tanks are not ideally suited to combat in the extreme conditions of the northern border regions.


Indian Army T-90 Battle Tank

Where India lacks a suitable mountain tank, China has developed what is widely considered the world’s most capable platform for such a role, the new Type 15 tank, which is currently deployed in considerable numbers under the PLA’s Western Theatre Command facing India. An issue for India in seeking a light tank to counter the Type 15 is that few platforms of this kind are currently operational. One option for would be to look to North Korea, which has developed tanks heavily optimised for mountain warfare due to its own topography and has exported its armour in the past. Korea has previously sold arms to potential Chinese adversaries such as Vietnam, and even offered to sell attack submarines to Taiwan, but India’s willingness to purchase a Korean platform, given the expectation of harsh repercussions from Western powers, remains questionable. One potentially promising alternative which has emerged is the Russian 2S25 Sprut-SD light tank, which though not developed specifically for mountain warfare is light enough to prove useful in mountainous regions.


Chinese Type 15 Light Battle Tank

The Sprut-SD is operated solely by the Russian Airborne Forces and entered service in the mid-2000s. Although designed for air drops and amphibious landings, its resulting light weight of just 18 tons makes suitable for mountain terrain, with the tank’s hydoopneumatic suspension likely to be useful. The platform is designated an amphibious tank destroyer, and carries a 125mm cannon capable of deploying APFSDS, HE-Frag, HEAT and ATGM rounds. The gun is the same calibre as that on the T-90, and larger than those on tank designs which are several times heavier such as the American M1 Abrams, which weighs 64.6 tons but only has a 120mm gun - or 105mm for older variants. This is disproportionately large for the size of the platform if it is considered as a battle tank. For protection the Sprut-SD makes use of welded aluminium armour with a composite skin, although only the frontal arc, 40° left and right of the frontal armour, can provide protection against attacks from 23mm weapons with the remainder only armoured to withstand small arms fire.


Sprut-SD Amphibious Tank Destroyer

The Sprut-SD notably has more firepower than the Chinese Type 15, with the latter using only a 105mm cannon. Whether the Russian platform’s munitions will match the sophistication of those used by the Type 15, which has specialised munition types such as laser guided anti tank missiles and kinetic energy penetrators, remain uncertain. The Russian tank was designed to be able to operate in a wider range of climates than more standard heavier models like the T-90, and can use either rubber-clad shoes or snow-riding tracks to operate in mountains. Although more strongly emphasising amphibious and air dropping capabilities, the Sprut-SD is also capable of operating at extreme altitudes of up to 4000 meters. The Indian Army is expected to place orders for the Sprut-SD in the near future, and could well operate the platform in larger numbers than the Russian military itself given its more mountainous border with China - where Russia’s borders with NATO have relatively flat topographies. It remains to be seen whether India's armed forces will employ the design for other purposes such as airborne landings, and if the country will seek to manufacture the Sprut-SD under license if placing a larger order as it has done for a number of major Russian weapons systems such as the T-90 tank and Su-30MKI heavyweight fighter.

Sprout is lightly armoured. Based off bmd 3 chassis, it can be turned to Swiss cheese using 30mm guns
As article mentions not suitable for high altitude. Russians designed it for operations on plains of Europe. More importantly was designed to be dropped behind enemy lines where it would not face heavy armor or anti tank troops.
To be fair, tanks are not needed on higher terrains. Totally useless.
That is why you have light tanks such as the Type 15 ... obviously having a tank would still be better than no having no tank. The Indians know they have nothing to counter the Type 15 so they are scrambling for an import solution which does not exist because there are no foreign tanks on the market in the 30 tonne range designed to operate at Himalayan altitudes.
That is why you have light tanks such as the Type 15 ... obviously having a tank would still be better than no having no tank. The Indians know they have nothing to counter the Type 15 so they are scrambling for an import solution which does not exist because there are no foreign tanks on the market in the 30 tonne range designed to operate at Himalayan altitudes.
well, t-55 isnt far from the 30 tons plus its adquate to deal with the type-15 but the indians following trend not situation need otherwise t-90 phishma can fill the gab
well, t-55 isnt far from the 30 tons plus its adquate to deal with the type-15 but the indians following trend not situation need otherwise t-90 phishma can fill the gab
Please explain how a T-54/55 is adequate enough to deal with a Type 15 ... just because it has a 100 mm gun does not mean it is adequate lol.
Please explain how a T-54/55 is adequate enough to deal with a Type 15 ... just because it has a 100 mm gun does not mean it is adequate lol.
the type-15 has thin armor the d-10 is adequate for thin armor plus they can use it for fire support which also adequate
I really was sarcastic about the 30 ton limit but still at war you use what is available
Sprut has bigger caliber gun so on paper it's better but if you look whole package it's a different story. Type-15 has better fire control systems, better night time fighting capability, ammo is stored in bustle instead of fighting compartment, armor is thicker and so on.

Yeah, if Sprut gets hit by anything I suspect it's gonna be big fireworks as those 40 or so rounds detonate.
Sprut's armor can only hold up to 23mm at 500m on the frontal arc. The side and rear armor is vulnerable to 50cal. Also, the 30mm cannon standard on Chinese IFVs would have no issues hosing down this "tank". To defeat the type 15, you would need to use real anti-tank weapons. Also type 15 has active protection system against atgms.
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