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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

As in you need not watch the entire clip, it's already been set at the exact time. Just click 'Play' :-).
I just stopped at 21 minutes in Pakistani airspace! why not claim 21hrs? what morons. but yes he said that spice bumb has transmission capability. another heat of the moment own goals.
A lil' something about the !sraeli Spice 2000 that none of us knew, as claimed by a IAF retired Officer who actually flew the Mirage 2000.

Air Marshal (Retd.) Anil Chopra
(Former Vice Chief of Air Staff)

So, where are these pictures...?

Couldnt make this stuff up.

Is there any shame in india
Now is the perfect time to release Su-30, and Mi-17 kill information if Pakistan wants BJP to bring it down to its knees for lying to its public.
We know that Su-30 was shot down but concrete evidence needs to be provided for the world to see.
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Add Kashmir to pak losses....you were counting fighter jets, Modi just scrapped 370 and ended the issue for good.
Nothing is settled until there is a political solution. Arresting local politicians, banning communication, etc means it is not settled and Punjab and Haryana also seems agitated. So at least BJP is losing politically.
Add Kashmir to pak losses....you were counting fighter jets, Modi just scrapped 370 and ended the issue for good.

Pakistan gas domain over 35% of Kashmir. india occupies 45% and China autonomously rules 20% of Kashmir. Excellent going by Pakistan considering that india is more than 7× bigger than Pakistan and has the full backing of the West and Russia............ :azn:.........don't know why you think india has taken Azad Kashmir. Is indian FAKE NEWS really that bad?.........:disagree:
Then according to you also Kashmir is settled. Good. I'm ok to freeze it at Status Quo.

Can't be settled if you think india controls all of Kashmir as per your initial claims. Or is that what the biggest FAKE NEWS factory in the world has been telling you and your ilk?....... :azn:
Add Kashmir to pak losses....you were counting fighter jets, Modi just scrapped 370 and ended the issue for good.

This is not a military achievement. India could have done this at any time and they played its cards at the right time to save BJP image which was badly damaged after failed Balakot strike and Su-30 Mig-21 and Mi-17 shot down.
Can't be settled if you think india controls all of Kashmir as per your initial claims. Or is that what the biggest FAKE NEWS factory in the world has been telling you and your ilk?....... :azn:

The indian dogs are getting butchered x10 fold in kashmir since 2019. In the west (LOC) the PA is sniping the dogs on a daily basis, in the north (LAC) the PLA are beating to death these dogs with their bare hands, in the cities, the kashmiri people are pelting the dogs x100 fold.

They have focused so much on kashmir that punjab and now delhi is out of control.
Ask the farmers what they think about Pakistan...most of them will declare that immedeate dismemberment of the state would be a welcome idea :sarcastic:. You know it's true. They oppose a law on one side, but hate your entire state on the other ;)

These farmers dont care much about Pakistan to hate it... for them their eyes are on dismembering Modi/BJP :D

Look what they have to say about your hindu women :woot: youve focused on Pakistan so much that youve forgotten your women

Now is the perfect time to release Su-30, and Mi-17 kill information if Pakistan wants BJP to bring it down to its knees for lying to its public.
We know that Su-30 was shot down but concrete evidence is provided for the world to see.
Add Kashmir to pak losses....you were counting fighter jets, Modi just scrapped 370 and ended the issue for good.

I can understand the low iq sanghis like you suffer from so here, lemme dumb it down for you in the simplest bollywood terms on what has actually happened:
pre article 370 scrap:
Pakistan sends ONE inflator.
india screams about terrorism like little bitch getting raped in the wrong hole.
world says "oh Pakistan, why you do like that to shining india, bad so bad".

post article 370 scrap:
Pakistan sends ONE HUNDRED infiltrators.
india once again screams about terrorism like little bitch getting raped in the wrong hole.
world says "oh shut the fck up india & tell us why you do human rights violations & racism with fascism, bad so bad".

see how your shit has backfired on your own faces? :lol: your article 370 never meant anything to us, we just use it as an excuse to highlight india's gross human rights violations WHILE (as per the admissions of your government) WE increase infiltration 100 folds where the infiltrators hunt down your indian soldiers like dogs. as per your own gov sources, these infiltrators are hardened fighters that foughtin afghanistan against the u.s./allied forces, you think your malnutritioned army stands a chance? :lol:

I've said it before, I'll say it again, your modi is our stooge while he doesn't even realize it. watch carefully & learn bitvaa, is ko kehtay hain...INTELLIGENCE! ;)
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Indian Airforce desperate to hide it's humiliation went about making a complete clown of it's self by staging the circus called the Avenger formation.
Some one should ask these jokers, did they go into battle with just two SU-30s and three MK2s in it's inventory that they tried to showboat with this....nothing more than desperate attempt to cover their bloody nose.

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:rofl: :rofl:
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