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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR


What i know is the whole mission went classified upon landing..so what ever is officially known about the incident is neutered down version...and PAF will follow it.

It was such a case that every base held information seminar managed by base commanders who specifically explained the official version of events so everybody tow the official line.

Now for me, i still cant believe that we only shot down 2 x aircraft.

Food for thought..

At that time IAF had unusually high number of crashes aka accidents...my question is they have same situation with PLA why have they not crashed aircraft is same or more quantity. Are we suggesting IAF is not operating a full strength and full ability ....which i do not think so...

This cause more questions then answer...after 25 years we will know what really happened as of now...everything airtight classified.

As for AIM120C5 if 8 of them fired with at least 6 in Cooperative mode with SAAB, i can guarantee you that if PAF used this tactic...all 8 aircraft would have been shot down without IAF knowing what hit them...you have to understand there is total of 22 second window for the IAF CAP Standing (2 x Su-30MKI & 2 x Mirage 2000).
Not necessarily dismissing your claim, as others have also attested to this theory.

My question is - why couldn't the Indians locate more of the expended missiles if 8 were fired? Why wouldn't they locate non-detonated missiles and display those, as doing so would serve their interests better than displaying a clearly exploded missile that exploded upon destroying a Su-30?
Because the one that they showed came out of the rear end of their plane. I would just love them to show more. I cannot say anything about the number of AMRAMS That were fired as I dont know.
India lost 1 mig21 due to debri ingestion or shooting down and Pakistan lost 1 f16 due to shooting down.
These are the only 2 confirmed losses.
Pakistan should reveal the name of the Pakistani pilot who was piloting the stricken f16. Its nearly 2 years now.
pentagon and Lockheed martin confirmed that no PAF F-16 lost on 27/2/2019, world buys our narratives not yours narratives on 26/2/2019 and 27/2/2019, you guys always living in your delusional world
Only missing link is what his highness dgispr Pakistani fauj , accepted about the second pilot. All recorded .
Then "ghbrana nahi' also spoke of the 2nd pilot in parliament.
yeah yeah you killed sheh jaj uddin, now happy?
Only missing link is what his highness dgispr Pakistani fauj , accepted about the second pilot. All recorded .
Then "ghbrana nahi' also spoke of the 2nd pilot in parliament.
It by mistake he was receiving news from multiple source, and tell me where was wreck of our F-16, you have satellites to prove it????, where were his family and friends, it can't be hide from media??? don't be too retard
Indian Airforce desperate to hide it's humiliation went about making a complete clown of it's self by staging the circus called the Avenger formation.
Some one should ask these jokers, did they go into battle with just two SU-30s and three MK2s in it's inventory that they tried to showboat with this....nothing more than desperate attempt to cover their bloody nose.

India lost 1 mig21 due to debri ingestion or shooting down and Pakistan lost 1 f16 due to shooting down.
These are the only 2 confirmed losses.
Pakistan should reveal the name of the Pakistani pilot who was piloting the stricken f16. Its nearly 2 years now.

Looks like we have newly graduated brainwashed Indiot from RSS propaganda factory.

If IAF shot down PAF F-16 with mig-21 then it would have been the hottest topic in Russian defence community and Isreali because it uses their technology. Its only Indian propaganda factory that still believes in this absurd theory based on imaginary PS drawings and vapor trails. The dosra banda theory has already been busted millions of time that Mig-21 has two chutes, one for the pilot and one for ejection seat.

Where as its more likely to believe that Su-30 was shot down by PAF AMRAAM since IAF has scrambling for better missiles and fighter jets and its also more likely to believe that PAF shot down IAF Mi-17 since Spyder SAM system can identify air craft type by its name regardless of IFF system being turn off or not. India is just saving its face from embarrassment that it mistakenly shot down its own chopper and PAF does not claim that kill for de-escalation.
Looks like we have newly graduated brainwashed Indiot from RSS propaganda factory.

If IAF shot down PAF F-16 with mig-21 then it would have been the hottest topic in Russian defence community and Isreali because it uses their technology. Its only Indian propaganda factory that still believes in this absurd theory based on imaginary PS drawings and vapor trails. The dosra banda theory has already been busted millions of time that Mig-21 has two chutes, one for the pilot and one for ejection seat.

Where as its more likely to believe that Su-30 was shot down by PAF AMRAAM since IAF has scrambling for better missiles and fighter jets and its also more likely to believe that PAF shot down IAF Mi-17 since Spyder SAM system can identify air craft type by its name regardless of IFF system being turn off or not. India is just saving its face from embarrassment that it mistakenly shot down its own chopper and PAF does not claim that kill for de-escalation.
from F-16 naswar, to engine of Mig 21 to the parachutes Indians somersaulted as the ridicule increased and brought up the picture of downed F-16 which happened to be GE engine of some foreign air force in the west. again Indian got trashed in the live audience by Christine fair who rubbished their claim saying that PAF F-16s are equipped with P&W engines. she brutalized them over the photo shopped graphics and challenged them to explain why their PM is crying for rafales if their Mig 21 is such a premium killer.
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