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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

Why not??? They made us proud dude.. They deserved alot more then this.. :pakistan:
Yes. And, they will be asked to do a lot more in the future. We are entering very intriguing times. Filled with threats and challenges from multiple sides/sources, both external and internal. We should not become complacent with this and start patting ourselves on the back. Because, far sterner challenges are coming our way.
While they are patting their backs and distributing medals, the enemy is hiring experts, manufacturers and buying equipment at a maddening pace to rub the PAF’s face in the mud within the next 2-5 years.

It is absolutely necessary to acknowledge and appreciate the performance of our boys. This is a huge morale booster. Machines don’t win the battle those operating them do. No need not to celebrate and appreciate the amazing performance of our boys.

As for the new requirement I assure you all out effort is launched to meet new demands of armed forces. I cannot emphasize the importance of Imran's Visit to the USA.
While they are patting their backs and distributing medals, the enemy is hiring experts, manufacturers and buying equipment at a maddening pace to rub the PAF’s face in the mud within the next 2-5 years.
Pragmatism over bravado is assumed, if not the norm earlier then it surely is needed more so since Feb27th.
Both points of view are totally valid. Our military forces deserves the medals etc for their success but the need OUR help and support for the next tango.

If our government could successfully increase the budget, then for sure we could buy more from anyone ready to sell or even better to build more modern toys. But you all knowledgable honorable members know it better than me.
"may kaya c Bajwa sekhaygaa hoon araam jay Modi?"
"aa ki ghusangay aglay ghus kay aa kay ...."
"chapairaaan da maja aya Abhi-None-Done??"

It is absolutely necessary to acknowledge and appreciate the performance of our boys. This is a huge morale booster. Machines don’t win the battle those operating them do. No need not to celebrate and appreciate the amazing performance of our boys.

As for the new requirement I assure you all out effort is launched to meet new demands of armed forces. I cannot emphasize the importance of Imran's Visit to the USA.
How much acknowledgement is necessary exactly?

It is a great achievement- but will it take up too much funds and time in the acknowledging of this all?

Medals may be ok, but Monuments are not necessary- this should be a “routine” performance and not some extraordinary achievement.

That is the claim made in every media release isn’t it?
The PAF trains to fight outnumbered and outgunned.. well.. they demonstrated their training. Not achieve some impossible task.

A balance is needed to avoid those 10% who let this go to their heads.
How much acknowledgement is necessary exactly?

It is a great achievement- but will it take up too much funds and time in the acknowledging of this all?

Medals may be ok, but Monuments are not necessary- this should be a “routine” performance and not some extraordinary achievement.

That is the claim made in every media release isn’t it?
The PAF trains to fight outnumbered and outgunned.. well.. they demonstrated their training. Not achieve some impossible task.

A balance is needed to avoid those 10% who let this go to their heads.

No you are absolutely wrong on every level.

Monument : a small display wall with
Few lines engraved is not waste of money. It is a monument to our achievement and for people to remember and feel proud about.

This event did not involve two pilots and four planes. A lot of planning and resources were put into to pull this spectacular event. Many squadrons, types of planes and specialties were involved. They all need to be acknowledged and celebrated.

All this show of support and celebration is important to boost the morale of soldiers and the country as well .

I don’t see any money being wasted on special fly pasts or on TV adds etc.

I believe everyone involved will work extra hard next time knowing how their work was appreciated and celebrated .
No you are absolutely wrong on every level.
You just cant say to this @Oscar .He knows more than most people around here and he always talks with logic.He is not MK Baba so I wouldn't argue with @Oscar ,same advice to you.

And he's completely right... even parties and functions were and are still being held at airbases in regards to 27th Feb.
You just cant say to this @Oscar .He knows more than most people around here and he always talks with logic.He is not MK Baba so I wouldn't argue with @Oscar ,same advice to you.

And he's completely right... even parties and functions were and are still being held at airbases in regards to 27th Feb.
What I warn is the same thing we as a nation dive into: premature celebrations.

Be it some oil discovery, airstrike or Cricket wins.

In this case the parties need to stop and those expenses and TIME focused on how to counter a ASRAAM integration(although frankly the IAF is “wasting” money with that since the R-73M2 is a good weapon.. they just never got a chance to employ it) or a I-derby with the MKI.

To give a movie analogy, the PAF may end up acting like Rocky prior to his tussle with Mr.T in Rocky III.. and we may not have a eye of the tiger soundtrack to help out in that case.

I think all 4 missiles of the bison should be displayed outside Indian consulate. It wouldnt hurt anybody. Except the indians.
Indian state maybe, their populous is too busy swapping the same tripe and regurgitated lies that they couldn’t care or will just ban images of it.
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