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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

PAF has maintained an iron punch, even with scarse resources.
I remember the Sunnah, where Nabi Pak had many swords, and it was not rare that he and umahat ul momineen were not eating for many day, as there was nothing to eat.
I am remembering Bhuttos grass sentense, although I am not a big fan of Bhutto.
Hats off for PAF and armed forces of Pakistan.
You don't get it. Things just escalated. Pakistan could negotiate the prisoner of war to suggest a truce or it might use it for propaganda following which the war will spread in all spectrums including naval blockade forcing shortage of fuel. Their 3 refineries will also be in cross hairs now.
I believe if full scale war breaks out, then p-o-k will be settled this year. This is of course one man's opinion.
Let me assure you Pakistan is eager to seek peace

Azad Kashmir will not be settled it will go up to MAD
As you guys knows there are immature people on this side
you r a funny lot, still acting like a macho man, even after getting a bloody nose, keyboard warrior....

I have stated facts about the blockade and refineries and shortage of fuel and other necessities.
War has casualties, we didn't stop when we lost Nachiketa what makes you think we will stop now. The captured pilot is good for the morale of your lay public. Your govt and airforce know what's coming.

Of course the P-o-k thing is just my assumption. You are free to reject it.
Pakistanis learned it lesson from 1971

From words it seems india is deescalating stating 1 vs 1 stalemate

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