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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

I hope sense will prevail in India and they will exclude war with Pakistan from their politics. Good job PAF
Indians should start questioning their govt about the jet camera footage of those so called surgical strikes
See we don't make big claims we back it with credible evidence.

Indian media is showing the downed clip of one thier own as a Pakistani 16.
IAF pilots don't sport long mustaches unless he's a Sikh but he has no turban either.
So disowning him for his moustache? :lol:. Smart move. He is telling his full name and service number in the video. He is a wing commander. You should accept your airforce has been shown its true place by us. Not much choice left for you.
When are you going to fire the ballistic missile at Pakistan?

Bro's we have got nothing against Iran and am sure Iran have the same sentiments. In anger things are said should not be taken literally. Am seen to be defending Iran all the time it doesn't means I got something to do with Iran. We are neighbours and have a history together and been friends in the past and helped each other at the difficult times. Iran have got hands full with their own issues i.e. sanctions etc and we got a long list of our own and lets not add another problem to those lists. Also we are falling for fake news planted in the media by Indians and we keep on bashing Iran for them, lets deal with the real enemy. Iran is not our enemy just misguided, lost and confused friend at times, am sure one day they realised friendship with us is win for both countries and right way to go. Lets focus on our real enemy so called super power and put them in their place and don't waste our energies where not required. Pakistan Zindabad. :pakistan:.
First confirmed air to air kill by one nuclear power against another?
I wouldn't consider media claims as confirmation. Claims by either military of shooting down the other's plane will hold some credibility...pictures would be best. I'm waiting on that before I consider these news confirmed.
So disowning him for his moustache? :lol:. Smart move. He is telling his full name and service number in the video. He is a wing commander. You should accept your airforce has been shown its true place by us. Not much choice left for you.
ISPR will show the captured documents soon
Kill him... Kill the Hindutva terrorist!

They have declared war on us... REVENGE!!!

No, Pakistan will do no such things.

Pakistan will treat these pilots as legal prisoners of war (POW), even if no official declaration of war exists. These pilots will receive medical treatment and will be quartered according to their ranks. Their return to India maybe negotiated but in the meantime, Pakistan will do the honorable thing and respect these men for what they are -- fellow men-at-arms.
Is this the retaliation ??? Lol
You entered .. immediately intercepted... you ran back.

Just to let you know .. nothing was dropped neither u entered anywhere close to the depth we did. Imran Khan fooling you people
We shot your two jets and captured alive pilots what else you want loosers now prepare for more... Modi has you ppl screwed
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