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26/11 Mumbai = 6/12 Kabul?

oye yaar, ye toh bacwaas chalta rahta hai. Either make it 26/11, 8/11, 1/11 it will make no difference. iss ka kayaa faida? jo hona tah wo hohgiya...
We keep hearing about this incident being an "unprecedented & this rare attack" in Afghanistan in the media, as if it were not possible for the Taliban to responsible for this kind of attack.
There is a difference between the 26/11 Mumbai attacks & the attacks today. Today, three coordinated attacks took place in Northern Afghanistan, Southern Afghanistan & Eastern Afghanistan simultaneously, & it is not possible that the LeJ could have done this without getting detected in Afghanistan. It would have been difficult for even the Taliban to pull this off.

You seem to know very well which attacks are difficult to carry out and which easy. However it has no argument value, thats just your opinion and this is hardly the place to address your prejudices.

Your own interior minister says these groups have been active in Afghanistan for a long time, that is indication enough of their capability.
too much blame has been put on pakistan, too much drone attacks in guise of militants pakistan kept losing its citizens, nothing was done to capture the responsible for mehran base attack, GHQ attacks etc, even BB murder is put on talibans while real culprits are missing

so pakistan outside inside, every where will be blamed and ashamed because it has played all the wrong cards here, no chance to escape, all blame goes to the PPP government

as th govet s itself busy in memo case, there expect little or no reaction from this propaganda too
Instead of quoting wikipedia, could you maybe quote me a few news reports from reliable sources that show LeJ has an active presence in Afghanistan, & that they were responsible for terrorism inside Afghanistan before today?

SATP is Wikipedia? You yourself have quoted it several times :lol:

Anyways as I said "has/had" some presence. These terrorists group morph very quickly. I mean LeT became JuD just like that. Could very well be AQ working under the guise of LeJ al Almi.

From "Wikipedia":

October 3, 2007: Afghan security forces arrested four Pakistanis suspected of being suicide bombers from Kandahar in southern Afghanistan. They were reportedly arrested after a raid on a house in the outskirts of the city along with some suicide jackets. All the four hailed from the Punjab province of Pakistan and identified them as Mohammad Hussain, Abdul Rauf, M. Shoaib and Hassan. He said that they were being interrogated and they had disclosed that they belonged to the proscribed LeJ.

And about LeJ al Almi

April 17, 2010: Two burqa-clad suicide bombers targeted a crowd of IDP waiting to get them registered and receive relief goods at the Kacha Pakka IDP camp on the outskirts of Kohat in NWFP, killing at least 44 and injuring more than 70. The Lashkar-e-Jhangvi's Al-Aalmi faction claimed responsibility for the bombings, and cited the presence of Shias at the IDP camp as the reason for the attack.

Until now, the splinter group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi al Almi was best known for kidnapping two former Pakistani spies and a British journalist in the tribal area last year.

The two former agents with Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence, Colonel Imam and Khalid Khawaja, were abducted in North Waziristan along with the British journalist Asad Qureshi, who was making a film for Channel 4.

The kidnappers demanded a $25m (£16m) ransom for Imam, who was regarded as the godfather of the original Afghan Taliban for his undercover work in Afghanistan in the 1990s.

Pleas from the leaders of the Afghan Taliban and the Haqqani network of militants went unheeded by the group. Imam and Khawaja were executed. Qureshi was later freed.
Your own interior minister says these groups have been active in Afghanistan for a long time, that is indication enough of their capability.

The LeJ is not active in Afghanistan, it is active in Pakistan's tribal areas. And even if they were active in the border regions of Afghanistan, they wouldn't have a presence in Kandahar, Southern Afghanistan or Mazar-e-Sharif, Northern Afghanistan. It is much more likely that the Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, or the Taliban were responsible for the attacks today.
Anyways as I said "has/had" some presence. These terrorists group morph very quickly. I mean LeT became JuD just like that. Could very well be AQ working under the guise of LeJ al Almi.

So it'd be Al-Qaeda then, not the LeJ.

From "Wikipedia":

My mistake (calling it wikipedia). The LeJ has been active in Balochistan, & with the porous border, it is not hard for them to cross into Afghanistan. But there is a difference between a few fighters crossing over, & for the LeJ to be active/be operational/have their network in Kandahar.

And about LeJ al Almi

There is no doubt that the LeJ has presence inside different parts of Pakistan, & many Punjabi militants have been responsible for the violence in the FATA & Balochistan. Nothing about them in Afghanistan.
Some of the US media outlets (like Fox News, the WSJ) have already concluded that the Taliban or Al-Qaeda are not responsible for these attacks. They have already concluded that the LeJ was responsible for these attacks.

This is what the Afghan interior ministry have to say:

Afghan attacks Taliban, not sectarian, says interior ministry

Two attacks apparently targeting Shia Muslims have killed at least 58 people in Afghanistan.

In the deadliest incident, a suicide bomb struck a shrine in Kabul, while another blast struck near a Shia mosque in the northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif.

But Afghan Interior Ministry spokesman, Sadiq Saddiqi, said he believed the attacks were not sectarian.

He told BBC News he thought the Taliban were responsible for the attacks.

A Taliban statement said the group had not been behind either incident.

BBC News - Afghan attacks Taliban, not sectarian, says interior ministry
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