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25 More F-35s for Israel

You have to understand the cycle-
USA Tax payers money when it is used to buy US weapons the money goes back into the US not into the pockets of tax payers but in the pockets of big defence corporations- in the end the common amrikan suffer- Capitalism at its best-

yep , and most importantly that Poor Americans cant do anything about it ... so much for a democratic stake holders :D
The $3 billion given the Israel from the US can only be spent on stuff manufactured in the US. So pretty much it's the US paying itself for $3 billion in Military Equipment.

Are your defence industries owned by the state or are they private?
Israel will surely modify her F-35, other neighboring country which is buying this plane turkie will get the standard export version, a degraded stealth ability to the US standard version.

F-35I, an F-35A with Israeli modidications.
are you sure about the modifications? they allowed them?
your mod examples of other air crafts are impressive but F35 is an infant and you already bringing it back to the drawing board?
I didnt know if some of the subsystems offered open source.

another death warrant of next 30 years for arab air forces
Israelis can do that even with their trainers
are you sure about the modifications? they allowed them?
your mod examples of other air crafts are impressive but F35 is an infant and you already bringing it back to the drawing board?
I didnt know if some of the subsystems offered open source.
Changes wont be very big. Israel will install its EW systems and some datalinks.

Also Elbit is developing drop tanks for F-35 which will use special attachment pylons that would completely separate from the wing, regaining full stealth capability after separation.
What would they do if American economy collapses? Eat sands, perhaps? :D

Then it is back to old ways. Take over Turkey and the middle east and suck the fun out of them.

Plus the US who plans to buy some 2500 "useless" jets.They're all brain dead in the Pentagon,they should simply copy the J20.

Anyway,does the F35 have DSI ? If not,i rest my case.

Wow...So much intelligence and yet it is the US that is at the top.
Then it is back to old ways. Take over Turkey and the middle east and suck the fun out of them.

Wow...So much intelligence and yet it is the US that is at the top.

USA is trying to build second Israel, oh sorry I meant Kurdistan. We'll see.
Changes wont be very big. Israel will install its EW systems and some datalinks.

Also Elbit is developing drop tanks for F-35 which will use special attachment pylons that would completely separate from the wing, regaining full stealth capability after separation.
Have Israeli pilots also gone to America to fly the jets? what do they say?
I normally try not to comment on Aviation because I have no knowledge but I cant help to notice the smaller wing span compared to the bulky body.

what do you say about its maneuverability? I must also mention that I did like a comment of the American saying that the missile fired by the F-35 will do all the acrobatics and maneuvers, its targets can try to outdo the Gs pulled the missiles and they wont be able to... do you agree?
Have Israeli pilots also gone to America to fly the jets? what do they say?
Yes, thier very positive impression about the aircraft was one of the reasons IAF pushed IMOD to buy the aircraft.

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