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25 Militants Killed in Fresh Infighting in North Waziristan

Why not just employ them to kill the others since they prob know the land well and all...

Yes, that is what I said.

Identify those amongst them who have love for Pakistan and support them generously. Let the Good Taliban take care of the Bad Taliban. Their are many amongst Taliban who want to have good relations with Pakistan. Provide them with Free Education for their Children through College, free medical support and hire them as part of the Militia that controls the FATA belt and pay them a decent salary.
Jets are flying over their heads yet the infighting? Must be serious differences. Occasional small infights have always occured, they are tribals afterall, but the recent infight is of large scale.
Also In the past we saw these type of clashes and then we heard the news that a faction of taliban has switched over to the side of pak army. So may be sajna mehsud is switching over to side of pak army.
Moreover this embarrassingly reflects the nature of pashtuns, you cant keep them togather for long. Disunity is trait of pakhtuns. I have read some where that persians used word afghan for pakhtuns which means those who quarrel with each other, apas may larrnay jagrrnay walay.
If my brothers start fighting over an stupid and trivial thing ,what should I do ? bomb them or try to knock some sense into their stubborn heads no matter how long it takes?Do not forget it was "Mush the Machoman" who allowed the Yankees to bombard them from Pakistani Bases,only to stop them follow their centuries old tradition of coming to the help of their brothers on the other side of D line.We the people of Punjab along with other ,must be very cautious with our words and deeds when it comes to treating our long suffering brothers in Islam. Remember we are not the only ones who can feel pain.

Have to disagree with you here Sir.

For too long have we let them sort out their own affairs. nothing good came out of it.

Let Pakistan Army take care of the Taliban and let us make FATA a separate province or join it with KPK.

Enough of this lawlessness !!!
Agree with you,but still "Hath Hola Rakh Ke".
Why not just employ them to kill the others since they prob know the land well and all...
Let the Army employ their young. Here we can apply the same tactic that India has applied on Sikhs and we on Baloch.
Let the Army employ their young. Here we can apply the same tactic that India has applied on Sikhs and we on Baloch.
Unlike balochs, tribals have already high tendency towards army and FC.
Pakhtuns are right now 13.3% in army, sindhis 15% and punjabis 71%, according to ISPR. In FATA there are no job oppurtunities like punjab and sindh, no agricultural lands. So percentage of punjab and sindh should be decreased while that of tribal pakhtuns should be increased upto 40-50%.

Identify those amongst them who have love for Pakistan and support them generously. Let the Good Taliban take care of the Bad Taliban. Their are many amongst Taliban who want to have good relations with Pakistan. Provide them with Free Education for their Children through College, free medical support and hire them as part of the Militia that controls the FATA belt and pay them a decent salary.
Enough of these militias, a whole regiment for tribal pakhtuns should be created in pak army. Or i must say 40 or 50% representation in armed forces, punjab on the other hand should focus on their natural occupation peasantry, leave the soldiery to these warrior tribes of FATA, who have nothing else to do on dry mountains.
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Let the Army employ their young. Here we can apply the same tactic that India has applied on Sikhs and we on Baloch.
In Afghanistan, didn't the Americans try to use this tactic but it didn't seem to work. So maybe this tactic works on some societies but not on everyone
Enough of these militias, a whole regiment for tribal pakhtuns should be created in pak army. Or i must say 40 or 50% representation in armed forces, punjab on the other hand should focus on their natural occupation peasantry, leave the soldiery to these warrior tribes of FATA, who have nothing else to do on dry mountains.

That is not a bad idea except for the fact that these People from FATA do not Pledge allegiance to the Constitution, the Flag and State of Pakistan. The day they subjugate themselves to Pakistani State and Pledge Allegiance to the Constitution of Pakistan we would gladly recruit them in our Armed Forces. I agree with you that they will make good Soldiers.

However , if these Taliban from FATA continue to fight the Pakistani State , we would be crazy to Arm and train Terrorist who will use that training against our Soldiers. We currently have enough Pashtuns in our Armed Forces and these Pashtuns in our Army well represent the percentage of Pashtuns in our society. These FATA Talibanis have killed enough of our Pashtun soldiers from FC and regular Army and it will be a while before they are able to establish a track record of loyalty to Pakistan before they can be trusted.

The current Demographics of Pak Armed Forces are as Follows :

Ethnic composition[edit]
The ethnic composition of the armed forces is a mix of the various regional ethnic groups of Pakistan, with the numerical military strength of each ethnic group being more or less proportional to the national ethnic composition – reflecting similarity with the country's demographics. As of 2007, Punjabis, the largest ethnic group in the country, were the largest ethnic group in the military constituting just over 57% of the army.[1] The Saraikis of southern Punjab are also counted among the recruitment from Punjab. The second largest regional recruitment comes from Sindh (including ethnic Sindhis and Urdu-speakers), constituting 17% of the army based on 2011 projections by the ISPR.[1] The Pashtuns constitute about 14.5% of the army.[1] The Baloch comprised 4% of the army as of 2011 projections.[1] Likewise, military personnel from Azad Kashmir and Gilgit–Baltistan constituted about 9% of the army.[1]

User:Mar4d/Demographics of the Pakistan Armed Forces - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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That is not a bad idea except for the fact that these People from FATA do not Pledge allegiance to the Constitution, the Flag and State of Pakistan. The day they subjugate themselves to Pakistani State and Pledge Allegiance to the Constitution of Pakistan we would gladly recruit them in our Armed Forces. I agree with you that they will make good Soldiers.

However , if these Taliban from FATA continue to fight the Pakistani State , we would be crazy to Arm and train Terrorist who will use that training against our Soldiers. We currently have enough Pashtuns in our Armed Forces well represent the percentage of Pashtuns in our society. These FATA animals have killed enough of our Pashtun soldiers from FC and regular Army and it will be a while before they establish a track record of loyalty to Pakistan before they can be trusted.
1 lakh faujis from FATA means 1 million tribals would be at your side, they have big families. Instead of imposing colonial FCR on them, integrate them with some degree of autonomy. British cultivated loyalty in punjab, pakistan should the same with FATA instead of making it experimental lab for fodders.
1 lakh faujis from FATA means 1 million tribals would be at your side, they have big families. Instead of imposing colonial FCR on them, integrate them with some degree of autonomy. British cultivated loyalty in punjab, pakistan should the same with FATA instead of making it experimental lab for fodders.

My friend I am with you but you are missing the Point.

Our Armed Forces have to be from Populations that consider themselves Pakistanis and pledge allegiance to the Constitution of Pakistan. Let them declare loyalty to the State of Pakistan and they will have every right to be considered for Military Service to their Nation.
My friend I am with you but you are missing the Point.

Our Armed Forces have to be from Populations that consider themselves Pakistanis and pledge allegiance to the Constitution of Pakistan. Let them declare loyalty to the State of Pakistan and they will have every right to be considered for Military Service to their Nation.
Perhaps you have no idea that many tribals, who according to you have not pledged their state, are allowed to recruit in army and FC, i personally know some of them, even from waziristan.
Dont demand loyalty from them, do some thing thing for them.
War is their profession and state of pakistan should make use of it.
Perhaps you have no idea that many tribals, who according to you have not pledged their state, are allowed to recruit in army and FC, i personally know some of them, even from waziristan.
Dont demand loyalty from them, do some thing thing for them.
War is their profession and state of pakistan should make use of it.

We don't have to do squat for our enemies. They are either loyal to our nation or they are not. The choice is theirs to make.

We are quite capable of dealing with them either way.
We don't have to do squat for our enemies. They are either loyal to our nation or they are not. The choice is theirs to make.

We are quite capable of dealing with them either way.
Paan-khor bhai, so you are declaring 6 to 7 millions tribals your enemy?
Paan tastes good but i wonder it is clouding your senses. You need to be reminded that countless tribesmen of aman lashkar, khasadar, levies and FC, and army fought on behalf of state of pakistan.
Paan-khor bhai, so you are declaring 6 to 7 millions tribals your enemy?
Paan tastes good but i wonder it is clouding your senses. You need to be reminded that countless tribesmen of aman lashkar, khasadar, levies and FC, and army fought on behalf of state of pakistan.

It is a coward who hurls abuses from behind the safety of a keyboard.

I seriously doubt you will have the courage to say these words to my face.

I was speaking Fata Taliban who have murdered 50,000 of my countrymen.

These cowards will pay a heavy price for that .

@Aeronaut @Jungibaaz @Emmie will you please teach some manners to this member on Civilized discourse.
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My friend I am with you but you are missing the Point.

Our Armed Forces have to be from Populations that consider themselves Pakistanis and pledge allegiance to the Constitution of Pakistan. Let them declare loyalty to the State of Pakistan and they will have every right to be considered for Military Service to their Nation.

Can anyone confirm this? Only pashtuns from KPK are recruited? Hard to believe this. Not to forget many KPK pashtuns have migrated there from FATA after 47.

Let the Army employ their young. Here we can apply the same tactic that India has applied on Sikhs and we on Baloch.

. Sikhs % of Indian army was 25% at one point in 60's, 70's despite less then 2% of population. Now its been reduced to 10%.
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Boy , this is what you said in reply when i said that tribal pakhtuns should be integrated by largest representation in armed forces.
We don't have to do
squat for our
enemies. They are
either loyal to our
nation or they are
not. The choice is theirs to make.
We are quite
capable of dealing
with them either
Chew less paan, eat more badaam, careful with word enemy for tribals
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