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23rd March 2015 - Parade and Celebration


''I do not believe in taking the right decision, I take a decision and make it right.'' -M A jinnah

''With Faith, Discipline and Selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you can not achieve.'' -M A Jinnah
Happy Pakistan Day .....:pakistan:
just a thought that I cant brush away

if terrorists want to disrupt the parade and steal the limelight then they can do the following

targeted places can be check posts, group of people at the ceremony or elsewhere
place of worship or national importance

sneak into the celebration and cause mass casualties in the guise of army uniforms
approach large group of people in police uniform
sneak into people under the guise of medics edhi trust workers

there is no safeguard against such attack even stopping at the checkposts will result in casualties unless the attackers are all killed inside their vehicles. only prevention is raids on their in transit places where they are making final preparations inside sipah sahabh mosques or madrassahs and other sleeper houses.

if such tragedy does happen then the parade should continue . even if a 12 yer old suicide bomber manages to rush into people and marching soldiers and kills dozens then the casualties should be removed and the parade continue

this is the spirit of an army and a nation at war and thats how the Britian behaved even after war during the Farnbough airshow there were some fatal crashes on the spectators..

the show went on

right now, the terrorists are finalising their plan. if they are going to attack tomorrow then its the fight and race with time. can we catch them before they strike?

oh if they dont attack tomorrow does it mean "their back is broken?" how many times even Kyani said that and even
making this claim disgusts me

the terrorists that have attacked our bases and installations and spilled the blood of the school children without any regard to the consequences are not scared they are just waiting for the right time and people among us are giving them refuge and are their staunch supporters.

@Windjammer @Horus@rockstar08 @Stealth
@Norwegian , @syedali73 , @Leader , @DESERT FIGHTER , @Jazzbot
@Spring Onion@Jzaib @Pomegranate

Let's hope all goes well. I have faith in the one who control all affairs (ALMIGHTY)...then I have faith in those who would rather fall for us to protect the motherland.
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