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21st Century American Civil War has already started

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There was a car accident in Hartford, Connecticut earlier this morning, i believe that was the greater plan of this coming American Civil War.
This is stupid, won't happen.
There is medication for people like you. It's called Prozac.

I think his case calls for thorazine

I accidentally fell over this morning, must be part of the new American Civil War.


No, it's not.


please close this thread, it serves no purpose other than passing on a person's delusions.
Alright folks! Don’t believe me now. But at least remember what I said. I want to make you think when the time comes, “Yes! That guy was talking about it and he was right!”
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21st Century American Civil War has already started.

Many incidents which general public thinks to be usual occurrences are actually part of this new US civil war. Hurricane Sandy in 2012 was not natural. It was man-made and is part of latest American Civil War. The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut (by Adam Lanza) is part of ACW. The New York Ferry Crash (in January 2013), blast at Texas fertilizer plant, radioactive leakage at nuclear power plants, the recent stabbing of many people in Texas, Connecticut train crash, Oklahoma tornado, killing of Aaron Swartz, the New Orleans shooting spree, the famous hacking of Twitter website in 2013 etc are all acts of war. World-famous personalities like John Kerry and Chuck Hagel will vouch for the fact that unknown to many, some Americans are waging a new civil war.

I thought since the attackers in these skirmishes were civilians, every American must have become aware of the civil war by now. But surprisingly, leave alone civilians, even FBI doesn’t have a whiff of it. When I made phone calls to FBI, I found that I have to first acquaint them with this conflict. I wonder why those Americans who are in the loop have not taken rest of America into confidence.

my hen isn't laying egg,,, God Pakistan is at war :D
But the fact that NonRacist Whites are trying to protect Indians infuriates me. Most Indians are not worth defending. Kind and sweet people get killed in civil war and Indians are certainly not worthy of such sacrifice. Indians have weak conscience. For a bit of wealth Indians turn into enemy of their own siblings. Betraying foreign saviours is nothing in comparison. Anti-racists may wage war for the sake of Japan, Palestine, Iran or to oblige one individual Dr Manmohan Singh and not for typical Indians.

I should know because I myself have been at the receiving end of Indian wickedness.

Example 1: I have suffered at the hands of corrupt doctor who accepted bribe from pharmaceutical company and/or local distributor to facilitate their product’s sales by prescribing irrelevant and harmful medicine to me.

Example 2: I have suffered at the hands of my enemy at my workplace.

Example 3: Selfish friends showed their true colours in times of crises.
You seem to refer to us in the third person . are you not an Indian?

also the second and third reason given by you has nothing to do about another s nationality, you just have to realize life sucks, deal with it.
@abcxyz0000 don't you realise that no one is taking you or this thread seriously. If you have some self respect close this thread
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