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21st ASEAN Summit in Cambodia (from Nov. 18 to 20)

There is no discussion on any code of conduct. The Chinese leadership has ruled out negotiation with Philippines entirely, and will block any Philippino motions through friendly members in ASEAN. The new leadership being sworn in is more hardline than this one.

well let see damn i wish Indonesia was the chair of ASEAN or Thailand at less they are impartial not like some idiotic client states
well let see damn i wish Indonesia was the chair of ASEAN or Thailand at less they are impartial not like some idiotic client states
Too bad due to ASEAN rules, the organization cannot pass any motion or make any statement without all members approving. As China's economy grows, more and more will be swayed over by the coin. ASEAN unity does not exist.
Unity under threat at summits

ANALYSIS: There will be plenty of smiling for the cameras at the Asean and East Asia meetings, but no one will be willing to make any real compromises on South China Sea territorial disputes

Published: 17/11/2012 at 12:00 AMNewspaper section: News

Asean and China will be looking to play down fears of open conflict over South China Sea territorial disputes at tomorrow's Asean summit and the following East Asia summit.

In reality, the bottom line remains unchanged, despite recent dialogue.

There is no guarantee the disputes will not once again threaten Asean unity, this time with Southeast Asian heads of state suffering the same fate as their foreign ministers did four months ago.

Asean foreign ministers in July did not issue their customary chairman's statement during their annual meeting after they failed to reach a consensus on the South China Sea issue. It was the first time the regional conference ended without a joint statement in the bloc's 45-year history.

Secretary-general concerned: Surin calls for Asean unity
Following that failure, considerable effort has been made to try to move forward with the creation of an Asean-China code of conduct on the South China Sea disputes.

"There is a sense of urgency because all sides see that it is not good for anyone to be stuck in the current position," Asean Secretary-General Surin Pitsuwan said.

"China itself sees the importance, and since July has sent emissaries to visit many Asean capitals to forge mutual understanding. They too want to see the South China Sea code of conduct move ahead.

"Coming together [at the Phnom Penh summits] will give a sense of confidence to the world that we have a problem but we are managing it. It is not going to boil over and erupt into open conflict. That's the purpose of these discussions, this engagement."

The most recent effort at easing tensions took place at an informal meeting in Pattaya last month, where Asean and China representatives said they would continue efforts to settle territorial conflicts in the South China Sea through peaceful dialogue.

"All parties have reached an important agreement and have a major interest in upholding peace and stability in the South China Sea," Sihasak Phuangketkeow, Thailand's permanent secretary for foreign affairs, said.

But diplomatic sources say the gap between Asean and China on the South China Sea's code of conduct remains considerable.

The four Asean countries which lay claim to parts of the sea - Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei - say that territory is still undefined and that the code of conduct is necessary in order to achieve an effective resolution to the disputes.

Asean wants the code of conduct to cover the rules of behaviour and rules of engagement in South China Sea disputes. "But the Chinese are coming from the opposite position," one Asean diplomat said, adding that the Chinese are effectively saying there is no dispute over territory.

The current Chinese position is different to the one they adopted back in 2002, when Asean and Chinese foreign ministers issued their Declaration on the Conduct of the Parties in the South China Sea.

In that declaration, Asean and China reaffirmed their commitment to the purposes and principles of the 1982 United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). But they have yet to agree on a code of conduct for the South China Sea.

Today, China does not want the issue to be raised in multilateral discussions. And if it has to be discussed, it does not want it to be officially recorded. It appears that China is trying to distance itself from the UNCLOS.

This was the main problem at the Asean foreign ministers' meeting in July when they failed to issue a joint communique.

According to Termsak Chalermpalanupap, former director of the political-security directorate of the Asean Secretariat, this was caused chiefly by serious disagreements between Cambodia and the Philippines, and between Cambodia and Vietnam, on how to present their concerns. The Philippines is concerned over alleged Chinese encroachment in the Scarborough Shoal, which is claimed by both China and the Philippines, while Vietnam alleges that China is violating its 200-mile exclusive economic zone.

Cambodia, as the current Asean chair, maintained that no "bilateral issues" should be mentioned in the joint communique. When there was no agreement on how to mention the recent "incidents" in the South China Sea, consensus on what to include in the joint communique became impossible, said Mr Termsak, who is currently a visiting research fellow at the Asean Studies Centre of the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore.

"Unfortunately Cambodia hardly tried, as an Asean chairman is always expected to do, to offer any compromise to accommodate the concerns of the Philippines and Vietnam," he said.

"Instead, more efforts to reach a compromise were undertaken mostly by Indonesia, whose Foreign Minister, Dr Marty Natalegawa, tried to present a redraft of the problematic paragraph on the specific incidents in the South China Sea under question, but to no avail."

In the face of lingering disagreements, Mr Termsak said Cambodia put forth three stark choices: Include reference to the South China Sea where there is agreement while leaving out any references where there was no consensus; make no reference at all to the South China Sea; or issue no communique at all. The third option was what eventually happened.

Cambodia has repeatedly denied that it used its prerogative as the Asean chair to effectively block the inclusion of the South China Sea in the foreign ministers' joint communique.

You Ay, the Cambodian ambassador to Thailand, said there were four paragraphs on the South China Sea, but only one where a consensus could not be reached.

"Cambodia's position is that we must have consensus for the text on the one hand, and to ensure that what we do does not further contribute to the rising tensions in the South China Sea on the other," she said.

An Asean diplomat said that Vietnam's desire to mention a disputed continental shelf and its exclusive economic zone - both elements of the UNCLOS - in an Asean statement could lend weight to Vietnam and the Philippines' claims.

China appears to be distancing itself from the UNCLOS, and is now only prepared to talk through diplomatic channels, without mentioning the UN convention.

"The China of 2002 and the China of today are two very different Chinas," the diplomat said.

" In 2002 they did not have the will to assert themselves. Now they are talking about the code of conduct in our territory.

"And even though China is a powerful and growing superpower, it is still in the middle of the process of state building, and a country which is still in the process of state building will be unyielding with regards to territory.

"That is why the issue of territory is extremely sensitive. Sovereignty is of the utmost importance and you cannot expect them to yield because that is the litmus test of legitimacy of a government."

None of the senior Asean officials are certain that a repeat of July's deadlock will not occur over the next few days at the Asean and East Asia summits.

"If I were the Chinese and the South China Sea had to be discussed at the Asean summit, I would not press the hosts to reject mentioning a few paragraphs in the communique," the Asean diplomat said.

"The Philippines and the Vietnamese are not going to back down. They cannot. They have their constituents and their party as well. If they insisted on a certain position in July, how can Vietnam and Philippines change their position?

"If I were China I would not block it, because it would just be a replay, it would just be too obvious. It would be domineering and this is counterproductive to what China wants in the region."

Unity under threat at summits | Bangkok Post: news
Too bad due to ASEAN rules, the organization cannot pass any motion or make any statement without all members approving. As China's economy grows, more and more will be swayed over by the coin. ASEAN unity does not exist.

Grows its slowing down sir man were are you living in a cave? its my country economy that is growing hahahahahaha you know since your client state Cambodia became chair ASEAN credibility went down a bit thanks to you people paying her to say garbage in your favor since you guys are holding her balls in she obviously not impartial when it comes to West Philippine Sea issue when everybody already agree to talk about the issue so they included it on the communique only Cambodia did not want to. In the communique it only said that incident happen in the area that need to be discuss and find ways to solve it since Cambodia under chinese command start to remove it stating it was not a court to settle disputes which is weird because the communique did not even say about who gets what or awarding any part of the sea to anyone just stating that incidents happen in the area recently china's bullying on panatag shoal stand off

Speaking of that standoff which china agree to withdraw its ships if the Philippines do the same so the agreement is to withdraw at the same time and since there was a storm coming anyway it was good for us to withdraw hopping china kept its word we did so so for a while we have no ships in the area but we still send our small ships in and still the main ship who started the standoff was still there so it simply means china was no word of honor and will use its money to get its way so said for the Cambodians its funny because the people giving them money is the same people who supported the regime that killed so many of their own people that cause there problems in the first place funny how things end up.
Grows its slowing down sir man were are you living in a cave? its my country economy that is growing hahahahahaha you know since your client state Cambodia became chair ASEAN credibility went down a bit thanks to you people paying her to say garbage in your favor since you guys are holding her balls in she obviously not impartial when it comes to West Philippine Sea issue when everybody already agree to talk about the issue so they included it on the communique only Cambodia did not want to. In the communique it only said that incident happen in the area that need to be discuss and find ways to solve it since Cambodia under chinese command start to remove it stating it was not a court to settle disputes which is weird because the communique did not even say about who gets what or awarding any part of the sea to anyone just stating that incidents happen in the area recently china's bullying on panatag shoal stand off

Speaking of that standoff which china agree to withdraw its ships if the Philippines do the same so the agreement is to withdraw at the same time and since there was a storm coming anyway it was good for us to withdraw hopping china kept its word we did so so for a while we have no ships in the area but we still send our small ships in and still the main ship who started the standoff was still there so it simply means china was no word of honor and will use its money to get its way so said for the Cambodians its funny because the people giving them money is the same people who supported the regime that killed so many of their own people that cause there problems in the first place funny how things end up.

Your entire country has less GDP than one of our wealth province. Hell you have less GDP than our capital city and you want to compare financial influence upon Asia? Any further motion from your country will continue to get shredded at ASEAN meeting. Count on that. Furthermore, we did not agree to withdraw any of our ships with you. It's our sea and we come and go as we please. The government has already stated no withdraw deal existed, and it was you that was running your mouth about coming to a deal. Maybe you should blame your government for making false statements.
Can ASEAN Unite On South China Sea?
By Luke Hunt
November 17, 2012


The Philippines has fired its first political salvo at China and Cambodia ahead of upcoming regional summits, calling on the 10 members of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) to forge a united front over the South China Sea dispute.

Speaking to reporters ahead of the ASEAN and East Asia Summit, which is attracting leaders from around the world, Philippine President Benigno Aquino said ASEAN should speak with one voice, particularly given that four ASEAN countries have overlapping territorial claims in the sea.

"We can talk to the other claimants that aren't ASEAN members but since we want to maintain ASEAN's centrality, we must have just one voice in ASEAN,” he said.

China claims virtually the entire South China Sea and Aquino’s comments will almost certainly upset Beijing, which wants to deal with each of its disputed claims with ASEAN members on a bilateral basis. The Spratly Islands, located in the disputed territory, are also claimed in full or in part by The Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, Malaysia and Brunei.

China, Vietnam and Taiwan also have conflicting claims over the Paracel Islands.

Cambodia will also be angered by Aquino’s statement. As chair of ASEAN this year, it has sought to find an agreement on the Code of Conduct for dispute resolution in the South China Sea, known as the East Sea in Vietnam and the West Philippine Sea in the Philippines.

The government of Prime Minister Hun Sen has benefited enormously from Chinese largesse in recent years and, consequently, has emerged as a key ally in Beijing’s strategy of forcing ASEAN members to deal with Spratly Islands disputes on a bilateral basis. China has refused to refer the matter to an international arbitrator.

Cambodia’s actions resulted in ASEAN failing to release a joint communiqué at the end of this year’s ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) in July, the first time in ASEAN’s 45 year history in which a joint message failed to be issued. The Philippines and Vietnam had wanted this spring’s confrontation at Scarborough Shoal included, but Cambodia, at China’s behest, balked, leading to charges that Phnom Penh was putting China ahead of the ASEAN bloc.

Whether or not there is a repeat of the July debacle at next week’s summit, which leaders like U.S. President Barack Obama, China’s Premier Wen Jiabao, South Korean President Lee Myung-bak, and Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda will attend, remains to be seen.

There is some speculation in Phnom Penh that a joint communiqué for the summit is currently being negotiated, with the hope that it will be ready to sign by end of the heads of state meeting next week.

To build goodwill ahead of the summits, for instance, on Friday Indonesia proposed that ASEAN and China establish emergency lines of communication to prevent South China Sea crises from turning violent. An agreement such as this might allow the parties involved to issue a joint communiqué next week.

But given Manila and Beijing’s respective stances, any agreement on the Code of Conduct could be some time off.

Can ASEAN Unite On South China Sea?

This where ASEAN unity will be tested. I sadly have nothing to add here except cross your finger and hope for the best :undecided:

Your entire country has less GDP than one of our wealth province. Hell you have less GDP than our capital city and you want to compare financial influence upon Asia? Any further motion from your country will continue to get shredded at ASEAN meeting. Count on that. Furthermore, we did not agree to withdraw any of our ships with you. It's our sea and we come and go as we please. The government has already stated no withdraw deal existed, and it was you that was running your mouth about coming to a deal. Maybe you should blame your government for making false statements.

Hahahaha that's your lie not mine sir like i care if you believe me or not but i think my credibility is better than all of you chinese combined and what's the point of lying now? B@#% please and this coming form a guy who's country love to censored Information and use propaganda and lie to the whole world about things and telling me to say the truth? Sir other Epic fail for you chinese!
Hahahaha that's your lie not mine sir like i care if you believe me or not but i think my credibility is better than all of you chinese combined and what's the point of lying now? B@#% please and this coming form a guy who's country love to censored Information and use propaganda and lie to the whole world about things and telling me to say the truth? Sir other Epic fail for you chinese!
I am lying? Do a search for yourself and find out, or keep living in your own bubble. Do you look up the your failed country's GDP compared to Beijing. Even our capital is richer than your entire third world crap hole put together. Your role in the international stage are nothing more than clownish at best, and nearly irrelevant.

Bejing GDP: $247.7 billion
Philippines GDP: $224.75 Billion

We'll continue to shred all your joke motions at ASEAN as we please. Run back to your American daddy and cry some more.
I am lying? Do a search for yourself and find out, or keep living in your own bubble. Do you look up the your failed country's GDP compared to Beijing. Even our capital is richer than your entire third world crap hole put together. Your role in the international stage are nothing more than clownish at best, and nearly irrelevant.

Bejing GDP: $247.7 billion
Philippines GDP: $224.75 Billion

We'll continue to shred all your joke motions at ASEAN as we please. Run back to your American daddy and cry some more.

Really take a look at this then:

IMF chief lauds Philippines: It’s the only nation in the World upgraded | Rebuilding for the Better Philippines
Philippine Reserves another peak high- $82.1 Billion USD; Smoke, liquor tax up +₱32 | Rebuilding for the Better Philippines
Moody's Investors upgrade Philippine credit rating to Ba1; Gross Reserves at $81.90 -Billion USD level | Rebuilding for the Better Philippines

Really who lying?
China's Great Slowdown Is Really Here—and It's Worse Than You Think - Steve LeVine - The Atlantic

Again b@#$% please your country is slowing down accept it and we are a newly industrial country we are not a third country. Well that was IDIOTIC can't even tell the difference between levels of countries just like you can't tell the difference between islands and shoals yours and others you can eat that! with my complacence. Again sir Epic fail!
Leaders at ASEAN summit sign human rights declaration

PHNOM PENH: Southeast Asian leaders endorsed a controversial human rights pact on Sunday during an annual summit in which they also focused on bruising territorial rows and deadly unrest in Myanmar.

The leaders also plan to launch talks on a planned free trade zone that covers ASEAN and six other countries including China, Japan, and Australia.

Heads of the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) hailed their declaration on human rights as a landmark agreement that would help protect the region's 600 million people.

full story : Leaders at ASEAN summit sign human rights declaration - Channel NewsAsia


Asia-Pacific to launch talks on giant free trade zone

PHNOM PENH - Southeast Asian nations will launch talks this week for a giant free trade pact with China, Japan, India and other neighbours aimed at easing the region's reliance on the struggling West.

The planned zone would would span across 16 countries of the Asia-Pacific that currently account for a third of global trade and economic output, making it the biggest free trade area outside the World Trade Organisation.

Rajiv Biswas, Asia-Pacific chief economist at IHS Global Insight, described the initiative as strategically very important to the Asia-Pacific as it would help offset weaknesses in the United States and the European Union.

"Fast growth in trade within the Asia Pacific region could significantly mitigate the weak growth prospects in Asia's traditional growth markets in the EU and US," he told AFP.

"The (pact) could provide the framework for accelerating regional trade and investment flows, reducing the dependence of East Asia on the traditional EU and US export markets and boosting trade amongst Asian developing countries."

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen will launch the start of negotiations for the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) on Tuesday in Phnom Penh on the final day of a regional summit.

The RCEP would bring together the 10 members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations with China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand.

ASEAN secretary-general Surin Pitsuwan said a successful RCEP would further cement a shift in global economic power from the West towards Asia.

"The trend is already here. It's how to consolidate. This one is going to be a big leap forward if we can make it," he told AFP in an interview on Sunday on the sidelines of an ASEAN leaders' summit.

Diplomats and analysts said the RCEP could also serve as a "counterbalance" to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), another planned free-trade grouping currently being negotiated by the United States and 10 other countries.

US officials hope that the TPP will eventually snowball into a free trade area of the Asia-Pacific that will link economies spanning Latin America and Asia via the United States.

But in one significant difference, the TPP excludes China while the world's second-biggest economy is foreseen as being a major player in the RCEP.

China has been reluctant to join the TPP, preferring to focus on a free-trade arrangement centred in Asia where it has a bigger influence.

full story: http://news.asiaone.com/News/AsiaOne+News/Asia/Story/A1Story20121118-384166.html

This is huge

okay so ur upgraded to 5% growth and we are "slowdowned" to 7.5% growth lol yea we're doing so much worst than you lol

url=http://betterphils.blogspot.com/2012/11/philippine-reserves-another-peak-high.html]Philippine Reserves another peak high- $82.1 Billion USD; Smoke, liquor tax up +₱32 | Rebuilding for the Better Philippines[/url]

hahah you really wanna compare reserves against china?

lol congrats on ur ba1 and positive outlook(Speculative grade lol), we must be so far behind with our AA3 and postive outlook(investment grade)
but wait! AA3 is 7 levels above yours lololol

Really who lying?
China's Great Slowdown Is Really Here—and It's Worse Than You Think - Steve LeVine - The Atlantic

Again b@#$% please your country is slowing down accept it and we are a newly industrial country we are not a third country. Well that was IDIOTIC can't even tell the difference between levels of countries just like you can't tell the difference between islands and shoals yours and others you can eat that! with my complacence. Again sir Epic fail!

lol so u posts on aurthors opinions on the chinese slowdown, i can post 10 that says otherwise
also lolololol are u suggesting the Philippines is ahead in development? go look up your GDP(nominal or ppp) per capita(or as a whole) and compare that with china's. and you claim other poeple are idiotic lol
Really take a look at this then:

IMF chief lauds Philippines: It’s the only nation in the World upgraded | Rebuilding for the Better Philippines
Philippine Reserves another peak high- $82.1 Billion USD; Smoke, liquor tax up +₱32 | Rebuilding for the Better Philippines
Moody's Investors upgrade Philippine credit rating to Ba1; Gross Reserves at $81.90 -Billion USD level | Rebuilding for the Better Philippines

Really who lying?
China's Great Slowdown Is Really Here—and It's Worse Than You Think - Steve LeVine - The Atlantic

Again b@#$% please your country is slowing down accept it and we are a newly industrial country we are not a third country. Well that was IDIOTIC can't even tell the difference between levels of countries just like you can't tell the difference between islands and shoals yours and others you can eat that! with my complacence. Again sir Epic fail!
Your country is like a beggar that just got one dollar donated to you, and you're already bragging about having 2 dollars. Yet, you have the guts to laugh at the richest guy on the block for making only half a million instead of 1 million? You're a third world crap hole thinking you're something greater.

You're nothing more than America's ***** in Asia. Don't even pretend you belong in the same league as China.
Your country is like a beggar that just got one dollar donated to you, and you're already bragging about having 2 dollars. Yet, you have the guts to laugh at the richest guy on the block for making only half a million instead of 1 million? You're a third world crap hole thinking you're something greater.

You're nothing more than America's ***** in Asia. Don't even pretend you belong in the same league as China.

What? now what you are saying is just crazy again evidence? just like everything you can just say stuff with little or no evidence? Sure we get aid we have limitations i admit that we are trying to be more honest and open unlike some country and people we all know propaganda and just being a jerk to show people that they are something i say compensation for something small that they have , but we also contribute in the UN alone we have aid workers, police officers, soldiers etc the best of my country my i add! what you are going just typical of every chinese forumer in any forum all over the net trolling hatred and scandalous accusations while bullying others with force and might your reply alone proves my point to the people of the whole my point and opinions of your kind. So again sir epic fail to bring us down say all you want your just making your kind look worse making my job more easy so i thank you for proving me right.
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