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2018 Election prediction

Pml-n will win the election by a bigger margin than 2013. PTI failed to perform well in KPK. And that will be come back to haunt them in 2018 when ANP sweeps the province. PPP will be further decimated. MQM will loose ground to Mustafa Kamal's new party.
No one is even considering Mustafa Kamal's PSP worth giving tough time to MQM in Karachi?

PTI is still much much better than ANP, JUI, PPP in KPK. If at all there is a situation where i had to choose between PML(N) and any other party minus PTI for KPK, I wud be forced to support PML (N). We really wnt mind another term for PTI/JI combo government in KPK but ANP and JUI are the worst parties for KPK and they wud throw KPK back into stone age.

when ANP sweeps the province
Bhai hum say koi dushmani hai aap ki? :cry:
We have seen rhe results of the 2013 elections in which PMLN won. Later after a year and a half Imran khan realises that the elections where rigged with evidence .

Are you REALLY going to make "predictions" for 2018? Always remember, you can bring thousands to rallies by paying them. You can't buy what everyone stamps on inside the ballot!!!! Inside the ballot, who gets the vote is based on who did the MOST work. Performance wins bullshiit walks. And all this bullshiit of "rigging", " the Dog ate my votes" and "the Dog ate my performance" and all....is going to walk on a fine day in 2018.

Here's a real prediction, 2018 will be ONE sided election. For the first time in history, PMLN will win a landsliding victory in at-least THREE provinces out of four. If they continue to work well, the next elections, they'll be able to Penetrate Sindh and take it away from PPP also. But for sure KPK and Baluchistan are going to the ruling party based on their staggering performance never seen in the 70 years of Pakistan's life.

Just YESTERDAY, Pakistan's stock market hit the record high in the ENTIRE life of Pakistan and its trading at the highest level for the past many months (and broke it own record from a year ago). Estimated $ 40+ billion is coming into Pakistan's stock market in the next 2 years. Just this past one month, Pakistan's stock market received over $ 2 billion worth of investments.

Here's the 2018 election forecast. Just a couple of examples:

Pakistan's foreign reserves have hit over $ 21 BILLION dollars this week:



Pakistan Stock Market (KSE100) 1990-2016 | Data | Chart | Calendar

Pakistan KSE100 Index increased 21 points or 0.06% to 36706 on Friday May 20 from 36685 in the previous trading session. Pakistan KSE100 Index gained 4088 points or 12.53 percent during the last 12 months from 32,617.74 points in May of 2015. Historically, the Pakistan Stock Market (KSE100) reached an all time high of 36706 in May of 2016 and a record low of 538.89 in June of 1990.

You can never predict an election of Pakistan and you can never make a hundred percent prediction of 2018.. Never the less.

Federal will be PMLN with 2/3rd majority.

Punjab will have 2/3rd majority of pmln and they will form govt here.

Sindh will have a provincial govt in coalition with PPP and mqm like now however if pti and N actually attempt to penetrate the province they may win seats there. However pti isn't interested.

Kpk will have a pti govt however unlike right now pti may have more seats and will be less like a coalition as its now.

Balochistan will be N and national party coalition but I get the feeling that N may win more seats this time in Baluchistan.

Over all as I said it the game in federal, punjab and kpk will be same party govts. Baluchistan and sindh is up for grabs but pti doesn't give a damn and N isnt interested.
Minimal change in KPK and Punjab, same elsewhere for PTI. PMLN will retain most of its power in Punjab, and is still most likely to form a government again, for now. It's presence elsewhere is largely unchanged in terms of numbers. PPP rule Sindh as always, MQM for Karachi as always, the same story everywhere else.

Pakistan is not yet a mature democracy, please don't expect any major changes in terms of voting habits, loyalties and so on. Also, PTI's popular movements aren't so novel as they were a few years ago, their ability to capitalise on gains as underdogs and opposition is slightly diminished. Although not for PTI's sake, but for the sake of Pakistani politics, I hope that PTI makes gains in Punjab and Sindh/Karachi. Regional support for parties based on ethnic and provincial lines is not desirable in the long run.
Nothing could be said about Pakistani politics because in Pakistan things change over night but keeping in view the current scenario in mind ... whoever will win Punjab will able to form the govt in center and PTI did;t done much home work in Punjab their attitude toward their workers is also very immature beside that the party has already hijacked. the ideological starters of the party have already disappeared beneath the para troopers it has become almost a typical party like all others political parties of Pakistan. No Some drastic step can only save them form complete defeat in 2018 elections. They should come up with broader ideas and projects which could be visibly seen.

I have observed people in Pakistan dont care about the issue of corruption anymore because every body is use to it now. while Pak sar zameen party is heading in right direction they have saved their strength for 2018 election and did;t appeared in any midterm they are slowly establishing their offices all over sindh their are great possibility they will reduce the MQM influence over all. interior sindh will remain same they will vote PPP. so cut in short PMLn will win PPP will hold back as second and PTI will be on may be fourth
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I'm seeing a collation govt next time, whatever people chosed there is Another power to make things happen:coffee: so relaxed and Waite the miracles of Pak politics.
I think our establishment (Military) should learns this basics now after so many experiments in last 70 years that the mode of the general Pakistani public towards them is (Don't dictates us).

From Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto to Nawaz Sharif to Imran Khan to Mustafa Kamal the story is same.
Public didn't buy establishment horse, no matter how corrupt, in-efficient or cruel the other choices available to them.

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto never would have a chance against Sheikh Mujeeb
Nawaz Sharif never have a chance on his own against Benazir
IK, no matter what can never beats Nawaz Sharif, at least not in this century.
and now Mustafa Kamal will becoming history this time around as well.

The other lesson is whenever anyone start challenging Establishment rule, He/She will automatically becomes darling of the general public, afterwards i.e. ZAB & NS.

Therefore, i request Military Establishment with core of my heart to cease medlling around Pakistani politics for the sake of it, you just have creating retaliatory politics from general public and killing the self motivatid generation of true opposition and leadership in Pakistan against corrupt or inefficeint rulers.....For God's sake Stop it!!

@Irfan Baloch
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Hopefully the military would have taken over the country by then. Tired of seeing the same Sharif and Bhutto family ruling the country.
I dnt know who will win the election but I know one thing . We will be more more loans to pay off. Sharifs and bhuttos will be richer and Pakistan would be poorer . Load shedding will be there.

We deserve in the state we are living in . Bcoz we accept corruption , we accepted murderer to be our ruses
PML-N is definitely going to win because:.

Despite being corrupt like the other political parties, PML-N manages to deliver on most of its projects. They are able to somewhat win the hearts of the local people even if by a small margin.(funds for farmers,healthcare etc)
2)PTI, the only credible opposition party is incompetent. Their development work has been largely superficial.(planting tress etc) Their approval rating in KPK itself is dangerously low.
Election results 2018,

Federal govt Pmln , Punjab pmln, Balochistan pmln /allies, sindh ppp, karachi mqm, Hazara pmln, KPk pti, anp, jui , pmln. Reason behind all these results is that Pmln is making CPEC, motorways , gwader port , coal power stations, solar power stations, metros, infrastructure, terbella dam ext , neelum jehlum project etc. It all constitutes an economic vision , this vision lacks in all other political parties , no one else has challenged it with any other model of vision . Every party has a govt in any province but ground work and implementation is missing except pmln govt in fed and punjab . When there is no counter economic vision , voter only has one choice i.e Pmln. Just criticizing on others vision is not enough ,people wants to see the performance of every govt .
PTI will form a weak govt. in Centre with coalition parties from Sindh (APML/Zulfiqar group/Khosa/PTI/PSP/PML-F/Sherazi Group )

PMLN/PPP/MQM will be major opposition

Those who think PML-N will win are in for a big surprise. Panama leaks is like a saviour for PTI and will get many big wigs disqualified from contesting the next electionsand this will hurt an already divided PML-N badly where we will have a Nawaz-Daar group trying to launch Maryam Safdar and a Shehbaz-Sanaullah group launching Hamza. The crevices will be more visible in next two years when PML-Q chiefs side Hamza Shehbaz.
The upcoming episodes of Panama leaks will target Daar,Zardari,ANP and our religious zealots.

The other game-changer would be the census happening next year and the new delimitations following it.

In Punjab PTI will be the biggest beneficiary of it and is likely to take away around 40% of Punjab, mostly from southern belt ,Potohar region and Lahore, Runner-up would be PML-N and then PMLQ, PPP, PSP ,Qadri and other parties . Those who think PPP will make a comeback in Punjab are living in a fools paradise.Many independents will join PTI .PSP will get more seats than PPP in Punjab .

PTI will also come back stronger in KPK and wont need a coalition govt. this time for their Police and education reforms are the first time in KPK history and of course the Peshawar cancer hospital. But cherry on the cake would be the Mass Transit System in Peshawar. Runnerup would be ANP and JUI-F who will reach their lowest ebb in next elections

PPP and MQM will be badly hurt by any new delimitations before elections.
PSP, PTI, PPP,ANP, JI will together win 60% of Karachi.Though MQM will still have the lions share but just not enough . Not just that MQM is likely to lose Hyderabad as their key players there like QaimkhanI have already joined PSP.

Interior Sindh - 45% PPP , 15% APML/ZulfiqarMirza/Khosa alliance 15% PML-F 15% PSP 10% Sindh Nationalists
It will be a tough battle for Sindh govt. as it will be a coalition govt.

either PPP/MQM
APML/Zulfiqar/Khosa/PTI/PSP/PML-F i predict the latter will win.

BNP, PKMAP ,will score and form govt. with whoever wins the 2018 election.
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Hopefully the military would have taken over the country by then. Tired of seeing the same Sharif and Bhutto family ruling the country.
I hope raheel shareef makes a party after reiterement and dare to contest 2018 elections and see how many thank you rahrel shareef he gets without uniform.

Even jamsheed Dasti will win over RS.

PTI will form a weak govt. in Centre with coalition parties from Sindh (APML/Zulfiqar group/Khosa/PTI/PSP/PML-F/Sherazi Group )
So you want all tango parties with PTI.

In Punjab PTI will be the biggest beneficiary of it and is likely to take away around 40% of Punjab, mostly from southern belt ,Potohar region and Lahore, Runner-up would be PML-N and then PMLQ, PPP, PSP ,Qadri and other parties .
Haha the biggest joke dude.
Pti failed to even win those where they won in 2013. Pinidi , Islamabad, Mianwali and else where pti was white washed in Local bodies and cantonments.

Q league is already finished and qadri league don't even exists.
Plmn is winning Punjab and will definitely win with long long margin over its opponents.
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