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2015 Q2 GDP growth (dollar) rate of top 20 economies

According to WB: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) | Data | Table

Its 75 years for China compared to 66 for India. Either way well done to China. It has better social indicators than India...I am not denying that at all. But why is end of life care rated worse than India according to the study I posted?

Does mocking India make China better?
:undecided:Didnt know much of it,maybe statistic in different websites is different.
Today Andrew's thread maybe a fight back to an Indian...(His name is too long,I cant remember...)
17% is just the official numbers. Of course no one trust those propaganda numbers from the Indian regime. The real numbers are far worse.

The real numbers are close to 40-50%.

India spends close to 50% of its budget on military if they reported the numbers accurately.
True,the allotment for intel agencies,nuclear forces,paramilitary and police are not included.Hence the real budget for weapons is close to the numbers you posted.
In India,due to overpopulation,most foodstuff is adulterated and hence harmful.The superstitious clap trap forbidding cheap protein sources hurts as well.
Ah only a matter of time before a false flagger showed up. Even thumbs up the massively anti-India China troll Beidou. So obvious. Have fun circle jerking guys!

This thread certainly revealed some more trolls and neo-trolls for me. Fun!
Sigh,pointing to reality is hardly trolling.In fact you are the one trolling,instead of refuting my arguments you have used rhetoric and victim mongering to avoid the issues.
Sigh,pointing to reality is hardly trolling.In fact you are the one trolling,instead of refuting my arguments you have used a rhetoric and victim mongering to avoid the issues.
They say it's trolling to say that China will add a new Indian GDP for 3 years. When people post actual figures, they will resort to PPP.
:D their logic is uncanny.
Life expectancy at birth - total (years) in Sub Saharan Africa

Sub saharan life expectancy is an average of 56 years.

India is 66 years now and rising as hunger continues to decrease, poverty continues to decrease, economy grows and health and sanitation improves. Give a full term to Modi and lets see.

LOL. Jogging is the only form of exercise? Have you seen the work that is done in majority of rural area. Its a lot more physically demanding than some jogging by a river. Thats also part of the reason why China's obesity rates are much higher than India.

As Obesity Rises, Chinese Kids Are Almost as Fat as Americans - China Real Time Report - WSJ

As for sports, there are plenty of sports in India. Traditional wrestling and Kabbadi are the most popular in rural areas....permeation of western sports beyond cricket is not so high....doesnt mean there are no sports going on.

You attempts at painting a particular image of India become increasingly desperate. Maybe some Indian trolls made you like this over time....but it looks like you are no better than them.

Lumping in a whole country on account of some members on a defense forum seems childish. Why are Chinese so bothered by such trolls and become trolls as well? It just reduces the space we can have a good meaningful conversation with minds and opinions that actually matter.

Market rate size is relevant if every Chinese person went to say the US and bought everything they could using US dollars.

Hence the global footprint of China is felt by virtue of its market rate economic size. Hence most mainstream articles will quote the market rate figure....plus it makes it seem that the US is still the leader (an added advantage to keep their customers content).

This however doesn't mean the PPP is suddenly meaningless...it is simply another measure that captures an alternative measure of an economy with a higher emphasis on domestic purchasing power....which is much more relevant to social development than a hard global economic footprint is.

Thats why no genuine economist will come and say PPP is lousy/bad....because they all clearly know the limitations of each measure....including market nominal GDP.

If we measure by PPP, none of these measures are "small" anymore. I'm not sure what constitutes "small" in your definition....but they would be scaled up to large fractions of China's total if PPP is used.

PPP is simply a multiplier to take into account differing base price levels worldwide. I don't know why you find this so hard to understand when the WB and IMF have explained it very clearly.

World trade is the only indicator out of all that you have mentioned here that is not appropriate for PPP given that world trade for the most part is conducted in US dollars and the Chinese economy has been structured quite differently to Indias in terms of consumption/investment ratios and export-led growth for the past couple decades relatively speaking.

It's chicken or the egg situation....either you accept PPP and these figures grow many times and they are not small....or you dont use PPP period if you want to compare something like trade.

You dont ask how is it the 3rd largest when these blah blah blah figures are so small....you have to scale those figures via PPP too (except for trade)...a factor of more than 3 for India.

Yeah you're figure is way off. Try again.

If they are an unreasonable troll like you, yeah they can laugh all they want.

If they are an educated, open-minded person that knows the A.B.C's of basic economic theory....I doubt they would laugh....rather they would engage in a useful conversation rather than go in a repeated troll mode.:cheesy:

LOL without world trade India won't function as you import pretty much everything. India has no manufacturing base and runs staggering trade deficits. Manufacturing, trade, net household wealth, retail consumption, e-commerce consumption, industrial production of goods, etc all show the scale and importance of a country. The fact that India is a tiny trading nation just proves my point how utterly insignificant India is in the global economy.

When the world takes PPP seriously, then you can come here and brag about 3rd largest economy. Although Indian PPP value is grossly inflated even when using the PPP measurement.

Since the world is run on nominal GDP and that's the measure used by the international community, India is the 10th largest (if real numbers were used, India would be around the 15th largest economy).

The 3rd largest economy is Japan.

And yes, 80% of the Indian population don't have sanitation and 70% are illiterate.
They say it's trolling to say that China will add a new Indian GDP for 3 years. When people post actual figures, they will resort to PPP.
:D their logic is uncanny.
Actually,it's more like 2 years and a few months going by back of the envelope calculations.Factor in thetemporary slump for PRC and cooking of books by Indians,well,guess the results.
PPP is so loved by Indians I really don't understand.I live with them and yet I don't tbh.It's near worthless.
I also reject the shameful accusations coming from some Indian members that I'm somehow anti-Indian. This is slander against me.

I love India.
They say it's trolling to say that China will add a new Indian GDP for 3 years. When people post actual figures, they will resort to PPP.
:D their logic is uncanny.

Let's them use some PPP and go shop for some oil from GCC, or some weapons from Russia, and see what the sellers say.

When they sell iron ore, did they charge clients at market price or PPP-inflated price?
LOL without world trade India won't function as you import pretty much everything.

Imports are about 22% of India's GDP. CA deficit is about 1.5%. Keep your fail coming.

India has no manufacturing base

Refer to made in India thread elsewhere in forum.

and runs staggering trade deficits.

Pretty minimal compared to size of the economy and when you combine overall current account statistics like quoted above as % of GDP. Plus we have to factor in the trends now. Both the deficit and CAD are shrinking.

Manufacturing, trade, net household wealth, retail consumption, e-commerce consumption, industrial production of goods, etc all show the scale and importance of a country.

And your point? All of these can be scaled by PPP.

The fact that India is a tiny trading nation just proves my point how utterly insignificant India is in the global economy.

Hardly a tiny trading nation. It exports three times more per capita than your ally Pakistan. 500 billion USD almost last year at 12th place and will probably leapfrog half a dozen countries very soon since they are all bunched up together in this range and are barely growing trade-wise (unlike India).

So keep saying "utterly insignificant"....it just shows how paranoid a chinese CCCP troll like you is....

When the world takes PPP seriously, then you can come here and brag about 3rd largest economy. Although Indian PPP value is grossly inflated even when using the PPP measurement.

Yah the old CCCP philosophy...repeat something enough will win you the argument....and stay away from actual debate at all costs. :argh: You have not read the IMF or WB explanations of PPP neither have you understood its application. All you are worried about is bragging....anything that threatens bragging rights must be wrong! Inferiority complex at its most brazen.

And yes, 80% of the Indian population don't have sanitation and 70% are illiterate.

:rofl: Yeah keep the CCCP approved statistics coming!

Since the world is run on nominal GDP

World is "run" on nominal GDP. Man where do you guys come up with this stuff. Mao would be proud!

and that's the measure used by the international community,

alongside PPP ;) Refer again to World Bank and IMF:

International Comparison Program - Frequently Asked Questions

GNI, PPP (current international $) | Data | Table

ICP 2011: International Comparison Program

2011 International Comparison Program Summary Results Release Compares the Real Size of the World Economies

Purchasing Power Parity: Weights Matter - Back to Basics: Finance & Development

Using PPPs instead of market exchange rates to convert currencies makes it possible to compare the output of economies and the welfare of their inhabitants in real terms (that is, controlling for differences in price levels).

Let's them use some PPP and go shop for some oil from GCC, or some weapons from Russia, and see what the sellers say.

When they sell iron ore, did they charge clients at market price or PPP-inflated price?

If our imports are 22% of our GDP, why should the majority of the GDP be held hostage to the price levels found in the US (since I am assuming we are comparing via US dollars?)

If we were importing more than 50% of our GDP (and having a larger trade activity %), your point has some merit to it.

This is actually part of the reason that China has a lower PPP multiplier than India, it is more integrated with the price levels of US than India given the trade and transaction exposure.

It confuses me that all of you are somehow completely stuck in the same old reply instead of reading up on what PPP is and what its objective is and how it is measured.
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Lumping in a whole country on account of some members on a defense forum seems childish. Why are Chinese so bothered by such trolls and become trolls as well? It just reduces the space we can have a good meaningful conversation with minds and opinions that actually matter.
^ ^You should educate the other Indian as well...I hope we can get along with each other very well.
It's hard to be calm when others troll...(I also have quarrelled with Indian,and been racist)And u r definitely right...
But if everybody is so calm and wise,there wont be much chaos in the world..So...Trolls r inevitable.

Most of us knew less about PPP,therefore,u should post more to convince us.
Actually,it's more like 2 years and a few months going by back of the envelope calculations.Factor in thetemporary slump for PRC and cooking of books by Indians,well,guess the results.
PPP is so loved by Indians I really don't understand.I live with them and yet I don't tbh.It's near worthless.
In the entire world, Indians are the biggest buyers of PPP. Once I read an article about Mumbai, all numbers of a city's economy are PPP. I guess it's part of their ego protection. China never claims being the biggest economy while Indian constantly brag about their 2 trillion third largest economy. I suggest they create a PPP-adjusted life expectancy. U know when a panda dies at 30-year old, we say this panda's age equals 100-year-old human beings. Let's say, a Hindu dies at 60 year old equals our 75 year old, he/she is old enough!
The amount of fan boy fake economists in this thread is too damn high. Like I come on this forum to see what's up and some of these Chinese kids are pulling numbers straight out their butt.
In the entire world, Indians are the biggest buyers of PPP. Once I read an article about Mumbai, all numbers of a city's economy are PPP. I guess it's part of their ego protection. China never claims being the biggest economy while Indian constantly brag about their 2 trillion third largest economy. I suggest they create a PPP-adjusted life expectancy. U know when a panda dies at 30-year old, we say this panda's age equals 100-year-old human beings. Let's say, a Hindu dies at 60 year old equals our 75 year old, he/she is old enough!
I know that...
India may overuse it...
I remember someone in tieba claims that the GDP of mumbai is 15000$....(very close to Wuhan)
And I think China also overuse GDP...Our media seldom care PPP.
^ ^You should educate the other Indian as well...I hope we can get along with each other very well.
It's hard to be calm when others troll...(I also have quarrelled with Indian,and been racist)And u r definitely right...
But if everybody is so calm and wise,there wont be much chaos in the world..So...Trolls r inevitable.

Most of us knew less about PPP,therefore,u should post more to convince us.

Trying my best! I have also been racist to some trolls and got banned because of it. Thats why I tread carefully now.

I have posted enough PPP material here now that I am bored of it. I think most Chinese members have made up their minds so I think I will just continue to respond to various accusations and insults towards my country and slowly this thread will wind down...and maybe some of us will have learnt something even though we pretend we havent here.

In the entire world, Indians are the biggest buyers of PPP. Once I read an article about Mumbai, all numbers of a city's economy are PPP.

Actually you have reminded me of this report:


A western publisher using PPP for comparing cities! Better call them up and complain that its unfair!

I guess it's part of their ego protection.

Coming from the guy that started the "how many years will China take to add another India" thread....that seems to have been taken down/deleted. Hopefully you are not this egotistic in real life. You claim to have hosted some elderly Indian family so I will give you the benefit of the doubt.

China never claims being the biggest economy while Indian constantly brag about their 2 trillion third largest economy.

China brags all the time about all sorts of things. Just ask most of its neighbours.:p:

Plus its true that some Indians take their bragging too far as well. That does not give you the license to respond in kind and with even more trolling....unless you are hellbent in proving you are no different. Plus your whole agenda that all Indians constantly brag about their economy PPP or otherwise is getting dull and repetitive.....and frankly it is not true. The ones that brag are simply expressing their own insecurity and envy. Are you part of that club too?

Plenty of western articles reported on China now being the biggest economy by PPP:


China Has Overtaken the U.S. as the World’s Largest Economy | Vanity Fair

Is China's economy really the largest in the world? - BBC News

China's Now The World Number One Economy And It Doesn't Matter A Darn

China Surpasses US As World's Largest Economy [ANALYSIS]

As to why the Chinese govt suppressed this news in their country, here are some thoughts:

Why China hates being No. 1 - Fortune

China Doesn’t Want to Be Number One | The Diplomat


The main reason for China’s lack of triumphalism is that leaders do not want exposure to the international pressure that comes with being the world’s largest economy, according to people familiar with Chinese official views on the matter.

“They certainly don’t want to overstate the size of their economy. They are sensitive about that,” said Vinod Thomas, director-general of independent evaluation at the Asian Development Bank, which played a role in compiling Chinese statistics for the report. “The pushback and sensitivity has been muted publicly but, behind the scenes, it’s been there for sure.”

China’s tightly controlled state media did not mention the latest estimates, which were widely reported outside the country. Beijing has often balked at international estimates showing it has taken the global lead in everything from carbon emissions to energy use.

Taking the title as the world’s largest economy, held by the US since 1872, might be seen as a crowning achievement after three decades of rapid economic growth. However, China’s leaders are wary of the added international responsibility that could come with it.

U know when a panda dies at 30-year old, we say this panda's age equals 100-year-old human beings. Let's say, a Hindu dies at 60 year old equals our 75 year old, he/she is old enough!

Again you show you know nothing about what PPP is and you also show a pretty disgusting regard for human life. It is not a trivial or funny matter. There are no time levels unlike price levels in economics....so your attempt at equating the two is quite ridiculous and sad.

And I think China also overuse GDP...Our media seldom care PPP.

Again here are some reasons why:

Why China hates being No. 1 - Fortune

China Doesn’t Want to Be Number One | The Diplomat

Your internal media is controlled by govt so there is no surprise it was a very muted non-existent reaction, given that the new found status brings to light some uncomfortable realities and responsibilities that the Chinese govt would rather not have discussed...especially by its own people.
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