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2015 Q2 GDP growth (dollar) rate of top 20 economies

Again here are some reasons why:

Why China hates being No. 1 - Fortune

China Doesn’t Want to Be Number One | The Diplomat

Your internal media is controlled by govt so there is no surprise it was a very muted non-existent reaction, given that the new found status brings to light some uncomfortable realities and responsibilities that the Chinese govt would rather not have discussed...especially by its own people.
I search in Baidu.(some titles↓)

:argh:Okay,there r reports.
And Some comments↓

咱就是不一样10-09 08:53

HotBerry10-09 08:44

ah蓝冰10-09 08:54

林中之叶10-09 08:51

东风风行汽车刘巍10-09 09:04
Okay...Recently something happened.
A woman in Japan rumored and today Japan sent its response,showing that the woman cheated us and this fake news spread widely...
In China,there r many news against gov and people against CCP,if u want to see more,I can show u. :(

Last edited:
4% to 8% overnight :D

a) Read up on what GVA at factor cost is and how it captures economic activity that otherwise went unrecorded

b) The changes were recommended by the UN back in 2008 to bring India more in line with standard OECD measurement of Economic Size.

c) the change did not result from 4% growth to 8% growth. The most serious change for a fiscal year was from 4.7 to 6.9% growth. About 2.2% increase and completely reasonable compared to what other developing country's growth rates have jumped when changing base year or changing methodology. Very different from the 4% jump you are suggesting here.

Keep trolling.
I know that...
India may overuse it...
I remember someone in tieba claims that the GDP of mumbai is 15000$....(very close to Wuhan)
And I think China also overuse GDP...Our media seldom care PPP.
China underestimate GDP.

I search in Baidu.(some titles↓)

:argh:Okay,there r reports.
And Some comments↓

咱就是不一样10-09 08:53

HotBerry10-09 08:44

ah蓝冰10-09 08:54

林中之叶10-09 08:51

东风风行汽车刘巍10-09 09:04
Okay...Recently something happened.
A woman in Japan rumored and today Japan sent its response,showing that the woman cheated us and this fake news spread widely...
In China,there r many news against gov and people against CCP,if u want to see more,I can show u. :(

Imports are about 22% of India's GDP. CA deficit is about 1.5%. Keep your fail coming.

Refer to made in India thread elsewhere in forum.

Pretty minimal compared to size of the economy and when you combine overall current account statistics like quoted above as % of GDP. Plus we have to factor in the trends now. Both the deficit and CAD are shrinking.

And your point? All of these can be scaled by PPP.

Hardly a tiny trading nation. It exports three times more per capita than your ally Pakistan. 500 billion USD almost last year at 12th place and will probably leapfrog half a dozen countries very soon since they are all bunched up together in this range and are barely growing trade-wise (unlike India).

So keep saying "utterly insignificant"....it just shows how paranoid a chinese CCCP troll like you is....

Yah the old CCCP philosophy...repeat something enough will win you the argument....and stay away from actual debate at all costs. :argh: You have not read the IMF or WB explanations of PPP neither have you understood its application. All you are worried about is bragging....anything that threatens bragging rights must be wrong! Inferiority complex at its most brazen.

:rofl: Yeah keep the CCCP approved statistics coming!

World is "run" on nominal GDP. Man where do you guys come up with this stuff. Mao would be proud!

alongside PPP ;) Refer again to World Bank and IMF:

International Comparison Program - Frequently Asked Questions

GNI, PPP (current international $) | Data | Table

ICP 2011: International Comparison Program

2011 International Comparison Program Summary Results Release Compares the Real Size of the World Economies

Purchasing Power Parity: Weights Matter - Back to Basics: Finance & Development

If our imports are 22% of our GDP, why should the majority of the GDP be held hostage to the price levels found in the US (since I am assuming we are comparing via US dollars?)

If we were importing more than 50% of our GDP (and having a larger trade activity %), your point has some merit to it.

This is actually part of the reason that China has a lower PPP multiplier than India, it is more integrated with the price levels of US than India given the trade and transaction exposure.

It confuses me that all of you are somehow completely stuck in the same old reply instead of reading up on what PPP is and what its objective is and how it is measured.

India don't have an economy. It's a ponzi scheme pretending to be an economy.

The Indian ponzi scheme is propped up with hot money inflows which temporarily propped up the collapsing Rupee in 2014. The Rupee collapsed from 40 to 65 within months and the central bank used its forex reserves to prop up the Rupee from collapsing further. If the hot money didn't come due to QE expansion by the Fed, Indian Rupee would be well above 100.

Indian trade deficit is getting larger and budget deficit is getting larger. The deficits are funded by the hot money. Once that hot money starts leaving as the Fed raises interest rates, the Rupee will continue to drop as it did in 2013 and considering Indian forex reserves are small, India will be helpless as it was in 2013. India will experience hyperinflation and the Indian economy will shrink further and make India even a less relevant economy than it is now.

Structurally, India has one of the worst economies in the world. It's one of the largest debtor nations and its collapsing currency reflects that.

Of course the official numbers won't ever reveal the true state of India both economically and socially as the radical Hindu regime needs to show its legitimacy to rule over the illiterate and brainwashed population. Otherwise the fake country will face collapse and breakup similar to Yugoslavia considering the many separatist movements inside the fake country. That's why PPP 3rd largest economy propaganda has been brainwashed into the population by the regime to show its a soooooper duper powahhh despite the staggering number of Indians that starve to death in India, and the fact that 80% of the population have no access to basic sanitation and 70% of the population being illiterate.

India is a classic failed state.
Even the Chinese government dismissed PPP when China became number 1 economy. China is nowhere near number 1 economy. India is nowhere near Chinese economy.

India is no where near number 3 in any other measure except PPP.

Indian PPP is highly unreliable because most of that is fluff. Indian economy is utterly irrelevant in the world economy.

Very good points :tup:

It is, nonetheless, good to see Indians take solace with their Modi-fied PPP economy.

I suggest they create a PPP-adjusted life expectancy.


U know when a panda dies at 30-year old, we say this panda's age equals 100-year-old human beings. Let's say, a Hindu dies at 60 year old equals our 75 year old, he/she is old enough!
The Indian Rupee has depreciated for decades. It will continue to keep depreciating. There are two reasons.

1. Huge Indian trade deficit around $100 billion per year.
2. Huge federal budget deficit around $100 billion per year.

These are two intractable Indian deficits. No one knows how to solve these problems. With the proposed purchase of expensive French Rafale fighters, the Indian deficits will increase significantly.


Do you know that Chinese deliberately devalue their currency to support cheap exports ? It's not as easy as you post. Exporters (especially IT services) wants a weaker rupee ad their primary business is in EU/ USA. Govt wants rupee to be stable around 62-66 range. With even the table you posted, we are today 2.3 trillion economy in nominal terms even with rupee devaluation.

@AndrewJin didn't you post few days back indian rupee is going to be devalued beyond repair ?? Guess what, today INR is trading at 64.95 down from 67 when you posted.

INR is back to where it was last year. So much for your economics
Do you know that Chinese deliberately devalue their currency to support cheap exports ? It's not as easy as you post. Exporters (especially IT services) wants a weaker rupee ad their primary business is in EU/ USA. Govt wants rupee to be stable around 62-66 range. With even the table you posted, we are today 2.3 trillion economy in nominal terms even with rupee devaluation.

@AndrewJin didn't you post few days back indian rupee is going to be devalued beyond repair ?? Guess what, today INR is trading at 64.95 down from 67 when you posted.

INR is back to where it was last year. So much for your economics

Indian rupee moves based on the expectation of the Fed raising interest rates.

If the Fed raises interest rates, the rupee will fall as the hot money will flow out of India.

Fed was expected to announce a rate hike last week but didn't so the Rupee strengthened.

Rupee lives and dies by hot money flows.
Indian rupee moves based on the expectation of the Fed raising interest rates.

If the Fed raises interest rates, the rupee will fall as the hot money will flow out of India.

Fed was expected to announce a rate hike last week but didn't so the Rupee strengthened.

Rupee lives and dies by hot money flows.
Exactly, hot money is the last straw to save India's abysmal deficit dilemma.
India don't have an economy. It's a ponzi scheme pretending to be an economy.

The Indian ponzi scheme is propped up with hot money inflows which temporarily propped up the collapsing Rupee in 2014. The Rupee collapsed from 40 to 65 within months and the central bank used its forex reserves to prop up the Rupee from collapsing further. If the hot money didn't come due to QE expansion by the Fed, Indian Rupee would be well above 100.

Indian trade deficit is getting larger and budget deficit is getting larger. The deficits are funded by the hot money. Once that hot money starts leaving as the Fed raises interest rates, the Rupee will continue to drop as it did in 2013 and considering Indian forex reserves are small, India will be helpless as it was in 2013. India will experience hyperinflation and the Indian economy will shrink further and make India even a less relevant economy than it is now.

Structurally, India has one of the worst economies in the world. It's one of the largest debtor nations and its collapsing currency reflects that.

Of course the official numbers won't ever reveal the true state of India both economically and socially as the radical Hindu regime needs to show its legitimacy to rule over the illiterate and brainwashed population. Otherwise the fake country will face collapse and breakup similar to Yugoslavia considering the many separatist movements inside the fake country. That's why PPP 3rd largest economy propaganda has been brainwashed into the population by the regime to show its a soooooper duper powahhh despite the staggering number of Indians that starve to death in India, and the fact that 80% of the population have no access to basic sanitation and 70% of the population being illiterate.

India is a classic failed state.
Good point.
Let's see how this ponzi game collapses in the coming months when fed increases interest rates. They think they are strong as Fed, printing PPP money.
@AndrewJin didn't you post few days back indian rupee is going to be devalued beyond repair ?? Guess what, today INR is trading at 64.95 down from 67 when you posted.

Don't post any counter-evidence here, it wont be responded to (I have tried).

The CCCP trolls have gone into full circle jerk mode :lol:
Indian rupee moves based on the expectation of the Fed raising interest rates.

If the Fed raises interest rates, the rupee will fall as the hot money will flow out of India.

Fed was expected to announce a rate hike last week but didn't so the Rupee strengthened.

Rupee lives and dies by hot money flows.

Well said!
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