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2014 Globescan World opinion poll released

Not Posting Pakistan related stuff on a Pakistani Forum :astagh:



Even after giving huge amounts of ODA,Indian's still have negative views about Japan :tsk:

I'm not surprised that Turks view the influence of Pakistan as mainly negative. The average Turk sees Pakistan as another terrorist state that interpretates Islam wrong.
Hating and Criticizing are different.........
In-fact, if you love your country you should be all the more critical about it.......therefore, Indians expressing negative views about India are actually being critical, not hateful...............explain that to your countryman.

The point of the survey is what each country think about other countries/their own country, not what you believe they should think about other countries/their own country. Essentially, it is to shown what the other people's perspective is.

Personally, I think the poll looks pretty reasonable. One thing to keep in mind though, the negative rating in the poll isn't necessarily hate or criticism, but simply thinking the other country is underdeveloped/less economically advanced.

Today, the China you're proud of has been built on the death and suffering of Millions of Chinese....

One estimate is that, 36 Million people died due to starvation during your 'Great Leap Forward'......this is possible only in China because you have a totalitarian govt......which prevented you from speaking up against atrocities committed by your govt.....i.e you were not allowed to criticize....
So you see, your lack of criticism actually resulted in your economic growth....not the other way round(as you think).......
But what about those 36 million?
Your govt. sacrificed your own countrymen like pigs to achieve economic growth which will never be possible in India since India is a democracy....

36 million died over a three year period out of a population of 600 million. This translate into an annual death rate of 2%. This is lower than the average death rate of developing countries in the 1960 and certainly loads better than even a good year before 1949.

Now if you are talking who actually died because of starvation. The number is around 1.2 million. It is still a disaster, but it is more because this is a natural disaster hitting a country with no modern industry.

More important, the Great leap forward while deemed a failure by Chinese standard, it still yield a lot of results. Many of the industry that true benefited China afterwards were setup during this period. Perhaps the most important one would be the discovery of Daqing petroleum field, which would not been discovered have not been the zealous drill during that time. The Daqing petroleum field allowed Chinese agriculture to modernize, provided fuel for farming equipment and raw material for much needed fertilizer which prevented future famine to occur. There is a reason Great Leaper Forward is the last famine in Chinese history despite a number of natural disasters in latter years.

india is a prove that democrazy failed....
it is funny that your indian always feel so good about your democrazy.

To be honest, I have a different opinion on the matter. India's democracy is really the only thing that holding the country together. China can run with a strong central government and efficient government because China doesn't have India's caste, ethnic and religious conflict. Had India go with the Chinese method, it would have disintegrated in civil war long time ago.
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I'm not surprised that Turks view the influence of Pakistan as mainly negative. The average Turk sees Pakistan as another terrorist state that interpretates Islam wrong.

The survey is utter rubbish my friend. Having been to Turkey and met rich/poor, islamic/secular, young/old, they have always praised Pakistan. You only need to put the same poll up in the Turkish section to see the results.
The survey is utter rubbish my friend. Having been to Turkey and met rich/poor, islamic/secular, young/old, they have always praised Pakistan. You only need to put the same poll up in the Turkish section to see the results.

Most Turks are neutral about Pakistan. The only Turks who feel kinship with Pakistanis are neo-ottomanists or hardcore Muslims but they see every Muslim folk as "brother" anyway. Most Turks I know have a neutral view about Pakistan
When was this poll taken, because India's view on India can be taken in two ways. If this is before election then it will be negative, since the majority of the country was pissed at the government and the way the country was heading.
Most Turks are neutral about Pakistan. The only Turks who feel kinship with Pakistanis are neo-ottomanists or hardcore Muslims but they see every Muslim folk as "brother" anyway. Most Turks I know have a neutral view about Pakistan

That's your opinion and your entitled to it. The Turks I have met have been very far from the "neo-ottomanists" and "hardcore Muslims" that you talk of and I have experienced nothing but goodness from them.
Another big deviation is wrt Israel.

Only 9% see India's rise positively while 34 % see it negatively while India's rise is nothing but positive for Israelis.

From what I recall, Israel has always stood by India, but India has not always stood by Israel. Please correct me if I'm wrong. India's rise may be good for Israel, but the proof of the pudding is in the eating.
LOL.....a dumb Chinese ranting as usual.....
Our country has problems(just like all the other countries) and we acknowledge it and therefore we criticize it......but no-matter what your govt. does to you, you're not allowed to say a word against.....your govt. suppresses the crime rate news in China and dumb Chinese like you think nothing happens in China.....until they pick your women up.....LOL

Unlike all other countries, the Chinese govt. doesn't publish rape statistics.....they're afraid that it will show the true condition of their women......but the dumb Chinese public think, they are safe.......since news of crime, even from across the street don't reach them.......

Actually India severely understates its crime stats, but independent sources exposed true Indian crime stats. India is the worst country for woman where rape happens every 22 minutes and the government hides everything through bribery. India is the crime capital of planet earth.

I'm not surprised that Turks view the influence of Pakistan as mainly negative. The average Turk sees Pakistan as another terrorist state that interpretates Islam wrong.

Most of the Middle East sees Turkey the same way.
Actually India severely understates its stats, but independent sources exposed true Indian crime stats. India is the worst country for woman where rape happens every 22 minutes and the government hides everything through bribery. India is the crime capital of planet earth.
So Pakistan, Iran, North Korea and Israel are the four most disliked nations in this world according to this poll....

Hey...I like it. :cheers:

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