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(2012) Brazil, it seems to be overtaking India ?


Dec 12, 2011
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3 Feb, 2012

- India or Brazil? Listen to what Gerard Lyon, the respected chief economist of Standard Chartered has to say, "I visited Latin America recently. Despite growth concerns in Brazil, it seems to be overtaking India in terms of perception.

- India always over-performs at Davos but underperforms every other week of the year. Countries like Indonesia could replace the 'I' in the BRICS and Brazil could also well take a big lead." Ian Bremmer, president of Eurasia Group said.

- The slugfest now is no longer India versus China, it's India versus Brazil. For global investors, China is now TINA (there is no alternative).

Is India versus Brazil replacing India versus China for global investors? - The Economic Times
I`m really surprised about this.India was only in trouble for a few months now its growing back and these trolls are enjoying themselves.well everyone should have they`re fun sometimes:blah:
Hahaha Chinese are more worried about India's economy than us Indians are ourselves. looool :P

What's up "Davidson"? lool :P
I don't think this is troll thread, I support davidson. Indian should face the reality, think about it!

The gap between china and india were widenning in last 10 years. India have huger population than Brazil, but not means you can success, many African countries have huger population, And Brazil also are democracy. Yes, Your military technology may be better than them, But when it comes to civil technology, I think Brazil do so good, They accomplishment in clean energy is far better than many developed countries, and they have own civil aircraft, and sell it to many countries. In last ten years, Brazil develop good, their economic structure is much better than india's I think!
Market is one factor that attract foreign investor, If your policies and situation is not good, The FDI also will not choose you, at that time you just have the potential.
It is hurt. But I think in the future, India should focus on Brazil, In fact, in the future, Indonesia also a stronger competitor for India. Of course, China also should focus on them, all of them are strong competitors for China, China should accelerate the upgrading economic structure, and shift the manufacture to inland province and poor province, and invest more money to improve the infrastructure, and give more preferential policy to these companies. focus on the future domain!!!!
I don't think this is troll thread, I support davidson. Indian should face the realistion, think about it!

And you think India doesn't know its standing? Who do you think has written the article? :blah:
I feel in general Brazil is hugely underestimated. The country has resources and a very solid industrial systems. Some sectors are the best among BRIC countries. Hot babes on the beach don't mean the country could be taken lightly.
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