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2009 Global List of Nuclear Plants

Can anyone confirm if the information related to Pakistan is correct.
I think Pakistan have 3 not 2 ...Chashma I and II and KANNUP
Chashma III and IV are still in process.

Plus we have also Military reactors which are not mentioned but I don't think they want to mention it anyways :)
In your links it tells about R&D reactors which I call military reactors in case of Pakistan cause they are totally in military supervision and are used to produce weapon grade Uranium and Plutonium in *Khushab and Parr*.

If Pakistan have used R&D in developing Civilian Nuclear technology we would have our own fleet of nuclear reactors that's what India did, they got the same technology from Canada (PHWR) in 1970's and they developed their own fleet based on that and we did not and still relying on Chinese and foreign technology

..but I'm very hopeful that we will have our own reactors sometime soon Insha allah
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