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20+ Pakistani Soldiers killed in Suicide attack in North Waziristan.

But I heard on Pak media that Mullah Omar was not responsible for suicide attacks and bomb blasts in Pakistan though he had relations with Taliban.

I am referring to 1998 when Nawaz Sharif (the prime minister at the time), ISI, and Saudi delegation alongside their intelligence head (prince turki) sat with Mullah Omar for several hours and ordered him to relinquish the arab/uzbek al qaeda fighters since they were undermining Afghan sovereignty and bringing worse repute to the Afghan nation.

Mullah Omar is on record disowning TTP and their terrorist activity against Pakistan. That's not new news, that's been known since late 2008. Of course he has relations with taleban, he's their spiritual head. Operationally I'm not sure how much he is involved now since he's been in hiding (or so we are told).
I am referring to 1998 when Nawaz Sharif (the prime minister at the time), ISI, and Saudi delegation alongside their intelligence head (prince turki) sat with Mullah Omar for several hours and ordered him to relinquish the arab/uzbek al qaeda fighters since they were undermining Afghan sovereignty and bringing worse repute to the Afghan nation.

Mullah Omar is on record disowning TTP and their terrorist activity against Pakistan. That's not new news, that's been known since late 2008. Of course he has relations with taleban, he's their spiritual head. Operationally I'm not sure how much he is involved now since he's been in hiding (or so we are told).

No, my point is, does the government of Pakistan see him as a terrorist, and ISI has the same view? Because he is mostly said to be involved in operations against NATO and helping Osama and not inside Pakistan.

So after 2014 how would Pakistani Government if Imran Khan comes into power will see him? Because this will decide Pakistan's role in Afghanistan post 2014.
it was asked that Pakhtunwali not be ABUSED

it was asked that foreign militants be identified and handed over - since many of them had no right to be there following the anti-soviet jihad. Even for conventional forces, when the call to duty comes - you fight. But then you go back to barracks. Some of these stateless individuals did inter-marry but some were just vagabounds with no fight. Their countries of origin and Pakistan shoulve helped them re-settle.

if you think its okay for foreign jeehadis to illegally live in the lands then you shouldnt talk about 'Punjabi domination' because some of these "guests" started flexing their muscles and getting too big for their boots.

It's a shame that Mullah Omar didn't heed to Pakistan or the Saudis when we told him to for Gods sakes relinquish the Uzbek and Arab fighters -- whom we are told were 'Al qaeda'

on your other points about tribals -- yes to have them on your side means you will win the battles. In that sense, Pashtuns proved their loyalty to Pakistan much earlier on. They gave their lives for Pakistan.

Development and investment is the need of the hour in FATA region; and the tribal elders must also be willing to accept the upliftment work without being a hindrance to it. Tribal code and traditions can continue to flourish, but the tribal "mentality" has to change.

Very good comment and i agree.
You should have commented earlier.
Finally a sane,logical and non emotional comment presenting viable solution.
Development in the area with full support of local 'Malaks' and leaders.
GOP cannot develop the area without local support,as even building road is considers intrusion and attracts hostility.
I am referring to 1998 when Nawaz Sharif (the prime minister at the time), ISI, and Saudi delegation alongside their intelligence head (prince turki) sat with Mullah Omar for several hours and ordered him to relinquish the arab/uzbek al qaeda fighters since they were undermining Afghan sovereignty and bringing worse repute to the Afghan nation.

Mullah Omar is on record disowning TTP and their terrorist activity against Pakistan. That's not new news, that's been known since late 2008. Of course he has relations with taleban, he's their spiritual head. Operationally I'm not sure how much he is involved now since he's been in hiding (or so we are told).

Respected Sir,

As I am to understand you are a forum leader and hence have better understanding of these subjects.
The perception I receive from back home and in my travels and interactions with Europeans is that Pakistan wishes to replace Mullah Omar with Haqqanui for the leadership of the Taliban.
This opinion Ive gathered from interaction with my countrymen who speak at seminars and with european's who comment in seminars.

Pakistan does have proven support for the Talibans and is now being taken more and more as enemy of the western bloc.
Your comment would be appreciated.

i understand your attempt at humour, but every joke reveals a sincere intention, however miniscule or hidden. and it would not surprise me to see such a comment in a less light hearted context, given the rampant superiority complex in some of your lot. have you ever heard a punjabi belittling, even in jokes, any pashtun? we welcomed them into our lands, and theres millions of pashtuns today in punjab, which we're proud to call our punjabi brothers. how many punjabis (non lej/ssp takfiri types) have gone and settled in khyber or afghanistan? quite negligible really, ignoring the crackhead fundos that some of your ilk seem to love.

keep on with your colour obsession though. i hope you know that civilizations are based on achievements not war and chest thumping. punjab has produced numerous scientists and mathematicians who were studied as far as baghdad, misr and europe in ages gone by. what did afghans produce? sifr. actually not even that. because the numeric system that you use and recite in every day life, including the concept of 0, was founded by punjabi vedic mathematicians, then travelled to persia, arabia and europ through al biruni and al khwarzimi. when we were forced by you tribals to fight, we brought the fight to your doorstep as well.

yet despite this, you never see punjabis going and telling all pashtuns to get out of punjab in their millions, or sindhis telling them to get out of sindh, and go back to afghanistan to join their mongloid brethren. we're above all of that. and can only pray that you see the light and Allah guides you to the right path.


do you really want to go into the truth of it? the maharajah had a stand still agreement with pakistan and was leaning towards acceding the whole state to us, on completely legal and legitimate grounds. he only changed his mind when some savage members of the tribal lashkars began to loot, plunder and murder kashmiris in baramulla and different parts of the valley, like they have been so used to doing throughout history.

the kashmiris at that time turned against us, followed the pro congress sheikh abdullah and thats why we still have this deadlock. so there is nothing to thank in that regard, as they invaded a weak maharajh with no army worth mentioning, and locals bore the brunt of their pleasure-seeking before the indian army was there. once they entered they couldnt push any further but nehru promptly went to the u.n. against his general's wishes, who insisted the rest of northern areas could easily be taken given strategic situation on ground.

history is ugly but lets not distort it because of that. similarly, 'our' lands and 'your' lands is not the way to address our country. if you go back far enough, into pre christian times or even a few hundred years after that, the swat valley, peshawar, much of northern areas were inhabited by indigenous non-pashtuns, of either hindkoan, punjabi or ethnic kashmiri stock. pashtuns moved down later, initially very peacefully, but with the countless invasions in past thousand years, drove these native inhabitants down to negligible numbers in their own homelands, either through slaughter, migration or mixing of their bloodline.

Pegham-e-punjab tu jazbaat may aa kar kuch ziada hi keh gaya..muj ko mukhatib karne ki bajaye aik bar pir saray pashtuns ko target kar gaya. Hyperion aur kahi aur bi pashtun he hain, iss tara bari mehfil may bakwas nahi kia kartay.
Safriz is not punjabi, iss liye ziada emotional honay ki zarorat nahi. If you ask me pakhtuns are not racist, but in my humble opinion punjabis are most racist people of pakistan and are obsessed with skin colour. They think pashtuns are dumb, low-IQ, akhroat, gay, seller of women, backward terrorists and they make jokes about it. Their attitude with pashtuns is catagorized as racism. Aur bengali tou punjabi aik gaali k tour par use karte hain, punjabis used to make fun of their skin colour and height and used to make fish jokes about them, bengali ye racism hazam nahi kar saka aur alag mulk banany ki taan li. Pegham-e-racism, toba kar aur paanj waqt ki nimaz parrh.
it was asked that Pakhtunwali not be ABUSED

it was asked that foreign militants be identified and handed over - since many of them had no right to be there following the anti-soviet jihad. Even for conventional forces, when the call to duty comes - you fight. But then you go back to barracks. Some of these stateless individuals did inter-marry but some were just vagabounds with no fight. Their countries of origin and Pakistan shoulve helped them re-settle.

if you think its okay for foreign jeehadis to illegally live in the lands then you shouldnt talk about 'Punjabi domination' because some of these "guests" started flexing their muscles and getting too big for their boots.

It's a shame that Mullah Omar didn't heed to Pakistan or the Saudis when we told him to for Gods sakes relinquish the Uzbek and Arab fighters -- whom we are told were 'Al qaeda'

on your other points about tribals -- yes to have them on your side means you will win the battles. In that sense, Pashtuns proved their loyalty to Pakistan much earlier on. They gave their lives for Pakistan.

Development and investment is the need of the hour in FATA region; and the tribal elders must also be willing to accept the upliftment work without being a hindrance to it. Tribal code and traditions can continue to flourish, but the tribal "mentality" has to change.

How innocent of you, who asked the tribals to give mehman-nawazi to mujahideens and give them space for living in tribal areas? It was Pakistan governament and Pakistan army who asked tribals to do mehman-nawazi of these holy warriors. After more than decade you ask them to backstab their guests with whom they had intermarried?...it is against their character to back-stab their guests...they are simple-minded folk, they did'nt grasp the Pakistan's dual character and greed for dollors... Read history of Pashtuns, entire tribes got annihilated defending a single guest....you were not dealing with ordinary folk who would compromise their code for money or fear...
Pegham-e-punjab tu jazbaat may aa kar kuch ziada hi keh gaya..muj ko mukhatib karne ki bajaye aik bar pir saray pashtuns ko target kar gaya. Hyperion aur kahi aur bi pashtun he hain, iss tara bari mehfil may bakwas nahi kia kartay.
Safriz is not punjabi, iss liye ziada emotional honay ki zarorat nahi. If you ask me pakhtuns are not racist, but in my humble opinion punjabis are most racist people of pakistan and are obsessed with skin colour. They think pashtuns are dumb, low-IQ, akhroat, gay, seller of women, backward terrorists and they make jokes about it. Their attitude with pashtuns is catagorized as racism. Aur bengali tou punjabi aik gaali k tour par use karte hain, punjabis used to make fun of their skin colour and height and used to make fish jokes about them, bengali ye racism hazam nahi kar saka aur alag mulk banany ki taan li. Pegham-e-racism, toba kar aur paanj waqt ki nimaz parrh.

I do not wish to interfer in your world war. Please continue.

However I would like to ask Monkey D Luffy one simple question. Have you read the history?

While the other gentleman has quoted history which ever version that might be you have only vented your anger and have not countered the argument with logic or history.

Your post is without any substance and value.
The best assets a country can have is its people and the best government people can have is one which provides and secures its people. The worst treason a country can suffer is its subjugation by foreign ideologies!
How innocent of you, who asked the tribals to give mehman-nawazi to mujahideens and give them space for living in tribal areas? It was Pakistan governament and Pakistan army who asked tribals to do mehman-nawazi of these holy warriors. After more than decade you ask them to backstab their guests with whom they had intermarried?...it is against their character to back-stab their guests...they are simple-minded folk, they did'nt grasp the Pakistan's dual character and greed for dollors... Read history of Pashtuns, entire tribes got annihilated defending a single guest....you were not dealing with ordinary folk who would compromise their code for money or fear...

You dear live in a world of your own and view things from that perspective.

Do you know who helped USA capture Aimal Kansi who had taken refuge in FATA. He was Pashtun's guest yet got captured. Who provided intelligence on Osama Bin Laden a doctor by the name of Shakeel Afridi.

These examples are enough for greed of dollars and US nationality.
You dear live in a world of your own and view things from that perspective.

Do you know who helped USA capture Aimal Kansi who had taken refuge in FATA. He was Pashtun's guest yet got captured. Who provided intelligence on Osama Bin Laden a doctor by the name of Shakeel Afridi.

These examples are enough for greed of dollars and US nationality.

Dont know any thing about aimal kansi. Bin laden was not shakeel's guest. We have melmestia. Ejaz sahab , i could kill you if some one persuade me to do so for money. But once you become guest in my guest in my house, then you are under my protection. Did you get the point?
And when you speak of tribals, you dont speak of actions of an individual, it is collective impression of a whole clan or tribe. Mindset of an individual @Abu Zolfiqar is very different from his turi tribe who lives in kurram agency.
You can call us backward and primitive, but this code and behaviourial traits distinguishes us from you desis.
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Dont know any thing about aimal kansi. Bin laden was not shakeel's guest. We have melmestia. Ejaz sahab , i could kill you if some one persuade me to do so for money. But once you become guest in my guest in my house, then you are under my protection. Did you get the point?
And when you speak of tribals, you dont speak of actions of an individual, it is collective impression of a whole clan or tribe. Mindsdt of an individual @Abu Zolfiqar is very different from his turi tribe who lives in kurram agency.
You can call us backward and primitive, but this code and behaviourial traits distinguishes us from you desis.

I know everything about aimal kansi. His guests wanted the 2 million dollars offered on him by the USA and arranged his arrest.

Shakeel Afridi example was given to answer your greed for dollar theory.

You can give as many reasons and excuses as you want but money talks in Pashtun society.
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@Parul @Rajesh_Singh1984 @Shardul.....the lion @OrionHunter @nick_indian @@[USER=136405]Amolthebest [/USER]
@Jason bourne @jatt+gutts @Gigawatt


Why are you guys saying R.I.P ?? Do you guys forgot this thread and response of pakistani posters ? :what:

Terrorists attack CRPF camp in Srinagar

Can't you guys see how these same pakistani posters react when Indian Soldier get killed by Terrorists ? Do these posters write R.I.P ? when our soldiers die ?

Let me refresh your memories by Quoting some posts of pakistani members on above thread when CRPF personals were killed by terrorists!!

And as far as my reaction about this incident.

I wont say R.I.P! But in fact my feeling are no different then the pakistani poster i quoted above.

Its Simple! You rejoice on my countrymen death, then i will rejoice on yours!

Bhai because we are an INDIAN there has to be a diffrance between Indian and Pakistani....
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How innocent of you, who asked the tribals to give mehman-nawazi to mujahideens and give them space for living in tribal areas? It was Pakistan governament and Pakistan army who asked tribals to do mehman-nawazi of these holy warriors. After more than decade you ask them to backstab their guests with whom they had intermarried?...it is against their character to back-stab their guests...they are simple-minded folk, they did'nt grasp the Pakistan's dual character and greed for dollors... Read history of Pashtuns, entire tribes got annihilated defending a single guest....you were not dealing with ordinary folk who would compromise their code for money or fear...

No it is you simplifying a much more complex issue and bringing emotions into it

If you think Pashtuns are some mighty race that also can't be corrupted then you're sadly mistaken
Dont know any thing about aimal kansi. Bin laden was not shakeel's guest. We have melmestia. Ejaz sahab , i could kill you if some one persuade me to do so for money. But once you become guest in my guest in my house, then you are under my protection. Did you get the point?
And when you speak of tribals, you dont speak of actions of an individual, it is collective impression of a whole clan or tribe. Mindset of an individual @Abu Zolfiqar is very different from his turi tribe who lives in kurram agency.
You can call us backward and primitive, but this code and behaviourial traits distinguishes us from you desis.

Not really. We have conservatives, liberals, left wingers an right wingers. We have gun lovers an hunters (like me) then we have guys and gals who hate guns and would never even skin a chicken

You think all tribals are the same when they aren't. And besides - tribalism is backwards in this day and age. Tribalism helped promote water disputes land disputes disputes even over women.

I say to hell with tribalism
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