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20 most decisive battles of the world.

Battle of Chattanooga 1863

great tactical battle it wouldnt make the list but if the North had lost the civil war may have ended differently, certain dragged on longer.

Might have put it in place of Saratoga.

Didn't know anyone here cared about the American civil war. Grant is a very underrated military commander IMO but I wouldn't have picked Chattanooga just because I believe the South never had a chance.

As Shelby Foote said "I think that the North fought that war with one hand behind its back...If there had been more Southern victories, and a lot more, the North simply would have brought that other hand out from behind its back. I don't think the South ever had a chance to win that War."
Battle of Chattanooga 1863

great tactical battle it wouldnt make the list but if the North had lost the civil war may have ended differently, certain dragged on longer.

Might have put it in place of Saratoga.

It's a pity you and CardSharp didn't take Civil War battles a little further. It's still not too late........
Yarmuk is generally acknowleged as the most decisive battle of arab conquest but yes its a good candidate.
not a single battle, but rather a full on invasion.
I would say that the Aryan Invasion of India was huge in it's influence, which is still being felt today in the form of language, religion, and culture.
The battle of Stalingrad is an awesome tribute to the sheer will power and spirit of survival of the Russian people against all odds. If one country is to be credited for the defeat of Germany in WWII, it was Russia or rather the USSR as it was known then. The turning point was definitely the Battle of Stalingrad. The encirclement and destruction of the German Sixth Army at Stalingrad along with other setbacks in Russia really broke the back of Germany which then was in no position to contest either the Allied advance from the West or the Russian advance from the East.

In the Enemy at the Gates, only one facet of the battle at Stalingrad, that is, the extensive use of snipers by both sides, was dealt with.

not correct

only after defeat in battle of kursk Germany lost initiative on eastern front
I would have added in the 3rd Crusade, which showed the rise of Knight Templars and the Hashshasheens two of history greatest warriors. Plus that battle with the 300 Spartans fighting millions of Persians.

The original source of 'Battle of Thermopylae' is Herodotus who is known as 'Father of History'; but, he is also known as 'Father of Lies'.
The decisive Japanese victories during two Mongol invasions of Japan (1274 - 1281). The factors contributing to their success were dedicated Samurai fighters and 'Divine Winds' that smashed the Mongol Armada (4000 naval vessels) to pieces. Japan's independence was guaranteed for next 8 centuries.

Sry didn't see this.metaurus is the key battle as if hasdrubal had linked up with hannibal with his reinforcements hannibal would have marched on rome,which couldn't oppose the joint force after the disaster at cannae.
Couple of them -

Battle of Midway - stopped Japan in its tracks

Battle of Gettysburg especially Pickett's charge - turning point in American Civil war
Gettysberg is not a decisive battle really.The southern confederacy was finished even before that,it was last desperate attempt that failed.
The decisive Japanese victories during two Mongol invasions of Japan (1274 - 1281). The factors contributing to their success were dedicated Samurai fighters and 'Divine Winds' that smashed the Mongol Armada (4000 naval vessels) to pieces. Japan's independence was guaranteed for next 8 centuries.

Decisive by luck.
samurai contribution = 1%
bad weather = 99%

Had Kublai's fleet landed, japan would have been in a world of hurt.
5.Yarmouk 636

Brings islam and its armies into the world scene as a major player.Also conquest of egypt and the middle east which till today remain muslim.

Replace it with Badr. No victory at Badr, no Islam.

15.Leipzig 1813

The destruction of napoleon's hold on europe.

Good choice here. Waterloo, I always felt, was overrated.
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