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2 years in jail, Rs500,000 fine for mocking Pakistani forces as amendment bill passed

Bad idea. Another case of creating more problems then it will solve.

In other thread, you responded that Mosin dawar was elected by People hence no matter what he says or does can not be criticized, now this bill/law is passed by the same elected officials so now you have problems with this law being followed ?
stay out of Pakistan like me

I think people are overblowing this bill, its not like if you call Army corrupt or responsible for some problems of Pakistan you will be put in jail, they are for extremes like PTM who incite violence against forces, create lies to rile up people, invent and speak lies about a institution in foreign and local media.
What would Mastan Sir do?


That is what I was thinking---.

True soldiers would have rejected that idea and would have condemned it.

A soldier who can a bullet in his chest---what fear of a little ridicule.

As the military has not rejected this law---it mean---they are a part of hiding their deceit.
Something MAJOR / IMPORTANT is about to happen in the near future, that they would need such protection from law, where PUBLIC RESENTMENT / CHAOS IS EMMINENT?

Blame / Compromise is going to come on those running on EXTENSIONS, taking the MORALE of the institution And the country down to a whole new level?
Funny law.
While I'm generally averse to anti "freedom of speech" bills, this one should be enacted just to throw the book at the lifafi's who blame their next kid on the army because they're too busy TC'ing the criminally corrupt.
So does this mean I can't call Mr. Bajwa a treacherous piece of shyt? I mean his amongst the most useless Generals we ever had, not only did he try to write off Kashmir, he also shitted on all his predecessor's efforts.. Why he even accepted an extension is beyond me.. Perhaps once his term is finally up he can spend the rest of his days being a fancy doormat for his ladla in park lane.
Such bills usually have opposite effect. Even neutral people will start having doubts.
You can see such BS under the extension holders... you wont see such shits in RS type tenure... izat se kaam karoo aur ghar jaoo warna asay kartoot he na karo ke loog batain karain...
As the military has not rejected this law---it mean---they are a part of hiding their deceit.
The military shouldn’t offer an opinion on any law unless formally asked to do so by parliament.
You can see such BS under the extension holders... you wont see such shits in RS type tenure... izat se kaam karoo aur ghar jaoo warna asay kartoot he na karo ke loog batain karain...
Bhai, take it up with the legislator who proposed the law and those who voted for it - why make this about extensions or the Army when there is no evidence this was pushed by the Army?
Absolutely ridiculous!!! This again proves who actually runs Pakistan, and who PTI serves!
This also proves Nawaz Sharif serves Modi
Yes, there is never any evidence that the Army instigates anything. At all. Good point!
So you’re saying there’s evidence that the Army was behind this bill?

Please do share or join the ranks of the Pakistani media circus that parades rumor and gossip as news.
Absolutely ridiculous!!! This again proves who actually runs Pakistan, and who PTI serves!
How exactly did you come to that conclusion?

Any Evidence or more Hamid Mir bongiyan?
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