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2 years in jail, Rs500,000 fine for mocking Pakistani forces as amendment bill passed

But overall this is a good law. To reign in left wing, right wing and all other such 5th columns.
Respect is for those who deserve it, not those who demand it.
Respect Is Earned, Not Given.
Our people love the armed forces beyond normalcy as compared to other countries of the world. Do they need such a law to get respect?
Such laws will lead to misuse mainly the people who are critical of an overwhelming involvement of armed forces in the fields not directly pertaining to them.
The passage of this bill shows extra ambition of the ruling party to get in good books of the military for hideous intentions. Such bootlicking may not result in enhancing honour and prestige to the armed forces nor for the sycophants.
If the greatest Commander of Muslim army, Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed can be held accountable by a Black slave Hazrat Bilal Habshi on behalf of Hazrat Umar(may Allah rest all of them in peace), then why do our generals and high ups deserve such immunity and protection from the law, accountability and criticism of the masses?
It will have ZERO effect.

The army must shed the image that it is protecting certain politicians. They are allowed safe passage out of the country and then when they are expecting army will give them relief in their corruption cases, army tells them to go fight the cases in courts. This is not those politicians were expecting and thus they start abusing army through their cronies or come out directly.

The army needs not to play the middle ground. It will have to stand with PTI government and bolster its anti corruption drive. Army has to be fully backing the crooks or fully backing the drive against the crooks.

Im never the type who languidly blames everything on army. But army had its hands dirty in Pakistani politics and its because of this filth, it keeps getting dragged in it.

An excellent analysis by Imran Khan from this point in video.

@krash Based upon what you said I have a theory(and nothing more) interpreting your post that the law was pushed under the guise of silencing PTM and their ilk with 50% unwitting and others coerced into getting it out there. The net result however is that essentially Pakistan today is no different in heading towards a power situation resembling Myanmar. With a civilian government serving nothing more than a zoom filter for the military leadership who consider no one their intellectual equal in ruling/running the country.

However, this isn’t some malevolent cabal but rather individuals with Pakistan’s interest which are by serendipity also their own interests. Interests seen within their own lens of their military background, seeing the bad corruption of the two dynasty parties while their own internal elitism and “minor” good corruption is deserved since they went to Siachen while these bloody civilians don’t.

Even within these top individuals it is likely only 4 had the initial idea to protect their interests and got buy in from the majority at the round table to make this happen.

unfortunately, both the military-nationalists here and outside of PDF seem to think critique of executives actions means critique of the entire employee pool and the entire parent company itself.

Hence as the law states - if Pakistan was Microsoft then critique of the Division VP and leadership of the defender antivirus means insult to not just them but every employee in that division and insult to all holistic Microsoft!

Again, it is a theory and not an accusation - lest I find myself jailed because some “mohibul fauj ibne watan” misinterprets this - after all, under this law one could say that the repeated red and white stripes painted on the curb near the offices of DHA Karachi are odd and be jailed for it.

I believe there is great merit in your theory.

Besides, who will defend Pakistan if the great General is sobbing his eyes out into his pillow for the mean words he heard that day.
sorry but we are heading towards chinese model. very soon, pakistan will become china( only in rules). great democracy! beautiful country pakistan where everyone is free to speak hahaha what a joke!
The net result however is that essentially Pakistan today is no different in heading towards a power situation resembling Myanmar. With a civilian government serving nothing more than a zoom filter for the military leadership who consider no one their intellectual equal in ruling/running the country.

I would go further and say Pakistan is already there, and has been for some time. And will stay there.

This is not to say that it is good or bad, mind you. It is just the way things are in Pakistan, as a matter of fact that must be accepted, that is all.
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