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2 Saudi men arrested for offering free hugs

You speak of this with such confidence? Do you have experience?

No you ****in idiot. If I say that the temperature of the sun's surface is more than 5000 degrees celcius. That doesn't mean I've been to the sun's surface , smartass
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No you ****in idiot. If I say that the temperature of the sun's surface is more than 5000 degrees celcius. That doesn't mean I've been to the sun's surface , smartass
How do you know they are homo like you?
lol at saudi :rofl: rulers of sa shud gon die somewhere.

Not until your leaders do something to save your people. :lol:

Arresting 2 :woot: Just two? Why not more :lol:

@KAL-EL @flamer84 @boomslang @al-Hasani

Riyadh Police Department said two days ago '' They don't have the authority to arrest anyone offering free hugs "
You need some help ..[/quote]
Not until your leaders do something to save your people. :lol:

Arresting 2 :woot: Just two? Why not more :lol:

@KAL-EL @flamer84 @boomslang @al-Hasani

Riyadh Police Department said two days ago '' They don't have the authority to arrest anyone offering free hugs "

Stupid kids not even knowing how to say hello in Arabic talking about issues they have no clue about. Is this really surprising? Let us be deadly honest. It is not. After all this is the normal thing more than the opposite on this forum.

Of course I called it bullshit the first time i saw it. Otherwise I would have spent 1000 years in prison for all the greetings I have made in public.
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Soon Saudi spokes person Al Hasni will denounce it. He does not consider RT news as credible. It is a propaganda against KSA.

Soon he will drag Iran,Syria and Hizbulla into it as Al Asad paid for publishing this news.


It technically is the kremlin mouth-piece. Just because they hail and praise you off and on, It doesn't mean they like you. After all, India has a lot of business in there.

Watch any state video of the King or his princess greeting any foreign dignitary, not only do they hug, they kiss...so perhaps the king and his princess need arresting for ‘indulging in exotic practices’ and offending public order.

Not all. In fact, only Western leaders often adopt such greetings while dealing with Saudi State Officials.

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Riyadh Police Department said two days ago '' They don't have the authority to arrest anyone offering free hugs "

So the Saudi Gazette article must have based the arrests claim on other news reports regarding this. It sounded strange that the person that started the campaign wasn't arrested, but the other two allegedly were. The only way that would have been possible is if they had harassed someone because hugging friends, family or even strangers obviously isn't illegal. In any case, it's good that this has been clarified.
So the Saudi Gazette article must have based the arrests claim on other news reports regarding this. It sounded strange that the person that started the campaign wasn't arrested, but the other two allegedly were. The only way that would have been possible is if they had harassed someone because hugging friends, family or even strangers obviously isn't illegal. In any case, it's good that this has been clarified.


For now we know that RPD doesn't have the authority to hold them or arrest them.

Syrianlion is just trying to feed his ego, he's so mad at us.
Any person offering free hugs is a doosh and unemployed.

If they were in Pakistan, they would have beaten and chased out of the bazaar.
Spring is schooling them again, good girl gone mad!

They may be frustrated gays that's why they offered hugs to strangers :P

star wars you are a Hindu and hence taking your Hindu bias to a limit here.

FYI hugs, hand shake (Musafa as called in Urdu) is said to be a sign of love for your brothers. Muslims if you have seen even Saudi Kings do that even when meeting non-Muslims.

Doing something offering hugs as a publicity stunt itself is a try to disrupt public order.

Now don't get us started at your own useless religious practices because it will offend some good Indian members too which I don't want.
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