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2 Saudi men arrested for offering free hugs

Not making any accusations but voicing a concern and asking the moderators to take a look to be on the secure side.

I also just made some correct observations, a list of them actually, which I found strange.

If you have nothing to hide, other than making false threads about the Syrian opposition that got exposed and afterwards got deleted, then you have nothing to worry about.

For example you can in any time ask the moderators about whether I am a double user for example but nothing will ever come to light since this is my first and only user on Pakistan Defence forum.

Many moderators have told me that double users are a big problem on this forum and I have already exposed many double users in my time here - just ask the moderators.

And your credibility is low when you just got exposed for posting false propaganda just 2 hours ago.

I am just trying to make their job easier. If you have nothing to hide then you have no need to worry. Simple as this. I am not braking any forum rules.
what is all this gibberish? what does any of this have to do with publicly attacking other forum members? if you have a concern, you send a private message to the moderators, you dont baselessly slander other forum members in public with no proof other than your paranoid assumptions. do you have proof? a link? anything to back your false claims? it looks to me like your credibility is in question. you have beem reported. continue and you will be banned just like that guy that has you extremely paranoid.

youre not making any accusations? are you simple or just not very good at reading comprehenaion? you attacked me personally by calling me and i quote a " troll and probable double user ". That is the definition of an accusation. direct your paranoia elsewhere
Yes, that is with all due probability @GoodoldBoy or one of his many other usernames.

Quite pathetic that you are still around despite all the bans. Do you think that people here are stupid? Even if you are using a proxy, which you probably are, then know that you will ultimately get banned anyway. Will just make our life a little more harder/annoying but the ban hammer will fall down on you anyway.

You think that people are stupid here and can't sense a obvious double user/troll or detect a similar writing style and similar points and sudden inactive users appearing after bans of certain users to continue the same rhetoric of those banned users?

All a coincidence of course. All of them writing to me as well. LOL.

Or being active in all the threads that your previous user was active in writing similar things?


@Zakii, @Jungibaaz, @Oscar, @Aeronaut, @WebMaster

Pleaste take a look at the IP address of the user @Therealtruth, the recently suspended @GoodoldBoy and the user @Mr. Justice

Can you spot people using proxies btw?

Thank you all in advance.
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Yes, that is with all due probability @GoodoldBoy or one of his many other usernames.

Quite pathetic that you are still around despite all the bans. Do you think that people here are stupid? Even if you are using a proxy, which you probably are, then know that you will ultimately get banned anyway. Will just make our life a little more harder/annoying but the ban hammer will fall down on you anyway.

You think that people are stupid here and can't sense a obvious double user/troll or detect a similar writing style and similar points and sudden inactive users appearing after bans of certain users to continue the same rhetoric of those banned users?

All a coincidence of course. All of them writing to me as well. LOL.

Or being active in all the threads that your previous user was active in writing similar things?


@Zakii, @Jungibaaz, @Oscar, @Aeronaut, @WebMaster

Pleaste take a look at the IP address of the user @Therealtruth, the recently suspended @GoodoldBoy and the user @Mr. Justice

Can you spot people using proxies btw?

Thank you all in advance.
can a mod do something about this troll?
They may be frustrated gays that's why they offered hugs to strangers :P

lol Saudi's and their useless religious police

star wars you are a Hindu and hence taking your Hindu bias to a limit here.

FYI hugs, hand shake (Musafa as called in Urdu) is said to be a sign of love for your brothers. Muslims if you have seen even Saudi Kings do that even when meeting non-Muslims.

Doing something offering hugs as a publicity stunt itself is a try to disrupt public order.

Now don't get us started at your own useless religious practices because it will offend some good Indian members too which I don't want.
They may be frustrated gays that's why they offered hugs to strangers :P

star wars you are a Hindu and hence taking your Hindu bias to a limit here.

FYI hugs, hand shake (Musafa as called in Urdu) is said to be a sign of love for your brothers. Muslims if you have seen even Saudi Kings do that even when meeting non-Muslims.

Doing something offering hugs as a publicity stunt itself is a try to disrupt public order.

Now don't get us started at your own useless religious practices because it will offend some good Indian members too which I don't want.

Funny how you bring my religion into this and at the same time blame me for being communal.. Its not the first time someone has tried insulting Hindus in this forum..so go right ahead ..

you surprise me...

So having religious police is a good thing ?
And just because someone wanted to hug strangers in public you paint him as an homo sexual ... ?

You need some help ..
KSA would be 10000000 more violent against the real peaceful protesters if they were armed by Russia, Iran and Syria than Assad
Actually , the religious police didn't arrest them for giving free hugs , they arrested them because they wanted the free hugs all for themselves , and perhaps a little more. Years of segregation between the sexes in saudi arabia has made the males more homo -erotic .
Homosexuality on the Rise in Saudi Arabia - Yahoo Voices - voices.yahoo.com
Gay relations flourish in Saudi Arabia: The Kingdom in the Closet |
Now that the religious police have them locked up somewhere, it's gonna be party time for them for the next few weeks. The jail will smell of white fluid for generations to come. :lol:

You speak of this with such confidence? Do you have experience?
Soon Saudi spokes person Al Hasni will denounce it. He does not consider RT news as credible. It is a propaganda against KSA.

Soon he will drag Iran,Syria and Hizbulla into it as Al Asad paid for publishing this news.

lol !! :D even the new members have spoted this !! welcome aboard ! ;)
They may be frustrated gays that's why they offered hugs to strangers :P

star wars you are a Hindu and hence taking your Hindu bias to a limit here.

FYI hugs, hand shake (Musafa as called in Urdu) is said to be a sign of love for your brothers. Muslims if you have seen even Saudi Kings do that even when meeting non-Muslims.

Doing something offering hugs as a publicity stunt itself is a try to disrupt public order.

Now don't get us started at your own useless religious practices because it will offend some good Indian members too which I don't want.

Watch any state video of the King or his princess greeting any foreign dignitary, not only do they hug, they kiss...so perhaps the king and his princess need arresting for ‘indulging in exotic practices’ and offending public order.
They may be frustrated gays that's why they offered hugs to strangers :P

star wars you are a Hindu and hence taking your Hindu bias to a limit here.

FYI hugs, hand shake (Musafa as called in Urdu) is said to be a sign of love for your brothers. Muslims if you have seen even Saudi Kings do that even when meeting non-Muslims.

Doing something offering hugs as a publicity stunt itself is a try to disrupt public order.

Now don't get us started at your own useless religious practices because it will offend some good Indian members too which I don't want.
so if some man is offering free hug he is homosexual? what if he is offering to both sexes? bisexual?
cant you guys think beyond sex for a moment when it clearly is inspired by similar acts posted on internet (and it does bring smile to people, who are stressed all the time now a days)
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