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2 Saudi Border Guards Killed at Yemeni Border

@Yzd Khalifa

Houthis have launched attacks before under the disguise of smugglers. Many of the smugglers also have ties with the Houthi's. They cooperate together when it comes to smuggling.

So I am sure that the satanic Houthi cult has a hand in this.

Many times it is the same coin.
The border is as good as gold for now. The attack is believed to be launched from within our territory. A hi-tech system is to be installed soon, along with the smart wall.

Just a couple days ago you were bad mouthing other ethnicities for not having secure borders and bragging to us that no militant could cross into your country. Maybe God was trying to send you a message that money and arrogance can't protect you.
Well, your comments has no value for me. I am Pakistani to the bones. Your countries issues with Iran is your matter not mine. All Pakistani want get rid of TTP mullah filth and their new religion ideas.

I'm indifferent to you. I'm just saying that you will die for that cause.

Don't you ever dare to bring Pakistan's name again.

Just a couple days ago you were bad mouthing other ethnicities for not having secure borders and bragging to us that no militant could cross into your country. Maybe God was trying to send you a message that money and arrogance can't protect you.

Are you deaf? Or do you have a dyslexia? I said the attack is believed to be launched from within KSA itself.
I'm indifferent to you. I'm just saying that you will die for that cause.

Don't you ever dare to bring Pakistan's name again.

Are you deaf? Or do you have a dyslexia? I said the attack is believed to be launched from within KSA itself.

I'm glad you learned your lesson cracker boy, next time you should think twice before insulting other nationalities militaries and efficiency.
Vengeance by whom?

By the same group of whom we shot two dead last month.

I'm glad you learned your lesson cracker boy, next time you should think twice before insulting other nationalities militaries and efficiency.

LoL :lol:

What listen to be learned when the military has nothing to do with it in the first place?

Aside, We know how to hit back, kiddo. We killed the head of the Hauthi rebels :azn:
By the same group of whom we shot two dead last month.

LoL :lol:

What listen to be learned when the military has nothing to do with it in the first place?

Aside, We know how to hit back, kiddo. We killed the head of the Hauthi rebels :azn:

More of this concieted nonsense from you again...you need help man.
More of this concieted nonsense from you again...you need help man.

Once again, you run out of idea, and start waging personal attacks. :lol:

Learn how to use critical thinking ..

@Yzd Khalifa

Houthis have launched attacks before under the disguise of smugglers. Many of the smugglers also have ties with the Houthi's. They cooperate together when it comes to smuggling.

So I am sure that the satanic Houthi cult has a hand in this.

Many times it is the same coin.

The Hauthis need no money to fund their activities. Therefore, chances that they are involved in drug smuggling is less to zero.

And even if such thing happens, we would know prior to the smuggling attempt.
Once again, you run out of idea, and start waging personal attacks. :lol:

Learn how to use critical thinking ..

The Hauthis need no money to fund their activities. Therefore, chances that they are involved in drug smuggling is less to zero.

And even if such thing happens, we would know prior to the smuggling attempt.

Houthis just like HizbAlShaitan get a sustainable amount of revenue from illegal activities such as the drug trade and smuggling. They use local Yemeni clans, those that are friendly to them, as their pawns in all this.

I did not read anything about this attack prior to this thread but Houthis have had a finger behind smugglers creating problem before.

I am always suspicious of either their direct or indirect involvement. Especially ever since their humiliating defeat in 2009 and 2010.
Once again, you run out of idea, and start waging personal attacks. :lol:

Learn how to use critical thinking ..


You're the only who attacks people here and calls them 'embassy bombers'. Learn how to respect other nationalities or you won't get respect from many people here.
Yeah I remember how some Saudi members were actively trying to fan the flames with the abduction of Iran's guards by terrorists, and even one member posting how he wished their death or "slaughter" (and thanked by the rest).
But I also see myself way above such nonsense and Im simply not gonna reciprocate or immitate such behavior.

Loss of human life by terrorists is tragic and should be condemned.

Iran's Border Guard issue is completely different to this bro. Also, no matter how many times they wish for the death of your guards, nothing will change what's happening in reality.
You're the only who attacks people here and calls them 'embassy bombers'. Learn how to respect other nationalities or you won't get respect from many people here.

We don't expect people to respect us. And we care less about what you say. Nothing you can do but burn.

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