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2 Pak intruders shot dead


:lol: you guys, cut it out! Must every thread include Chinese, Pakistanis and Indians calling each other names and calling each others armies weak! Whoever they are and no matter how coward and weak they are, they are much much braver than all of us internet warriors combined.

Chinese guys here, you guys don't understand the situation properly perhaps. India has suffered a lot in the past due to "cross border" terrorism. And us Indians believe that this no bs policy at the international borders has helped bring down such terrorist attacks so we will continue doing that, cause its working for us. Its exactly like North and South Korea border, just bigger and more troop presence. :agree:
:lol: you guys, cut it out! Must every thread include Chinese, Pakistanis and Indians calling each other names and calling each others armies weak! Whoever they are and no matter how coward and weak they are, they are much much braver than all of us internet warriors combined.

Chinese guys here, you guys don't understand the situation properly perhaps. India has suffered a lot in the past due to "cross border" terrorism. And us Indians believe that this no bs policy at the international borders has helped bring down such terrorist attacks so we will continue doing that, cause its working for us. Its exactly like North and South Korea border, just bigger and more troop presence. :agree:

Now that's what I appreciate, an honest attempt towards peace and regional co-operation.
They know they can't afford a war. So in frustration, they paint rocks and run away.

Heck, our Pakistani brothers are far more brave than China army monkeys.

Yes those army monkeys who crushed your super soldiers last time are scared of doing it again.

Sound right to you?
Yeah,this time we ll be aware of CHINESE BACK STABBING ABILITIES.

You can be aware of whatever you want. It doesn't change the fact that the PLA is not afraid of anyone and will attack if so ordered.

Your attitude is exactly like Nehru back in the day. He thought China was not going to attack back then either. He was very wrong and so are you.
You can be aware of whatever you want. It doesn't change the fact that the PLA is not afraid of anyone and will attack if so ordered.

Your attitude is exactly like Nehru back in the day. He thought China was not going to attack back then either. He was very wrong and so are you.

Nehru was a passive man who did not listen to the advice he was given and back in 1962 no Airforce was used
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