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2 explosions rock Air Force-operated area of Jammu airport, nearby air bases on high alert

Indians like Israelis and Americans don't need excuses to kill innocent Muslims. If they get caught then they would bring up the old " terrorist" tactic.
So, regardless of Indian intentions here, Pakistan should open a way for the ones that want Kashmiri autonomy be revived again.
Kashmir has brave warriors, problems is they are unarmed. See Hamas, they are defeating most advanced weaponry of west in Israel with simple rockets. Kashmiris don't lack the will, they need help of their brothers in their west. Kashmir is not less than Yemen and Palestine. IRGC sometimes gives signals of cooperation to Pakistani army trying to keep it Secret. You know the reasons, when IRGC commander asks Pakistanis to mobilize national volunteers under the Banner of popular forces, Pakistanis should get the massage.
For his sake, get the massage.
In Indian media, the first drone attack is being reported and their Godi media is changing its position towards Pakistan as usual. It looks like the Indian government is considering sending again Abhinandan for tea.
What a lunatic nation wants to try again the tea party, refusing to secure their nuclear weapons and selling them for profit. What a war mongering, fascist nation!

In essence, we all understand why this is happening. After all, the Kashimir conference on US pressure badly failed, and Famers held a protest in New Delhi of Sikh farmers getting with some new energy of Khalistan. It is obvious that Modi is looking for this diversion in order to deceive his people.
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Is there a single Indian to question about billions of dollars spent on air defence especially since they had the reason after 27th Feb and a lot of claims were made by flooding internet. The same Indian Military who captures spy pigeons, shot down balloons yet remain clueless when couple of drones attacked their Air Force facility. At least stay consistent in claims and bravado.
There may b another face off like Feb 19.

Indians and Americans will try up the ante after ik flat out refusal to USA.

Oh jft 3 shud have been in service by now.
It is a “topi drama” … very old strategy to look like a victim and do r***di rona and an excuse for an attack … you might hear “Sir naashta was fantastic” …
Drones are the next bogeyman for India.

Drones are a massive bogeyman for USA in Iraq as Iran has used them to attack various installations - they were painful - through not that effective during the recond round of hostilities in Occuplied Palestine.

They can be come a bogeyman for Pakistan, aswell if both Pakistan and India start lobbing drones at each other in Kashmir aswell as India proper and Pakistan proper.
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