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2 die as protests flare across India over anti-Muslim comments


Jun 14, 2016
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2 die as protests flare across India over anti-Muslim comments​

Published: June 11, 2022 13:07:54 | Updated: June 11, 2022 15:36:14

Supporters of the Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP), a religious and political party, gather as an effigy depicting suspended Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) spokeswoman Nupur Sharma is carried during a protest against the comments on Prophet Mohammed, in Karachi, Pakistan Jun 10, 2022. Reuters
Supporters of the Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP), a religious and political party, gather as an effigy depicting suspended Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) spokeswoman Nupur Sharma is carried during a protest against the comments on Prophet Mohammed, in Karachi, Pakistan Jun 10, 2022. Reuters

At least two people have died and 10 others injured in India's Jharkhand as agitated crowds clashed with police during protests over derogatory remarks about the Prophet Muhammad made by two former members of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party, bdnews24.com reports citing media reports.

Authorities at the Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences in Ranchi, the state's capital, confirmed the deaths and said the 10 others have been receiving treatment at the hospital, private broadcaster NDTV reports.

On Friday, the authorities put different parts of Ranchi under curfew after protesters confronted police. Police fired blank shots and charged batons as the crowds demanded the arrest of suspended BJP leader Nupur Sharma, whose anti-Muslim remarks have kicked up a storm.

City police chief Anshuman Kumar confirmed to NDTV that the two people died of gunshot injuries.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government has faced a backlash from Muslims at home and abroad, including from a number of Gulf countries, after Nupur and another official from his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) commented in late May and earlier this month on the prophet's private life, Reuters reports.

Nupur has been suspended and the other official has been expelled by the party, but it has failed to calm the anger of the Muslim community in the country.

In West Bengal's Howrah, protesters blocked roads and railway tracks in different parts of the district, prompting calls from the BJP for the deployment of the Indian Army to control the situation.
The agitators clashed with police at Dhulagarh, Panchla and Uluberia when they tried to lift the blockade on a stretch of the national highway, a police officer told NDTV.

The West Bengal government subsequently suspended internet services in Howrah until 6 am on Monday.

Police charged and fired tear gas at protesters in the Uttar Pradesh city of Prayagraj, where broken bricks and stones littered the streets, a video from ANI showed.

The law enforcers arrested 109 people from different districts of Uttar Pradesh for their alleged role in the protests on Friday, Prashant Kumar, a senior Uttar Pradesh police official told Reuters.
Protests in other cities and towns remained peaceful.

In Kashmir, small groups gathered in dozens of locations, some of them chanting slogans against the fired BJP officials. Authorities in the restive territory, which is also claimed by neighbouring Pakistan, cut off mobile internet connections to forestall any violence, a police official told Reuters.

Protesters, including children, marched holding posters of the two BJP officials and called for police to arrest Sharma in Ahmedabad, the main city in Modi's home state of Gujarat.

"So far, no strict action has been taken against Nupur Sharma," protester Mohammad Jabir told Reuters. "She should be arrested as soon as possible."

Sharma was not available for comment. She said last week that she did not intend to hurt anyone's religious feelings.
Police in New Delhi told Reuters on Thursday that they have filed a complaint against Sharma and others for "inciting people on divisive lines" on social media.

The BJP has instructed officials to be "extremely cautious" when talking about religion on public platforms and has said it does not promote insults against any sect or religion.
India is a cess-pit of a nation mired in communal politics and religious intolerance.

BD did not have a choice of this county as a neighbour but should keep engaging with it in order to benefit its own economy and stabilise the regions of India that surround it.
Now the question is will Pragati Purush Narendra bhai Modi, Dear Leader of Vishwaguru India, regret these two deaths and regret the words of his spokesperson ?
India is a cess-pit of a nation mired in communal politics and religious intolerance.

BD did not have a choice of this county as a neighbour but should keep engaging with it in order to benefit its own economy and stabilise the regions of India that surround it.

India is far too divided to progress to the next level.

Modi has sacrificed the Muslims to at least unite the Hindus.

But caste system means even that cannot be achieved.

No surprise that no Hindu country has ever reached developed status.

Now the question is will Pragati Purush Narendra bhai Modi, Dear Leader of Vishwaguru India, regret these two deaths and regret the words of his spokesperson ?

He will be sending a twit praising the killers.
The hindutva poison has infected the nation, they spent years poisoning themselves and creating Indian Muslims especially into a target and enemy

The Indians spent years trying to divide their own house

They made enemies of each other

Indian Muslims for the most part took it, everything the abuse, the targeting

I think Indian Muslims have had enough

The current protests may be about the prophet but really it's about EVERYTHING, it's about all that's been thrown at them

India will with sink deeper or it will come out having learnt it's mistakes

My view is hindutva has done too much damage, no one is willing to back down and India will continue to target Indian Muslims and tear itself apart

This is a great time for the ISI and all Pakistani Patriots to do what's necessary

I expect ISI 5th gen warfare to go into overdrive, I know I am

Picture shows protesters in Ranchi city of India during a violent clash that killed two people Saturday, June 11, 2022 NDTV
India is far too divided to progress to the next level.

Modi has sacrificed the Muslims to at least unite the Hindus.

But caste system means even that cannot be achieved.

No surprise that no Hindu country has ever reached developed status.

He will be sending a twit praising the killers.

India will reach “middle-income” level in the mid-2030s and that is about it.

It has good performing states like Gujarat and the southern ones that can balance out the rubbish in the “Hindu belt”.

BD will help uplift W Bengal and the NE States as per probable understanding between India and BD.

Stupid question!

Because whether you like it or not that’s your identity.

The Hinduvta turd was demonising Muslims by insulting its religious figure.

When you make a cartoon with bombs in turban - you are not just insulting the prophet but insinuating Muslims are terrorists.

A Dalit can only escape the caste system by becoming a Muslim or Christian.

Becoming an atheist will not help him.

Ask why Jews get upset when Bankers are criticised and cry anti semitism
Im glad muslims of india are rising, i hope the hindus continue their hate and continue to instigate and target muslims, this is the only way muslims will unite and rise. Once the muslims unite and rise, the majority hindus are mere carrots for them. You cannot fight a nation that loves death in a battlefield more than life.

Yes, that's the beginning question of a necessary debate.

Stupid question!

Because whether you like it or not that’s your identity.

The Hinduvta turd was demonising Muslims by insulting its religious figure.

When you make a cartoon with bombs in turban - you are not just insulting the prophet but insinuating Muslims are terrorists.

A Dalit can only escape the caste system by becoming a Muslim or Christian.

Becoming an atheist will not help him.

Ask why Jews get upset when Bankers are criticised and cry anti semitism

1. The mullah'fied and burqa'fied Indian Muslims of today are the farthest from Islam. They are ritualists who mouth prayers ten times a day, wear something called "Islamic clothing" and go three times on hajj every five years which all makes them the same as the Hindutvadis.

2. What if the entire society rejects at least the ritualism part of religion, evolves it and considers only Nature to be the undeniable supremeness ? North Korea is lot lot better than the very theist India, Pakistan and Afghistan.
Yes, that's the beginning question of a necessary debate.

1. The mullah'fied and burqa'fied Indian Muslims of today are the farthest from Islam. They are ritualists who mouth prayers ten times a day, wear something called "Islamic clothing" and go three times on hajj every five years which all makes them the same as the Hindutvadis.

2. What if the entire society rejects at least the ritualism part of religion, evolves it and considers only Nature to be the undeniable supremeness ? North Korea is lot lot better than the very theist India, Pakistan and Afghistan.

You want to live in North Korea do you?

Where the leader is worshipped like a demigod. And practices extreme cruelty!

Where people starve to death but no one is allowed to report on it.

Even Hinduvta is not that vile.

As I said previously, the most heinous genocides has been under secular regimes.

USSR, Nazis and currently North Korea.

Read 1984!!
So, indians are killing muslims whenever they can!
20 crores Muslims are not minnows.
Last three days the most important national highway connection to South India from West Bengal is almost blocked. Train lines are not spared either.
Mamata is not able to control them by any means.
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